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Posts posted by Luckasaurus

  1. Quick question.. How well do crawlers work in this game? Do they bleed out? I also had saved two perfectly intact zombies, ran around for a little, and a new round started. Wtf...

    And maybe if right as the incinerator wall crushes (after a narrow escape), your friends keep taking the chute so that maybe they're forced to go somewhere else while the wall's closed? Maybe if you're fast it works on solo. Or taking the chutes while infected.

  2. The Infectors are the worst thing known to all of mankind to ever exist, otherwise I have no qualms about the map except maybe games going a bit too fast and it being hard to make crawlers/take breaks mid game.

    Ohh taking breaks, that's something I forgot. The ability to pause on solo!

  3. After playing a good few hours of Outbreak, I'm sure we all have found things we love about this map... and things that we don't love so much.  The reason I'm creating this Topic is simple: for the community to express what they don't like about Outbreak, so the developers know what to do differently in the future maps.  I'd like to start off by straight up saying: I like Outbreak.  There are plenty of things I love about the map, and I think that the developers did an amazing job.  In no way shape or form is this to hate on Outbreak, simply to compile the community's input to help the developers make zombies a better experience.



    All that being said, I'll get the ball rolling.  


    The map.... is small.  It's very condensed, full of narrow passages and hallways, which isn't a bad thing at all, but I felt very disappointed when I opened up that last door between the computer core room and the spawn room, thinking in my mind "Is that it?  Maybe there's more...".  While the situation helped me learn and realize how women feel in a dissatisfying sexual relationship, this is Call of Duty.  I sort of felt like the developers owed us players just a little bit more for making us pay an additional $50 for a season pass (or four certain payments of $15), as well as the time we waited for the DLC release, for a game mode that should've been released with the base game.  Small maps aren't bad at all, but given the circumstances, I feel as though the loyal Call of Duty fan-base is entitled to just a little bit... more.  Whether it's in the form of a bigger map or even a second map, we deserve more!


    Next up, the mode just felt a bit easy.  It IS hectic, I'll give it that, but you just can't ignore the results.  I'll be honest, I'm no great zombie player.  My user on this forum's white for goodness sake!  But on my third game on solo, I made it to round 26.  Some people might like this, but I just can't help and think back to Black Ops 1 when making it to round 15 was a major life achievement.  Then I think back to Black Ops 2... round 60 solo.  Just.  As easy.  As round 30.  And 22.  And 10.  Until eventually you wanted to kill yourself in real life, and you take it out on poor Russman.  Please Sledgehammer... please don't go in that direction!  Make zombies a challenge again!  You gave it a shot: you made the zombies jump around and run super fast, threw a bunch of special zombies into the fray, but in the end, it all just ended up being a bigger annoyance than a challenge, not dissimilar to filler words.  For example, the sentence "So like, um this girl was tooootally like um wearing like this basically weird purse that literally like was not that pretty like at all and basically like, was uh ugly," is long.  But it's easy to get to the end of, with filler words creating not much more than an annoying distraction, just like the EMZ's, Infectors, and the zombies jumping around in their Exo-Suits.  Original Zombies (WaW and BO1) was difficult, despite its lack of special zombies.


    That's probably my next big piece of criticism, personally I think the Infectors were a tad overused.  I think it would've been awesome if one was thrown in every so often with the regular zombies, but an entire wave of them is just too much.  Like I stated before, these waves are more of an annoyance that you'll have to just bite your tongue and get through than an actual challenge.


    Weapon upgrading!  I absolutely do not like it.  You don't really notice that big of a difference between upgrades, there's no thinking "Oh, I wonder what THIS upgraded does!", and God forbid you get a better gun from the 3D printer after spending the past 20 rounds of your character's life upgrading your crossbow.  If a fresh idea is what you were going for, it isn't that refreshing.  I read someone in another thread say that they hoped Pack a Punch returned in this game but maybe the American version with the original being the German version... DO IT!  Or maybe the Atlas version.  Maybe if you have to add a twist, let us Pack a Punch again for 10000?  As long as you can the idea you have now and give us our beloved Pack a Punch idea back, I know a good few people who are hesitant on getting the map just because of this alone.


    As far as the story goes, so far I have no complaints.  It's fun to always be guessing, and I may be wrong, but I see ways the story ties in with Maxis and the Origins ending by referring to your characters as "heroes", whether it's intentional or not, who knows, but I love it, and you have a lot to work with.  I love the characters, the sense of mystery, keep it going!



    These are just some general things that I personally feel, and you can disagree or agree with whatever you guys want.  I really hope we can get the community involved with this so that we can help Sledgehammer give us the best zombies experience possible.  If there was something about Outbreak you didn't like, even the smallest thing, PLEASE be sure to post it, because they can't fix what they don't know.  Again, despite my criticisms, I think Outbreak is an awesome map and I look forward to "investing" more hours (days) into playing it!










  4. 26 solo, tbh I was expecting a little more from exo zombies... It should take a lot of practice to get to round 26, even 15 or 10. And I don't really like the weapon upgrade system.. Or the size of the map..

  5. So far it's super fun. Kinda small, but still fun. Is that packapunch (or whatever it's called in this game) behind glass downstairs in the exo room? If you're looking at the vent chute, it's to your right and says "Atlas" on it. If it's not has anyone figured out to upgrade your guns? Everything in this map is minute and looks important.. making for a promising Easter egg!

  6. The map doesn't really look all that big from what was shown in the gameplay.. From what I saw just a few rooms? Maybe they didn't show us the whole map. Personally I like needlessly huge maps.. A disneyland map for 8 players would be nice lol. With the underground tunnels and both parks and everything. But I'm sure they couldn't cram all that into one tiny game mode. Or get the copyright to.

