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x T PreZ x

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Posts posted by x T PreZ x

  1. I am pretty disappointed about the frame rate problem in zombies. When a hoard is killed off, the frame rate drops significantly. Its kind of crappy that a game engine this old hasn't been polished enough to fix this. It makes the game feel substandard. Thoughts?

  2. As far as I know this is a glitch. One that treyarch desperately needs to fix. This has happened to myself and friends. We were not messing with the bus driver in any way. The whole bus itself seems buggy with more than one player aboard. I run whenever possible.

  3. Do you play online? Do you know that there are two types of metal barriers? Do you identify them correctly?

    I never lost anything. Even not after hardcore terrible games. I start to believe that people play offline where the server does not tell your console, that you have the permaperk, and then they think they lost it. Or they think the full metal barrier is wooden and think only the barriers with metal edges are metal.

    I play online. I have noticed different looks to the steel barriers but didn't look to see what side was in or out. It doesn't matter how I do in my game either as I have been losing them 1-2 rounds after I get them. The only thing I have noticed is that I lose the deadshot/overkill when I don't get a head shot (ex. Knifing or chest shot). I am however actively trying for headshots and usually have the most or as many as anyone I play with during any giving game.

  4. First, please learn the English language. That being said , I couldn't agree more. Treyarch also needs to make lobbies dedicated to players with mics, make riding the bus less buggy, ans allow 2 players to start a public match without adding more players.


    Tranzit is still full of glitches doing a public game wit random ppl n dese ppl posted in corner for hours no downs n thousands of kills like really too easy please get this patched its down in power room under tombstone area
    Nah man Der stood Der for hours n a game
  5. Whenever I get an orb in the box it's always the M1216 or the five seven...I don't know if this has any significance, I just thought I would say something.

    I have gotten more weapons than that with the orb, I think the box is still random but it has to come up for a reason.

  6. For those of you who have been nice enough to take the time to create maps of Green Run, please post them here so we can consolidate and have a post to refer to. Keep up the good work!

  7. I like the idea of running though each possibility but it should be noted that it needs to be done with the maxis easter egg complete or the richtofen Easter egg complete, therefore doubling the possibilities. It can also be done with both Easter eggs having been completed by different players, again multiplying the possibilities. Then could be tried with, say 3 players with maxis side done and 1 with richtofen, thus multiplying the possibilities further. This could be a long road, but there is only one way to confirm or debunk the theory.

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