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Tasty Applesauce

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Posts posted by Tasty Applesauce

  1. Glitch. plus if there actually WAS a bonfire sale drop that's a frigging HUGE find and I'm pretty sure recording that to put on youtube would take precedence over Brutus just standing there waving his arm around lol, I don't even think he hurts zombies so I don't see how it would help you in any way besides being funny to look at lol XD

  2. Why can't the face just be a fun easter egg Treyarch decided to put in? Why does everything have to have direct connotations to the storyline?

    Its not necessarily directly anything to do with the storyline but people are aloud to ask questions and theorize, also this thread has made a lot of really solid points.

  3. hey so I was just looking at the loading screen topic right below this one and I just noticed in the picture that it has one of those number squares in the bottom right,and an earlier post in this topic has a link that referenced that but do number squares help for deciphering or is it a code itself ?

  4. wait until someone steals the plane on you, that's my number 1 piss off.

    This is why I always have the last part for the plane. Make sure no teammates are left behind.

    Of course, one time I didn't do it and a random stole the plane by himself. I just started training in the spawn room, and waited for him to come back.

    ahahahaa!!!! yes! Reverse Trolls are my favourite XD

  5. I always leave the Warden's Office Skull for last because its right there :P

    I don't hit the box very often though unless its firesale or I'm hoarding a crap tonne of points for no good reason, I try and stick with wall weapons off the bat so i can build points and open doors faster. I feel like I've had to open more doors on this map than the last two combined lol

  6. wait until someone steals the plane on you, that's my number 1 piss off.

    Unless everyone's together I don't even bother letting people know the Hells Retriever is ready to grab if I'm trying to get the free Blundergat because then they'll just go chill in the warden's office, hit the skull in there and wait for me to hit the rest and grab it on me.

    Someone taking my Blundergat I can deal with, there's tonnes of awesome weapons in this map but its a pain getting to pack a punch without a good team let alone having someone screw you over and leave without you/ hang onto the last part.

  7. I've really liked how in every map they've released a new perk, most of the buildables are good additions and are an awesome feature to have in zombies.

    I really like the additions of survival, grief and turned and they really make for replay-ability. I feel like they're not getting enough credit for how good they're doing, they've integrated a whole new storyline and though we have more questions than ever and not enough answers its got me hooked.

    I loved the original four, Nikolai in particular haha but I really like that there are new characters to play as. I actually really like the Mob of the Dead characters and would love to see them come back for another map (though I don't see that happening).

    A lot of people have complaints about this but I love the size of these maps, I've always liked big maps and its cool how in Die Rise and Mob of the Dead they keep the size but they narrow the hallways and rooms to make it more challenging for people who are used to hording zombies.

    I really don't see why all the complaints with the EE's either, I mean in Tranzit its still not even finished because we haven't even gotten the correct navcard, but it still gave you a place to start out and to pick a side for the first time ever. Die Rise was kind of simple, but having all the perks isn't a bad reward lol.

    Mob of the Dead has more EE's than the two of the other maps combined and you get rewards along the way for doing it (Blundergat, Hell's Retriever/ Redeemer, Golden Spork) although I feel like they should've switched the achievement values around for Pop Goes the weasel and No one Escapes Alive lol.

    Another thing that I also disagree with a lot of other people on is the music. I love it and it sounds much better than Elena trying to scream her ass off like in Shanri-La and Moon lol, she's and awesome SINGER not screamer, wheras Clark just has a metal voice but he's not as good of a singer as Elena, he doesn't bring that creepy feeling in that she did. They changed that in Mob of the Dead though, epic combo of songs, I wish Where are we going was longer lol.

    I think a thing that people overlook a lot is that Der Reise was the season finale of WaW so of course it was amazing, just like Moon was and I can't even imagine what they're going to bring in for the Season finale this time, I really have a feeling its going to be an 8 player map though :P

  8. I didn't want to have to say it like this, but since this thread has now been labeled "blasphemous" I feel I must...

    BO:2 is for fanboys. Plain and simple. The reason so many out there like this new map and think it's the greatest is because of the quests, but Zombies did not start out with these quests, they've been added in as the Zombie popularity grew. Treyarch is thinking the quests make Zombies popular, so they're modeling their new maps to please these quest seeking fanboys and alienating the true slayer fans in the process.

