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Posts posted by Darkesttimes

  1. Honest the only thing i would love to have a better system to know what kinda of person i will be playing together with, kills, headshot say nothing in the end... if you wanna explore or try something out or stuff like that then kills and headshots are meaningless

    (my gf has a shitty amount of kills and shitty amount of headshots, but she knows what to do on the matter of exploring we did tower of babbel with the 2 of us richtofen side)

    Does this mean shes a bad player? No, she helped alot more then people with high stats, that knew and wanted to do the easter egg but couldnt even keep 1 crawler alive xD

  2. Yes, it does seem apparent that most of us have done the steps out of order slightly. Nevertheless, we still finished the Easter Egg and even got an achievement signaling its end. But there is one thing I'd like to simply add into this: no where in the game has it occurred that we will see the last of Green Run, that's for sure. You are correct, however; there is a quote by Maxis saying we'd return sometime in the future. With your speculation (as well as the many others who also committed to the same idea), the NavCard could be utilized as an item of importance down the line.

    The table is needed in a way. When you power up the obelisk for Richtofen, the general player has learned to use the Jet Gun precisely on the meteor until it's heated enough. How this heats up the tower itself, I have no clue.

    As for Jimmy's tweet, some say that it's due to his irritation of people scrambling around and getting upset at Treyarch for making the Easter so simple that there seems to be more to it. Whether there is actually an additional step or two has not been stated by either side yet. Because you can slightly change the order in how you complete the Easter Egg, many assume that there is only one correct way to getting every quote in the audio files to be played (and getting the NavCard to be successfully accepted).

    I myself think the reason it works on the table is the fact that then you have something to aim at, i will be trying to do it without table and just aim at the ground see what happens, if it works then i am 100% sure that there is nothing more in green run, and i will stop looking for it and start focusing on the dlc

  3. Ok i will start making this topic as a preparation to what i am gonna do soon.

    I need you(the readers) to be open minded and forget everything you know now atm about the EE.

    1. Tower of Babbel,

    After reading and hearing the richtofen quotes, makes me believe that around 80% of the videos out there are doing something wrong, as in having a step in it that is not needed at all, the tower is called [ Pylon - Maxis ] [ Obelisk - Richtofen ]

    The game saves youre "choice" why? because it will matter for the rest of the Storyline, there was an interview about the zombies story and the guy stated that player would have to make choices

    2. Navcard Table,

    There is no reason for us to believe the table is needed, so why would we need it for Tower of Babbel? we don't thats what i am gonna try proof to you all soon, heating up

    the tower without the table, what does this mean if it works?

    easy, we will need to come back later in the dlc, there is a reason why some things are being saved by the game, the table is being saved because you prob need to get the card from a diff map.

    the navcard is being saved because you prob need it for a diff cardreader on a diff map, why is the jetgun not being saved? well you dont need it in a diff map, now tell me that sounds logical no?


    IMO this is a glitch on the Xbox so i am not even gonna think about that.

    I know prob most of you see this as common sense but you feel like you overcame this step, but did we?

    jimmy zielinski ‏@ZielinskiJimmy

    Tell me the tasks you have completed...In order. NOW!

    Now again what order did we do? did we do what we where asked to do? basicly no we didnt

  4. i have noticed that as well but totaly forgot. nice point out and who is group 947? also my friend told me he saw a light beam hit the clock i dont know if it matters or not but i figured its interesting

    The beams is not part of the EE the light beams are just a glitch and my gues is is a glitch on the xbox seeing that the xbox is the only one having these beams, so to me and any1 that is really trying to figure out whats next will debunk ANY theory based on those beams

  5. i miss helena siegman :( i really do, not joking, listening to her voice while doing zombies gives me such a boost, such a thrill, puts me in a raping zombies state, just miss her voice ALOT, i think they messed up the private match part really badly, some people dont wanna play with randoms, for example we often play with 3 people and we always get screwed because we have to go in public and we get a 4the member that just sucks/glitches or griefs us to the max ending up leaving and we got nowhere, i like tranzit alot and i am hoping that with DLC we get more storyline (also in green run) maybe even the new tranzit map linking in to green run that would be awesome.

  6. We haven't completed the Egg in its entirety. As soon as we do, it will be released. I'm consciously aware of another clan that is as far along as we are (same founding members), but I don't know if there are others. There are reasons for the prolonged wait, and I can assure if you enjoy playing (and beating, yes, beating) zombies, it will be well worth it.

    I'm looking forward to your apology.

    Well i know how much longer youre gonna prolong that, if you havent anything before the DLC comes out youre just full of it xD

  7. But what's with the giant nuke at the start than? Or would that be what Nuketown looks like after the nuke dropped in Black Ops 1?

    Edit: You're right! Didn't notice the eye colour when I first played it, but now I see. Very interesting and cool of Treyarch to do that.

    Nuketown is a Test area where they test nukes, this is seen when playing the multiplayer map, so moving from those events it is most likely that nuketown became like that duo to that, also note that there is a radio where maxis is talking about a american facility located in nevada where amerika has loads of 115 stored, combine that with a uncontrolled nuke and you have what you see outside nuketown

  8. Funny how every1 forgot what 3arch said about zombies in story mode.. What ever you do has effect on the story line for zombies this aint b/s they actually confirmed this, they also said there was gonna be the biggest map they ever made, and clearly everything is gonna be linked to each other, so ye with that in mind 5 maps 10 mini EE's and 2 big ass EE's (WTF LEARN TO COUNT???111) No, i have counted right in Green run you have to decide: Richtofen or Maxis (there is a reason why you cant have both at the same time) seeing that for Richtofen you have to do diff things then for Maxis i cba to count those as 1 EE, meaning if you choose Richtofen, the next DLC you prob will continue his EE (The table under the obelisk, NavCards), The REAL question in this is, are they gonna link all the maps together in a way that we will have one huge big ass map? if you think about if the other map is a separated map then how are we gonna use the navcard? and how do you get to the table without restarting youre game? thats a mystery how they planning on doing it

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