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Posts posted by lilpiggywiggy

  1. From the situation you've given, here's another one you can try:

    On the rooftop, a good spot where you can crouch is by the first drop off point closest to the semtex grenades. Crouch close to the edge but do not drop off. Face towards the direction of the semtex. Use your bowie so you get more points.

    Solo, only two at a time come so it's easy. Mp, sometimes a bunch of them focus on one player. If it gets too much, hop off and make your way up the ramp and back to the spot.

    If you get trapped:

    By trapped, I mean they're pinning you against a wall or corner and you can't move. Instead of switching to claymores, I would suggest shooting instead. When you try dropping a claymore, they can hit you out of it (even with 12 claymores already down). Either set your claymores down at the start of the round, or set them down when the jumpers are too far away to hit you out of it.

    As others suggested, you can set a TS down and run tight circles around it. I prefer using the knife for more points.

    • [*:29epjheg]In a single game, have at least 400 headshots (open image in new tab)

      [*:29epjheg]In a single game, have a headshot ratio of 80% or higher with at least 500 kills
      [*:29epjheg]In a single game, make it to round 15 with 100% headshots

      Can this count for both? If not I can play another game. Lmk

  2. @InfestLithium

    Ugh, split screeners! It's harder to identify split screeners in BO2. Some of them sign on with their own account so it looks like they're not playing on the same console. That's too bad the chat was removed. It would have made me come here more often for sure. :lol:


    Sounds good to me! We should definitely play sometime. Idk your ID, but mine's over there ----------->


    The play dates you mentioned sounds fun, I hope they do those again. I think it would be fun to play with people here. I only have PS3... how do I go about joining this team? Is there some kind of try out? I see you're on the east side as well. If you play BO2 zombies on PS3, hit me up!

    About sticking around:

    I'm not familiar with forums, so I gave it a few weeks to see if it's for me. A few things that bothered me:

    -people posting theories as facts/deceptive posts

    -people posting on the wrong place on purpose (just so other people can see their post)

    -good posts are few and far between, buried by other posts lacking substance

    -people post topics that look like rough drafts, full of grammatical and typographical errors and not well thought out

    -ridiculous propositions (I juz thot of soemting mayb we shud withdraw all our points from da bank and den kill ourselves yeah dats gotta be the next step! sombody do it nao!) :lol:

    -petty insults, arguments (waste of time)

    I'm not trying to be a snob but I do proofread before posting. When a post has an excessive amount of errors I find it distracting and it just feels like I'm wasting my time trying to decipher the message the (lazy/inconsiderate) poster is trying to get across.

    To be fair, I only observed for a short time and other forums are probably like this as well (probably to a greater extent). Nevertheless, I'm certainly not writing this place off - I will be back from time to time and will try to contribute when I can.

    Thanks for reading, and for bothering to reply!

  3. Hey there. I've been a member for a little over a month so I guess I should post some kind of intro.

    I'm not really a forum guy. This is actually the first forum I've joined, ever.

    My main reason for joining is to find decent people to play with, since pub matches on BO2 are actually worse than BO1 (no lobby filter for leaderboard; leaving = high rd not saved = wasted efforts).

    I was hoping Teammate Finder would be a better alternative to pub matches, so I posted there. It's been about a month since, so I don't think that worked out too well.

    I wish there was some kind of real time chat interface for spur of the moment games.

    I prefer playing with my mic off because it helps me concentrate. I realize it's a turn off for most people, and that's fine with me.

    I consider myself a decent zombie slayer. Not the best, but decent. I've been slaying since the WaW days. I got the shotties emblem from playing solo and pub matches. I don't go into glitch spots where zombies can't hit me. On the Tranzit Solo Leaderboard for PS3, I'm currently #92 (90 a few days ago).

    In general, I find WaW zombies to be the hardest, followed by BO and BO2.

    NDU, Verruckt, Five, and Shangri-La are the maps I have most difficulty with because there's not a lot of wiggle room.

    I live in the US, east coast. I have a cable broadband connection. I get random friend requests so if anyone here sends me one, please make sure to identify yourself as a CoDZ member.

    You guys won't see me here very often, as I would rather play the game than talk about it, but I'll pop in every now and then. I just wanted to bid hello to you guys.




