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Posts posted by TheKingOfToast

  1. *moves to forum games*


    Votes -

    Help: Juggernog

    Hurt: Tombstone

    Perks -

    Quick Revive: 11

    Speed Cola: 10

    Double-Tap: 9

    Juggernog: 13

    PhD Flopper: 10

    Stamin-Up: 10

    Deadshot Daiquiri: 12

    Mule Kick: 10

    Double-Tap II: 11

    Tombstone: 2

    Who's Who: 1

    Electric Cherry: 10

    Vulture Aid: 10

  2. Votes -

    Help: Deadshot

    Hurt: Who's who

    Perks -

    Quick Revive: 11

    Speed Cola: 10

    Double-Tap: 8

    Juggernog: 11

    PhD Flopper: 10

    Stamin-Up: 10

    Deadshot Daiquiri: 14

    Mule Kick: 10

    Double-Tap II: 11

    Tombstone: 4

    Who's Who: 4

    Electric Cherry: 10

    Vulture Aid: 10

  3. What happens when one hits zero? Does it get eliminated or go minus?

    Good catch, I updated the original post.

    "When an option hits zero it is eliminated from the game. The one who knocks it out will put 0 in the remaining points, and the next person should move it to the graveyard.

    In the event that you knock out an option with only one point remaining, you may remove one point from an additional option."

    The graveyard will be under the list like so:










  4. Votes:

    Help: Deadshot Daiquiri

    Hurt: Tombstone


    Quick Revive: 10

    Speed Cola: 10

    Double-Tap: 10

    Juggernog: 10

    PhD Flopper: 10

    Stamin-Up: 10

    Deadshot Daiquiri: 11

    Mule Kick: 10

    Double-Tap II: 10

    Tombstone: 8

    Who's Who: 10

    Electric Cherry: 10

    Vulture Aid: 10

  5. I know, I know, not another "what's your favorite perk" thread, however I promise this one is different.

    This is an old game known as help or hurt. You get up to three votes a day (24 hours) but no more than one vote per 6 hours. (This is to keep a person from using all of there votes against one option at the same time)

    With every vote you get to remove two points from one option and add one point to another.

    For example:






    Say I voted to help Cats and hurt Fish, the result would be:






    The next person would simply copy my results and make their votes.

    When an option hits zero it is eliminated from the game. The one who knocks it out will put 0 in the remaining points, and the next person should move it to the graveyard.

    In the event that you knock out an option with only one point remaining, you may remove one point from an additional option.

    The board is the enforcer, if you see someone voting dishonestly make it known.

    Without further ado, let's begin in the next post.

  6. Locking the box before it moves prevents you from getting fire sales so I usually make some one spam it open the whole map make big dude bring it back then lock it down

    Except this is testable.

    My only stipulation would be that if someone does test this they should buy a wall gun in between each roll, otherwise it slants the odds. Which brings up the issue with monkey bombs and time bombs. To which I would say you need to have a second player or controller to also be hitting the box and when they get time bombs you stop hitting the box with that player/controller so that when the first player gets monkeys tacticals will not be showing up in the rotation.

  7. Steam is nice and clean, as a result it has lighter connotations. Think Wild Wild West with Will Smith. Whereas Diesel is dirtier and grittier, leading to a darker feeling. Think BioShock.

    Obviously it's not true in all cases as there are grittier and darker steampunk.

  8. Weapons are my forte. You can't exactly live long enough if you only buy perks, and equipment can only last for so long. A good weapon and some concentration will take you a long way to the point where you may not even need Juggernog even in the late 20's.

    That's exactly why I get my perks early. So that I don't need concentration, haha.

    Also, if you try too hard to get good weapons then you can get screwed with War Machine pulls.

    There really is no perfect answer because you obviously want a good mix, but as far as the original question: 4 perks you want or 2 guns you want with 1 PaP'd, I would have to go with perks, simply because I can survive with a wall weapon, whereas you almost need certain perks.

  9. I agree Flammen, the BO1 rendition of Der Rieses loading screen is completely on paper, the objects around it are drawn on the paper, where WaW had actual objects around them.

    Perhaps the change was to show that the comic is drawn exactly as it was in "real life", showing that what is drawn becomes real, why they choose to show us the real one first I have no idea. Complete guess :lol:

    Because they were making it up as they went ;) they never expected this to be this big. There is no master plan. The story is changing all the time.

  10. When I first started playing Zombies on Black Ops, my friends and I always had our goal set on 30+. Suddenly a switch flipped and I was able to break 30 without an issue, but because of my original goal, I've always considered 30+ to be when the high rounds begin.

    On top of that, when my friends ask if I want to play I'll say I'm not in the mood for "high rounds" which is also around 30 because by the time you get there you are a couple hours invested into the game.

  11. How was the Mark II #1? Sure, it kills, but it runs out of ammo SO fast. I would have had Siliquifier as #1.

    And that's the problem with the current voting method. Say there are 20 people, 8 think the Ray Gun mkII is the best and 12 think it is the worst. So 8 people vote for it and the other 12 people vote for the Sliquifier, An-94, and Paralyzer in equal parts. They have for votes a piece, despite the fact that more people dislike it.

  12. Ok honestly the only End Game in the history of Zombies is the one in Mob of The Dead. I dont know how this caught fire, but its bugged me for awhile. Lol. I gets on the computer and see 4 or 5 post on a End game in Buried and I immediatly start pounding my face into the key board. :| I do know that if you go down that ends the game.

    Its ok I still love you guys. :D

    End Game is a common phrase through out various games. Such as Chess or Checkers. It refers to the instance after the Opening and Middlegames where you are getting set up. In chess-like games it is referred to as being the time when "there are few pieces left on the board."

