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Posts posted by Beebop17

  1. Need to seriously calm down with all the MP hate. Not everyone in here is zombies exclusive so if you wouldnt mind stopping with all the insults towards MP. Its offensive and makes you sound childish.

  2. I'm loving all the information people are gathering but for those posting videos about Leroy/permaperks etc can you please include a text description to go along with it rather than just the link? Would be much appreciated and keep up the good work!

  3. IF, as some are suggesting, they are filming a movie a la COTD it surely cant be happening at the same time as green run and die rise. Highly unlikely that they would be filming a movie in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. If its after then it would have to be waaaay after maxis (if some red eye theories are correct) takes control for the same reason. Maybe mid 40's if they are just voicing characters. I do hope theres a continuity to it as thats my favorite part of zombies!

  4. I understand the concept and im fine with that but i just dont like people having a go at people. Like ive sed 'i was playing tranzit...' And been told 'NO you were playing green run smh'. Like it matters at all.

  5. Just made a thread on this lol will be deleteing now.

    But on the subject i actually dont mind as it makes it a bit harder and tests ur skills in a different way but having said that i can understand how it can be frustrating if u havent got the weapon you need or perks or wanna do the easter egg uninterrupted. Guess its down to personal preference. If you get downed by one o the many glitches tho it could suck waiting for a guy to board everything and wait for 10 mins before finally killing the crawler.

  6. Ive seen a lot of complaints online about the last zombe in a round dying instead of being able to leave it to do whatever and i was just wondering, am i the only one that doesnt really care? I mean it ups the difficulty and makes u plan a bit better instead of having an infinite amount of time in between rounds. People that train till high rounds and then complain its too easy, surely this helps?

  7. Sounds like a good update to me. Imo u shudnt be able to leave a zombie forever at the end of the round. Makes things a bit harder. People will get used to it cos tbh its the way it shud of always been (like u said)

  8. Im looking forward to the tight close quarters gameplay. It will stop people running trains for 30 which is far too easy on alot of maps. The more difficult the better. Running around in a circle round after round is getting old so hopefully die rise will, if not eliminate it, then make it much harder.

  9. I think in die rise u complete the radio tower so u can get in touch with the O4 and hear them then next dlc u free them ala COTD thn final dlc they are back as playable characters. Kind of bringing it back full circle. If it isgoing to be a giant easter egg that is. Altho i wouldnt want to wait that long to play as O4 it would kind of make sense this way.

    That's only 3 dlcs mate...

    Damn ur right haha erm (scrambles for idea out of thin air) on fourth dlc u go back to der riese and kill richtophen! I need to start thinking before posting.....:(

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