  4. You don't need to PAP the galvaknuckles. Where did ANYONE say that?

    It was in your first sentence. You also said one of the reasons you started this thread was because of the locked thread started by joel101988.

    Here's the title of that thread:

    PaP GALVAKNUCKS, Zombie Tazer Knuckles, and more...

    Here's an excerpt:

    "So, I haven't seen this posted on here, but I've noticed a pretty big find on the community.callofduty website. You can pack a punch the galvaknucles."

    In the locked thread, there was a video link of someone upgrading the knuckles. It's a troll vid, because if you do what the guy did, you will know that your melee attack goes away afterwards. Idk why you couldn't PaP the knuckles when you tried, but if you haven't done it, how can you say that your melee attack doesn't go away? I've tested it myself and it's what happens.

    I'm just letting people know what happens when they try to upgrade the knuckles (probably thinking it will make it stronger). Hopefully it will save other people the time and points. It's no big deal to me because my bank is full. This community should be about helping people and providing useful information, not spreading false/inaccurate/useless information, wouldn't you agree?

    You obviously didn't go through the "trouble" of rocking the zombie_tazer_knuckles.

    I have, many times. I even posted a picture here of my screen where it says ZOMBIE_TAZER_KNUCKLES back when I did not see a pic of it anywhere (12/24). I even have a video of it in action. I can show it to you in Theater mode if you like.

    IMO, the problem with the locked thread was that it was telling people of this "big find" - upgrading the knuckles - when you didn't need to do that. Not only is it unnecessary, your melee attack is disabled when you do it.

    Having no guns in your inventory is all you need to have a faster melee attack. It's not because it says ZOMBIE_TAZER_KNUCKLES on the screen. If you don't believe me, next time you get rid of your gun(s), see how fast you attack with just the regular knife before you buy the knuckles. It's the same effect for the bowie knife.

    It's too bad the other thread was locked. I probably would have replied to that thread instead to clear things up. *shrug*

    Like Jake-Duck said, it's just the code name of the weapon, just like WEAPON_EMP_GRENADES and ZOMBIE_CYMBAL_MONKEY. Just my 2 cents.

  5. If you have only semtex and knuckles in your inventory, it will let you "upgrade" your semtex and knuckles. By that, I mean you can hold square (PS3) in front of the PaP machine, and it takes your 5k, but this is what happens afterwards:

    upgrading semtex: machine takes your 5k and semtex (you don't get it back)

    upgrading knuckles: machine takes your 5k; your melee attack is taken away

    One thing that happens sometimes is you can't sprint with the ZOMBIE_TAZER_KNUCKLES equipped. Sometimes, you have to be grabbed by a Denizen or pick up a new equipment to be able to do so, in which case you will now equip either Semtex or Grenades and the screen will have a grenade reticle.

    Yes. There are a few things you can do to be able to sprint again. In addition to what you stated, you can also buy claymores. Additional notes here.

  6. I've had it happen quite a few times with most perks. The perk never actually works for me though, the icon will just be lit up as if it were active.

    You are probably correct with regards to the other perks, but for jug it actually lets you take more than two hits with the power off. I tested it offline though, so idk about online.

  7. I thought damaged zombies do not respawn. But after seeing your post, I started thinking...

    Slightly damaged zombies (the ones on fire from walking on lava) can still respawn if I'm not mistaken, so I agree with your assumption that it needs a certain amount of damage to not respawn.

    I noticed the last zombie of the round does not turn into a sprinter until rounds 4 and up. My guess: maybe before round 4, even if you take away 95% of their health they will still respawn?

    Round 18, Galil, 2 zombies. One one chest shot, one two chest shtos. Teleport. One respawns. Two chest shots --> he survived. Made him armless --> survived. So what the hell???

    It's strange that the zombie you made armless still survived after you teleported. The ones I've seen (crawlers, armless) always die when you go too far away. This one's a head scratcher.

    Another guess:

    Maybe there were more than 2 zombies left. Sometimes I thought there were 2-3 zombies left, then after I kill them the round doesn't end because there were 2 others out of sight that were walking very very slowly. So when you damaged a zombie and teleported, then another zombie respawned, maybe the damaged one actually died and the one that respawned was another undamaged zombie?