    This is the real blasphemy.

    It's so clear to me, but I suppose the fanboys won't be able to see it. For example:

    Alluva sudden we have illuminated parts in MotD, big difference from the parts in TranZit and Die Rise. So, it's Treyarch saying, "Here's the part, get it." and furthermore you're given a list of all the parts on your game ending screen. They're telling you what parts you need. They're obviously wanting you to do the quest, making the quests easier, actually.

    Coming from a quest seeking fanboy's eyes, that's awesome. I get that, you're a fanboy, you like the quests, you're happy, but your happiness has cost me my enjoyment because I can't play MotD and just slay, I have to do some quest related things in order to get the setup I need for slaying. Such a shame because I really do like how MotD looks, I don't entirely mind the map's layout, either...It's not the easiest for slaying, but it could be worked around. Now we add in the perk issue and it's broken. It's not impossible, but it's so much bullshit effort that I'd much rather just play TranZit or any of the awesome maps from BO:1.

    So, go ahead fanboys. Revel in your victory. Zombies won't be the first thing you've destroyed for the real fans.

    LOL I like how I'm labelled a fanboy for liking how they've improved zombies and not sharing your opinion.

    Basically your opinion is if it doesn't stay the same than it sucks, anybody that disagrees is a fanboy. Grow up lol.

    I have never once ran into the problem of taking 50 minutes to run around and get everything after going down, that's just your lacking in skill Mr. True Zombie slayer haha. You're getting mad because they illuminate the plane parts and show you how many parts and what they're for on the HUD? They did this not for fanboys but because zombies is growing, more and more people are being pulled into it so yes they're trying to make it appeal to a bigger audience and get people into the quests. Maybe they keep making them easier because we have been missing a bunch in the ones we were given already and they wanted to show us just how much they could hide in a map.

    perks are easy and I don't understand your trouble, the only one isolated is juggernog but that's only a gondola ride away, if you cut through the catacombs you can get DT as well, speed cola is right up from DT and electric Cherry and Deadshot are super close as well and not all that far from speed cola.

    Its like you haven't even gotten down the fundamentals of the maps, yet you're bashing them, half of what you wrote just makes me shake my head and facepalm.

    No need to insult others. Everyone has their own opinion. Let's respect those opinions.

    I hope you're referring to Eternal calling everybody fanboys when you say that because all I did was offer a reality check, if I wanted to insult him I would've worded that a lot more colorfully.

  9. Trying to get my point across to a bunch of zombie fanboys is like trying to get a herd of cows to fly...

    I see why so many people left these forums.

    As soon as you criticize Zombies in the slightest bit you're labeled blasphemous, butt-hurt, stupid, etc..

    Thanks for your opinions, I didn't get as much discussion out of this thread as I'd hoped, but at least I learned a lot.

    you are one of the biggest hypocrites I've ever come across.

    as soon as anyone has a opinion that differs from yours you have a name for them as well, I don't understand why you're so shocked when you bring it on yourself. :?

  10. If you don't like the game then don't play it. Treyarch can make the game however they want. Calling people fanboys because they disagree with you is retarded. We're all fans of zombies here...otherwise we wouldn't be here.

    So why don't you put in blops 1 and stop your whining. You seem to dislike the direction blops 2 has taken but guess what? Treyarch doesn't care, I don't care, no one cares. You don't like the game then don't play it, simple as that.

    That's the perfect example of a fanboy. Just because I criticize a game that he loves, he berates me. Thank you for the excellent example Edward Richtofen!

    You seem to not realize that games need to evolve over their lifespan to remain alive. If all they did was keep spitting out Nachts the game would have died. If all they did was stick to original 4 perks the game would've died. If all they did was make new blops 1 maps the game would be dying.

    I've played zombies since WaW and own every cod title since cod 4. I am a fan of zombies and of cod in general. Do I blindly agree with everything they do? No. If that makes a 'fanboy' then so be it. I really don't give a shit what you label me as.

    I would say what I label you as but it wouldn't be very nice so I won't.