    This can translate into Zombies in that the opening is the first few rounds. Get a gun, get Jug. This is the time in which you are very careful as to how you go about getting your points. Shoot x number of times and knife, buy this door, but not that one, get the power on, etc. You aren't camping and you aren't training, and at this point the game is quite slow in action, but everything is done when it needs to be without too much thought after you've been through it a dozen times or so.

    The Middlegame of zombies is when you are no longer m1911 ing the zombies and knifing them. You aren't so much worried about points, but you are quite set up yet. You might have a good wall weapon, and you're still hitting the box. This is when you buy your perks and packa-punch. This point of the game determines how the rest of the match is going to play out, and is also the point where you can get caught off gaurd and be put at a huge disadvantage.

    Finally, the endgame is when you have all of your perks, you have the weapons that you want. Everything has slowed down. Your moves are exactly planned out and there are few enough pieces on the board that allows you to calculate all of the possibilities. The only way you can lose now is if you make a mental mistake.

    So it's not so much reference the literal end of the game, but a particular stage in the game.

  13. Have you ever head of a forum game known as hurt and heal?

    Baiscally, you have a big list, everything has 10 life points. Voters can hurt 2 (1 point from two weapons or 2 points from one weapon) and heal 1. You can then rank the guns based on the order they go out. Granted this makes it more of a popularity contest, but ultimately that's what it will end up being.

    Obviously, vote frequency can be adjusted to whatever frequency you would like, however I feel a vote every 4 hours or so is a good frequency.

    Another option, to speed up the early rounds is to say allow people 6 hurts while over 50 remain 5 while over 40, 4 while over 30 and so on.

  14. It seems as though it has nothing to do with Max Ammo. I've seen the following situations:

    1. Received after "buying" ammo with full ammo

    2. Received after buying ammo with no ammo.

    3. Received upon first purchase of the weapon.

    I attempted grinding it by withdrawing 20k and bouncing back and forth between the m14 and olympia. The problem is, until recently I have never played TranZit or Die Rise on my current account. I believe that there is a prerequisite number of purchases of the olympia and perhaps it can be the only gun purchased off of the wall for a number of purchases.

    For comparison the "Cash-Back" perk requires you to prone in front of perk machines approximately 10 times, however there is a prerequisite of somewhere near 100 perks purchased with the TranZit crew (Survival, Grief, MotD don't count)

    I'm thinking maybe 100 olympia purchases followed by 10 or so purchases of gun/ammo in a row.

    I think purchasing ammo does have some effect because in the video you see that he purchased ammo once and didn't get the ray gun, however in another instance I witnessed a player obtaining it when out of ammo. Which implies to me that the Ray-Gun purchase overrides the olympia ammo meaning that when the guy purchased ammo in the original video it counted towards his purchase.

    Basically, we need to keep grinding.

  15. That water map actually ties into a theory that I had about what Die Rise was going to be. My bet was on Peshawar Pakistan; the same location as the multiplayer map overflow. The original idea for overflow was to have the streets of the map flooded but they abandoned the idea because of the need for grounded killstreaks (agr, rc-xd). My theory is that they would bring back the idea for a zombies map.

    Who knows, maybe you find a rift and get teleported back in time to that map. It would be awfully anti-climactic however so I don't think they will do that.

  16. I wish they would of let you play with the weapons from Die Rise in Tranzit. It would of been a little bonus for having the Map Pack being able to use the AN or PDW in Tranzit. More bang for you buck, but oh well. :lol:

    Sorry, sorry, sorry. I don't want to be that guy, but fyi "would of" is nothing. It should be would have or would've. It's one of those instances of typing what you say, lol.

    As for the AN turning into the Galil, I prefer it. I like the Galil and then you can buy the AN off of the wall and run with both. Mule kick the sliquifier if you roll that way. (I presonally go with the PDW off of the wall) Then you're set without ever hitting the box.

  17. Now I think it's time we start looking into some information about Sarah Faraday and see if we can't find some clues.

    Raw Data:

    Born: 7 January 1800

    Died: 6 January 1879

    Age upon death: 78

    Age Today : 213

    Date Married: 12 June 1821

    Location of Death : Barnsbury Villa, 320 Liverpool Road, N.

    Location of Burial: The Sandemanian plot in Highgate Cemetery, London

  18. I honestly think they are "nothing"

    I say nothing in the way that the symbols as a whole are important, but each separate symbol doesn't necessarily mean anything on it's own.

    You'll probably see




    Sagittarius (incineration)

  19. Wow, I thought that was known. Damn I missed my opportunity to be first on something xD.

    I know for a fact it is OHK until at least round 7 (the round I obtained it and immediately tested)

    Because of this I don't stir the tub until immediately before I begin the latter part of obtaining the Spork.

  20. "A gift from Sam? But why?"

    I think "The Evil" was involved all along and Mob of the Dead solidifies his roll as a prankster. He's using people as toys and playing with them. When Sam became in control she brought hell to Earth in pursuit of Richtofen and 935 and "The Evil" wasn't able to stop her so instead plays along. Sam was only a child when this happened and wasn't able to suppress this Evil and that is why we hear the same Demonic announcer between the two. Now that Richtofen is in control he is trying to suppress "The Evil" and is struggling to keep control instead of giving in and controlling with "The Evil" like Sam did.

    Edit: Tatoo, we think very much alike, and at the same time, too.

  21. I don't get trolling in Zombies. What's the point. You do realize that by doing what you call "trolling" you are simply doing what all the "stupid randoms" do. When I play Zombies it's very difficult to find a game where some one isn't running around "trolling" people sitting in his room laughing his head off when no one else thinks he's funny.

    If people are douche's then okay (if they are kill-stealing or whatever) and if it's your friends whom you know then that's okay too, but trolling randoms for no reason isn't fun.

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