    I wish I could give you more than guesses, but that's all I have at this time. :)

  8. Sooner or later they will run out of ammo and die anyways cos their are useless lol.

    Good point to remember. Have a wall gun and do not hit the max ammo drops.

    Towards the end of the round, they will try to keep a zombie alive if they're running out of ammo. Hit the box before they do. Don't let them hit the box. If the box moves or if they manage to hit the box before you, kill the last zombie.

  9. Thank you bbobs2, I appreciate your input.

    If I read your response right, it makes sense that the leaderboard did not update (if your record at the time was rd 9, and the first one left at 8).

    It would have been nice to hear from Xbox players. I thought I asked a valid question. Oh well, I guess it's not that important.

  10. I thought this is how leaderboards work:

    The round when somebody leaves is considered the last, or highest round for that game. If it's higher than one's current round record, the leaderboards get updated.

    Example 1: Player X has a current high round rec of 5 for (pick map/mode). Player X plays with 3 others. One leaves at round 10. Player X and the other 2 stay. The game ends at round 20. Player X's high round gets updated to round 10.

    Example 2: Player Y has a current record of 15. Player Y plays with 3 others. One leaves at round 2. The game ends at round 25. Leaderboards does not update.

    Some people informed me that the leaderboards saved their high round even after someone left. Take example 2 above, except round 25 is saved on the leaderboards.

    Two people have told me this so far, both on Xbox, in Nuketown (I don't have an Xbox or that map). Which left me wondering: is this how the leaderboards work for Nuketown, or is this how it works for Xbox? What's going on here?

  11. the leader boards can still update if someone quits

    That's news to me. Idk if it's a Nuketown thing or an Xbox thing, since I have neither. What I can tell you with certainty is that on PS3, Green Run map, Tranzit or Survival modes, the rounds after someone quits do not register on the leaderboards.

    I played 4p Survival public match on Farm today. One timed out at rd 20. The game ended at rd 22 (the random host had walmart internet). I checked the leaderboards after the game, and sure enough under 4p the round shows 20, not 22.

    Maybe somebody who has Nuketown on PS3 can tell if the high round saves after someone leaves...

    I really wish they would change it so it still saves on the leaderboards even if somebody quits. When I got this game, I didn't expect the pub games to be worse than the first one.

  12. Absolutely certain. To add to that, I've only played Nuketown twice. The first I made it to about round 17 with two players quitting. Afterwards, my high round was listed as 13. The second time I played, we made it to early 20's with two players quitting mid-game. Currently my high round is listed as 17.

    I think what OP meant by "the round score will not count after a player has left" is that it doesn't matter how many rounds you get to after a player leaves. That particular round when a player left is considered the last/highest round.

    As far as I can tell, this is what happened to your game, swappingspit:

    1st game (ended @ rd 17, leaderboards show 13): first quitter left @ rd 13

    2nd game (ended @ rd 20+, leaderboards updated to 17): first quitter left @ rd 17

    As far as I know, this is how it works for everyone. You can watch your last Nuketown game if you want to verify (you only played 2 so it shouldn't be hard to find). I think OP is already aware of this. So when you post something like

    I played a game recently where a player left early, but the game still counted as my highest round score.

    ...it's very easy to misinterpret. I don't consider round 17 as "early."


  13. It's a glitch. It's all about the timing when you pick up the turbine after buying the perk. It's not limited to stamin-up - I've done it with jug, and it probably works with the other perks as well. Just letting you know.

  14. No worries.

    you say you got your Shotguns while playing with randoms, perhaps there's hope for me yet!

    Oh, absolutely. Good luck on your shotties quest.

    Some general tips on pub matches:

      [*:1dgndoju]Try to get set up ASAP (at least get jug, stamin-up, and bowie/gknuckles). Once you're set, you're in a better position to be of help to others should they go down.

      [*:1dgndoju]Reviving people is good - when it's safe. It's not worth it if you go down right after reviving someone. It's more important to stay alive and keep the game going. Quitters will always leave regardless of how many times you revived (or failed to revive) them.

      [*:1dgndoju]If a player dies, spawn them by their tombstone if they had one. If not, spawn them in Town for jug or ask them where they want to spawn. If there are multiple tombstones at different places, either try to spawn them close enough to where they can run to theirs, or pick the more skilled player.

