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Posts posted by frostieisme

  1. Let me start off by saying that I believe the easter egg is finished...for now

    Jimmy Z's twitter {great start right lol} says he works on zombies but also contains a link to the Wikipedia page of Bill Moggridge the creator of the GRiD Compass used in NASA space shuttles in the 1980's

    Now my theory is that in future DLC we will go back to Moon with the original crew (Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, Samantha in Richtophen's body) and we would have find a way to Green Run or Nuketown because Nuketown and No Mans Land are both in Navada and I think Green Run is in Colorado but im not to sure.

    Anyways let me know what you guys think and please be kind this is as the title say a wild theory


  2. Honestly at this point with orbs on the tower, in the box, and around the traffic light in town im starting to think this map is filled more with glitches than secrets. Of course since its on the MP engine now they could add more stuff later {12-21-12 theory} kind of like what they did when they added Mule Kick to all Black Ops 1 maps.

  3. If we are talking numbers what about 1104 inscribed on the bus drivers stand.


    11-4-2008 – Barack Obama becomes the first African-American to be elected President of the United States.

    Russman is an African-American.

    Your reaching too far. lol

  4. None of them are permanent, you can lose them all. Unfortunately Flopper is a myth. It is, however, available for purchase at the train station. The trick is, you can't travel alternate routes with 4 perks if you want it. Videos of everything on the way.

    PHD Flopper doesnt exist on TranZit. Unless you have a video to prove otherwise I can't believe you.

  5. Im thinking there has to be time travel of some sort, there is a sign in the tunnel between Bus Depot and Diner that when you look at only the white letters says "DAY X /2 ME" in other words Day cross over to me. Its a stretch but im sure it means something.

    Yes this has been said but abandoned quickly. I think too it has meaning but I am wondering where we start. I think this whole clock thing has a big part of it.

    Me too thats why I brought it up because Treyarch tends to put little things like that all the time to get us going

  6. seems pretty obvious to me what he's saying:

    some of the clocks have gold lines/rays around them (sun)

    and other clocks have a blue circle around them (moon)

    and some of the clocks don't have either.

    So going on the time travel theory the moon time/s could change it to night while the sun time/s could change it to day. Seems plausable to me.

  7. I keep coming to the Clock in the Bank. Why does that clock have no Hands. This is a long shot but what if the Clock in the Bank is telling us that the Streetlight near the town(Next to Lava) is the Center of the Clock.

    So it will look like this.

    What do you think?

    Also I think the Dot representing the Diner and the one near the Shortcut are a little off. The one near the shortcut is before the path, not after.

    I have had that theory for as well

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