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Posts posted by InstantOG

  1. Thank you, that's all i wanted to know. I've been putting the pieces together about all the Easter eggs I've been hearing about. I've heard what the pylon is used for and I just didn't know that the tower was it's location.

  2. I just joined 2 minutes ago calm down. I haven't done any research on the topics because i'm new to the whole zombies scene. I figured someone would put a helpful response, i guess not.

  3. I was playing a game of TranZit and I noticed this Electric tower that has rainbow color lightning going up it. Once we passed through the corn field area i noticed that there was a passage way to the tower.

    I was wondering if anyone has been over there or seen it. You can only see it when the power is off. I didn't go because I was playing for a high round.

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