  7. Well, the more information being released, the more and more it's looking like we'll have an actual zombies mode similar to Treyarch Zombies, vs just some lame survival mode with zombies in it.  Perks, the box, wonder weapons, wall weapons, dogs, rounds, so far all the things we've devoted countless hours (*cough* days) learning to perfect.  It'd just make sense that we'd get an easter egg to go on top.


    Looking at the trailer and Twitter posts, it seems apparent that the characters' goals are to escape from wherever they are.

    Does this remind anybody of Mob of the Dead?  To those who haven't played it, the four characters have to build a makeshift plane on the roof of Alcatraz Prison in order to escape.  The next post is interesting as well.
    The last three sentences stick out, it shows that the character Lilith has the desire to leave.  The final thing that stands out, and probably the biggest, is the very end of the new trailer where it shows the four characters at the helipad with Mr. Kahn lighting a flare.  
    All of this shows that there is more than likely going to be an end to this map, with the four characters escaping via helicopter, probably to another location similar to Left 4 Dead 2 in Dark Carnival.  To avoid it being like Extinction (with limited amount of game play due to a set ending), the escape will be an optional easter egg, pleasing both of those who want there to be a Story Mode, and those who want a Survival Mode.
    It looks like it'll be a great game, and I can't wait to play! 
    Due to the high amount of views this post is getting (honestly one of the most successful things in my life tbh), I'm including a link to another topic written by @HellsWarrrior on the Easter Egg steps.  It's a good guide. It's got pictures.  And videos.
  8. I like it, but only if exo zombies is hard. In regular Black Ops 2 zombies, it'd be wayyy over powered, especially since it's easy enough to get to round 60 already. Maybe if the pro perks took up an extra perk slot? For example, if you could have up to 4 perks like in the original, Vulture Aid and Vulture Aid Pro would each take up their own slot leaving only two slots left instead of three? Or maybe make them more expensive? It sounds sort of like a better version of the persistent upgrades :)

  9. Good lord, if it's anything like Extinction I won't get it at all. Extinction was such a cheap knockoff that was just plain unfun. It's "exo zombies", not "exo extinction". And I hope there's no story and survival modes, because remember when they did that with Tranzit? The town, farm and bus stop survival modes were lame. And I hope the Easter Eggs are like Black Ops 1... difficult, luck based and rewarding. In Black Ops 2 it was like "great... Perks that go away when I go down" or "thanks CoD... I did a bunch of random tasks for you and you just ended my game".

    Lastly, pleeeeeease make it difficult! Make getting to round 15 an accomplishment!!! In Black Ops 2 you could easily get to round 50 by training and camping, and once you get to a certain point, the only way you can really die is on purpose. Sure in Kino you could train, but after so long your bullets do zero damage, you run out of Pack A Punched ammo, and it gets interesting because you have to make decisions. In Buried, you just did there, maybe run around a little, and three hours later, you're at round 50. Yawn. Hardly a challenge. It's a great map. Just wayyyy too easy.

  10. I hope it's actually like zombies and not just some lame survival mode that features zombies... Real zombies has a slower, heavier 3D feel to it than exo survival or any of the multiplayer modes. Pleeease use the zombies engine!!! Biggest deciding factor

  11. Hello CoDz! This is kind of an odd theory I've come up with: does origins take place during a time bomb?

    To those who don't have Buried, you place the time bomb and when you use it, it takes you back to the round you placed it, replacing all weapons and points to that specific second.

    Well, here's something I've noticed: after every round or so, you can hear a faint ticking. I've been wondering about this, but why would it be a time bomb instead of something else? Well, a couple of things: Samantha has control of the zombies, is in Agartha, talks about how she's been trapped for a very long time and seems super intent on escaping.

    Let's go back to the trailer: "Every story has a beginning... and an end." Well we get how origins is the beginning of the story, but why bother stressing so much on "...and an end."? Richtofen's quotes make it seem that he has some outside knowledge of the situation as well as a history of dislike with Samantha, whereas the other 3 are completely clueless. Maybe this is because they died back on moon and aren't capable of remembering, possibly because of the 115 testing conducted on them? In both Richtofen AND Maxis' endings on Buried, Richtofen ends up living, whether it's him in the Aether or as a zombie.

    This is just a theory and may be a bit far fetched but any theories regarding this are most certainly welcome!!


    Map pack one: Ascension Die Rise- both 4 player

    Map pack two: Call of the Dead Mob of the Dead- both can be done 2 player

    Map pack three: Shangri La Buried- both 4 player

    With map pack 4, it was completable 2 players, one player always being Richtofen in two player co op. Notice something in two player Origins? One player's always Richtofen

    There's hope my fellow loners/ anti social people!

  13. I bet the twisty dial things around the map have something to do with the numbers in the tank room. Also, there's a stone tablet that you pick up in the building by generator 2 that can be placed in some bowl in the church (kinda stumbled across accidentally). I haven't tried this but it looks like there's a picture of a fist on it? Maybe if you do that special punch on it something'll happen

  14. Here's something

    I found out 2 definite ways of reviving someone, possibly 3.

    1. Normally as usual, just hold X (I don't know if this would count but doing it with zombie blood might count as another way?)

    This is something people may have overlooked though, the Maxis Drone DOES revive downed allies!

  15. At about round 4 you hear Samantha say something along the lines of "I'm trapped here" and at about round 7 "you need to open the gateway". If you work with maxis all the way he reveals he wants to open the gateway to Agartha to free Samantha. Could this be the Easter egg, freeing Samantha from Agartha? May be far fetched, but this could possibly mean time travel, explaining how Samantha got there in the first place.

    Any thoughts?

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