    Zombies has evolved and will continue to evolve as long as it's still alive. There will always be those who dislike the changes that are made but that won't stop the game from changing. Whether you like it or not, the game has moved on from blops 1 and it is not going back.

    So you can either suck it up and adapt to the game or not.

    this. lol. +1

  11. I didn't want to have to say it like this, but since this thread has now been labeled "blasphemous" I feel I must...

    BO:2 is for fanboys. Plain and simple. The reason so many out there like this new map and think it's the greatest is because of the quests, but Zombies did not start out with these quests, they've been added in as the Zombie popularity grew. Treyarch is thinking the quests make Zombies popular, so they're modeling their new maps to please these quest seeking fanboys and alienating the true slayer fans in the process.

    This is the real blasphemy.

    It's so clear to me, but I suppose the fanboys won't be able to see it. For example:

    Alluva sudden we have illuminated parts in MotD, big difference from the parts in TranZit and Die Rise. So, it's Treyarch saying, "Here's the part, get it." and furthermore you're given a list of all the parts on your game ending screen. They're telling you what parts you need. They're obviously wanting you to do the quest, making the quests easier, actually.

    Coming from a quest seeking fanboy's eyes, that's awesome. I get that, you're a fanboy, you like the quests, you're happy, but your happiness has cost me my enjoyment because I can't play MotD and just slay, I have to do some quest related things in order to get the setup I need for slaying. Such a shame because I really do like how MotD looks, I don't entirely mind the map's layout, either...It's not the easiest for slaying, but it could be worked around. Now we add in the perk issue and it's broken. It's not impossible, but it's so much bullshit effort that I'd much rather just play TranZit or any of the awesome maps from BO:1.

    So, go ahead fanboys. Revel in your victory. Zombies won't be the first thing you've destroyed for the real fans.

    LOL I like how I'm labelled a fanboy for liking how they've improved zombies and not sharing your opinion.

    Basically your opinion is if it doesn't stay the same than it sucks, anybody that disagrees is a fanboy. Grow up lol.

    I have never once ran into the problem of taking 50 minutes to run around and get everything after going down, that's just your lacking in skill Mr. True Zombie slayer haha. You're getting mad because they illuminate the plane parts and show you how many parts and what they're for on the HUD? They did this not for fanboys but because zombies is growing, more and more people are being pulled into it so yes they're trying to make it appeal to a bigger audience and get people into the quests. Maybe they keep making them easier because we have been missing a bunch in the ones we were given already and they wanted to show us just how much they could hide in a map.

    perks are easy and I don't understand your trouble, the only one isolated is juggernog but that's only a gondola ride away, if you cut through the catacombs you can get DT as well, speed cola is right up from DT and electric Cherry and Deadshot are super close as well and not all that far from speed cola.

    Its like you haven't even gotten down the fundamentals of the maps, yet you're bashing them, half of what you wrote just makes me shake my head and facepalm.

  12. This thread is blasphemous. Zombies has only continued to improve, these new maps are amazing, MoTD in particular which could possibly be the greatest map in creation.

    Simple maps with not much to do or places to go are boring. Der Reise was cool but now all anybody does is camp out in the building with the teleporter and the BAR, kino you just ran around in circles, these new maps keep you moving, its always exciting and tonnes more challenging with much more to do.

    just play survival or grief if you want that small map feel.

  13. Mending the rift by destroying group 935 and fixing the world.

    Anyone else feel like Takeo was hinting at this on moon?

    Also, my problem with that is if we stop all this from happening by fixing the rift, then we stop the people from fixing it in the first place. By fixing the rift we stop who did from doing so because it all never happened.


    Lithium, your response to this post just blew my mind. Didn't help that this post already did so.

    Like, seriously. This is a really confusing subject.


  14. Since this zombies season has been such a huge let down

    speak for yourself, I've been loving BO2 zombies, every map has something awesome about it plus they've added grief, survival and turned modes. Everything they've done with zombies in this game pretty much has improved it in some way, every map has its own unique attraction or feature that's never been seen or done before in zombie maps.

    I can't wait to see where they go from Alcatraz, this is my new favorite map of all time

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