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Posts posted by Luckasaurus

  1. What does it take to be the user of the month? I'm willing to give up my job, life, education, friends and virginity for the CoDz forums, but I'm just not sure this site's ready for me yet... I mean sure I have some weird random speculation post with 10k views due to a lucky choice in wording for the topic title, and also fired up a good controversy in my Bot Bullying Awareness post (mostly whether it's spam and advertising or not), but is this really what it takes to be a good User of the Month? @Black Hand Smith, enlighten me please


    To be user of the month you need to be the best of the best of the best..........at being patient. Just do whatever and eventually you too can be user of the month.....but it also helps if you find inspiration. Find what you are best at and go with it. 


    Also on a side note. I'm tired of being white. I think I'll donate so I can be blue for a bit You're not white I don't think?

  2. What does it take to be the user of the month? I'm willing to give up my job, life, education, friends and virginity for the CoDz forums, but I'm just not sure this site's ready for me yet... I mean sure I have some weird random speculation post with 10k views due to a lucky choice in wording for the topic title, and also fired up a good controversy in my Bot Bullying Awareness post (mostly whether it's spam and advertising or not), but is this really what it takes to be a good User of the Month? @Black Hand Smith, enlighten me please

  3. Or even an ugly shade of puke green, come on, I'm about to lose a little bit of the self esteem I've invested into this endeavor! At work I sold my soul for my sales color to be Pimpin Purple instead of my manager. Well jokes on them, MY SOUL ISN'T REALLY WORTH THAT MUCH!!

    I'll still love you guys if I can't have gunshot blue or puke green... But only after a fair amount of time of grieving and pouting

  4. He is referring to this colour I presume (set for guests and robots) - this colour is set for donors.


    Both these colour options are not available as standard (the donors colour is only available if you make a donation towards server costs).

    Yeah the light blue one for bots!!! If you can do that for me I'll give you the greatest gift of all: my friendship <3

  5. Its nowhere near the tier of most of Treyarch's maps for now. The map is pretty small, the perks aren't that exciting, and the upgrade system for guns is quite boring too, I liked it way more to spend 50.000 points at once and actually see a big difference in that upgrade. Also the easter egg isn't that exciting, and its just stupid that it gets harder with the more players you have.

    Couldn't agree with that statement more

  6. I agree that the map is too small. Zombies has been going for some 6 years now so to compare Outbreak to Nacht is silly. Nacht was an afterthought and not even originally intended to be a zombie mode so time was a factor. This small debut map nonsense is a garbage excuse from Developers who are on a multi-million dollar contract to deliver the goods and we are sick of small basic maps.


    It might be small, but this is testing the waters. I mean, look how hard people pounded on Extinction. Sledgehammer became the runner-up dev for a mode and decided to actually listen to the community by bringing back the zombies experience. How do you know that time was not a factor here as well? If you're testing the waters to se how people will like your approach, are you that willing to go nuts and suffer heavy criticism? That's what Treyarch did with Tranzit, and look how that turned out - promising concepts and unique ideas but implemented poorly in a poor map. SH clearly didn't want to take that path, so they played it cool.


    Additionally, starting off with a smaller map gives them a safe zone for critique. They'll find out just exactly what people will want, as they kept this map very simple and straightfoward. I'd take a small but effective and new map anyway over a clusterfuck (pardon my French) of ideas like Tranzit.


    God, I dislike Tranzit.

    While it was a good first try and my crazy inner zombies fan wants to defend Sledgehammer, there was just too much about it I didn't like. I love the general idea, but there's just so much they could've done differently. But hey! We still have 3 more maps! My hopes when creating this thread were that SH would see it and get a better idea of what direction to go in. We believe in you Sledgehammer!

  7. I actually enjoy this. Black Ops 2 had it as well but it was on rare occurences. Now I can just hop into a game without the long setup, and mash on some zombies.

    As fun as it is joining on round 16 with absolutely nothing but a lobby with people you don't really like, I'll have to disagree with that lol

  8. Tbh I like the multiplayer in this the most. I typically hate multiplayer (mostly because I suck at it), but the Havoc multiplayer maps are absolutely awesome. Colorful, they have great themes, are innovative, and best of all, have some sort of charm to them. Snow maps and Christmassy maps have been done before, but something about the one in Havoc stands out compared to the ones in the other games

  9. solo pause

    zombies that don't bleed out so quick or at all

    nerf EMZ's




    I'm for all of these, plus less infection zombies.  


    In addition, the weapon upgrade system is really underwhelming.  Not fun at all.  You think "whoa you can upgrade your weapon 20 times???" and it just feels like nothing.  Maybe decrease it to 5 times, and make each one more dramatic and with better visual and audio effect.  That's why Pack a Punch imo blasted zombies into it's massive popularity (and why der reise is to this day considered by many the best map of all time)


    i mean really.. to the eyes the Mk 20 gun is no different looking besides maybe an attachment or two, than the base gun.  and i had to spend 47,500 points to get there???  give me a break, they can do better than that


    Other than that it's pretty cool.  I'm already a little tired of the exo suits in general, but i can deal with them for another 8 months or so.

    The problem with infected zombies is that they have a whole wave dedicated to them. Hell, that's a lot! If they were just blended with normal zombies in regular waves as a special zombie, it would be more challenging. Just my opinion.

    I wish we got.. More. I know this is Sledgehammer's first shot, but if you think about it, we've spent $100-$110 for this. You'd think there'd just be more for that price tag.. Something else I was hoping for too was some diversity. This map reminds me too much of Ascension and Der Riese. Two great maps, but they've already been done. Whether you loved it or hated it, I was really hoping for something more outside the box like Shangri La. Even if you absolutely hated that map, you have to admit the idea was different and innovative. Zombies in an Asian jungle... It was a refreshing piece of scenery. In the future I think it'd be awesome to go through with past fan ideas for Black Ops 2 like a romantic night in Paris or an Amusement Park with underground tunnels and Illuminati undertones (like Disneyland, only not trademarked!). As much as the inner zombies fan wants to defend Outbreak, I'm sorry, I just can't help but not enjoy it..

  10. I WANNA DISNEYLAND MAP!!!  Not that it'd ever happen... but I mean come on, rides to escape on, two whole parks (calls for at least 8 players), behind the scenes goodness, the underground access tunnels/city, Illuminati stuff...... I'd buy a whole game with just that as one huge map.  

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