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Posts posted by Luckasaurus

  1. This also sorta fits into this category, after you do the Richtofen Easter egg, the tower and the globe of sparkles around the box when they link up are blue, and when you do the Maxis side, they're red. So what happens to the tower when you do both sides in one game??? Is it just whatever side you did last?

  2. Personally, I'd say QED's. Sure, they aren't particulaly "useful" or "good for anything", but it's the fun that really counts! I remember doing the Moon Easter egg and we COULDN'T get the Wave Gun, I threw a QED, and got a pack a punched Wave Gun. I also kinda like their randomness, they add a sense of tension to an already tense setting. QED!

  3. I saw it again (my friend got an RPD if it matters), you're right, they're sparkles, but sparkles or not, it links up to the tower. Maybe if you get one person to hit the box until they get the two to link up, then have another person do that thing with the door at the laundromat in town? Also, maybe throwing an EMP at the box when they link will do something... if anybody tries these things or has any other theories, please post, I'll do the same. Thanks! :)

  4. Hey guys, sorry if you've voted earlier before I added Molotov, I'm a newb at these forums and reset the tallies. So just to set the record straight, Gersch originally had about 4 extra votes. Feel free to change your vote any time, and thanks for taking the poll! ;D

  5. I find it more than likely that one of the future pit stops for our new heroes is Paris. Think about it: Treyarch canceled Paris in order to go through with Moon, so part pf the map would already be complete. A big reason, Paris would be an ideal place for Richtofen and Maxis, not only because it would be fun, but because there could be another obelisk, the Eiffel Tower. Maxis claims that there are other spires that need to be online, and it would make sense if the Eiffel Tower was one of them.

    Now, a theory I've come up with (thanks to the TEDD the bus driver) would be a HAARP (high-frequency active aroural research program; weather machine) facility. The spire (or obelisk to Richtofen fans) works as a HAARP tower by sending element 115 into the ionosphere, then where it goes from there is a mystery. It would be interesting for the big Easter Egg in a HAARP facility would be to activate all of the other towers (Tower of Babble, possibly the Eiffel Tower).

    I'd like to end my thoughts by saying: the achievement/trophy description is "In TranZit, obey the voices". To any of you who are working day and night, trying to figure put what the Navcard does, I'd recommend you stop. Richtofen states in one of his quotes "Nevermind what it's used for, just to get it!". As hard as it is to ignore it, the achievement clearly states to obey the voices, and that quote's one of em. ;)

    If any of you guys has ANY theories, they're highly welcome, and much appreciated!!! :D

  6. A couple weeks ago, my friends and I did Richtofen's side of the Tower of Babble Easter egg. Since then, very rarely when my friends or I go to to hit the box, a blue light connects the tower and the mystery box, and butterflies come out of the box! The weapons might as well be just the same, once I got an RPG, once I got the Executioner... the really weird part is, I don't see it when my friends see it, and my friends don't see it when I see it. Any ideas guys???

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