    Also, consider playing a couple of online solo games and try to get as far as you can.

    Keep playing! You can get it even in pub matches, and even when people leave.

  15. Dont buy quick revive

    Playing solo is not a bad idea, as it tends to get your overall stats up. I ranked up mostly from online solo and pub matches. However, I'm not so sure about the not buying QR idea. I always, always buy QR when playing solo. Always. I've seen my tally marks go down to nothing (by not staying active on my other account), but my emblem never went down to a previous rank.

    @HarpoGoldenx: From what I've seen, players with dagger emblems and up are pretty good in general. The ones with only skull are harder to tell - some are decent, some are terrible. About the awful player, it could've been a number of things (even good players have off days, it could've been someone else playing and not the account owner, etc.) but you shouldn't think all players with rank 4 or 5 emblems are bad.

    @Tom852: I noobed it too in the beginning on my main account. It was probably why it took longer to get to rank 5 on it (I got it sooner on this, my alt). But I got there eventually, so don't lose hope. I do think the ranking has more to do with overall stats, not just recent games.

    Honestly, I don't know too much about the ranking system. All I know is I have 2 accounts and they're both rank 5, so I guess I must be doing something right.

    I have a suggestion to those who really, really want to rank up, but I can't guarantee it'll work. I guess it's just something to try for those who are willing:

      [*:2so77hq5]create a new account (probably makes it easier to rank up on a clean slate)
      [*:2so77hq5]create a custom game (so your friends can join - more people, more fun?)
      [*:2so77hq5]play up to round 20-25, or maybe until you get around 1000 kills and try not to go down
      [*:2so77hq5]end the game, start another
      [*:2so77hq5]rinse and repeat

    If you try this, please do it in custom so you don't grief pub match players. I sometimes survive a host migration, but my game usually freezes soon after a 2nd migration in the same game.

    Lastly, I would suggest to just have fun with the game and not to think too much about the ranking and emblems. Or maybe at least focus more on playing a good game consistently. As I mentioned previously, I got the shotties emblem on my alternate account first before I got it on my main, and it was actually when I decided to just keep playing and not worry too much about the minute details.

    It's kind of like when time seems to pass by slower when you're waiting and watching the clock. KnowwhatImean?

  16. It is possible to rank up in a game despite the leavers. I got my shotties after a pub match that started with 4 and ended with 2. I even dove into a lava pool to end the game (at the request of the random player).

    It's not a prerequisite to have 5 tallies and the blue eyes to have the knife, and you don't need to have the knife to have the shotguns...

    I agree with the first part, but I have personally never seen anyone go from rank 3 to rank 5 without getting to rank 4 first. Is this based on your experience or hearsay? You did not mention your current rank, except that you got to rank 4.

    A player can rank up to the next emblem without having blue eyes first. I believe the emblem with and without the blue eyes are the same rank. I never had the skull with blue eyes or the skull+dagger with blue eyes. The only blue eyes emblem I had was the one with the shotguns (already lost it due to lack of activity).

    Is it worth me staying and trying to survive? I am only interested in ranking up...

    I think so.

    I played a game recently where a player left early, but the game still counted as my highest round score.

    Really? Are you sure about that?

  17. Gersch for me. It can be used during regular gameplay (save team mates, use when there's max ammo, etc.) and it's also needed for some easter egg steps. You also get 3 of them.

    You can say the same about QEDs, except QEDs' effects are too random.

    Monkey bombs are awesome, but some (deaf?) zombies ignore it sometimes.

    The dolls are great, but it can sometimes freeze your game if you kill all the zombies with it at once (happened a few times to me).

    EMP grenades are okay, but you only get 2 of them. I'd probably like it more if I play Grief.

    Lol @ molotov. I hated it when I get that from the box. Anyone remember the flamethrower? I used to upgrade it in Der Riese and use it when I run out of ammo. And when instakill is on, I start spinning in place while spraying fire everywhere. Ah, good times.

  18. @CrazyTrain lol yeah it's fun to do.

    Ever got those Noobs who pick up the last piece to the Turbine but won't build it?

    Ugh. I hate when people do that. There's no reason for it. I try to get to town as soon as I have enough to open the bank door, and it kills my momentum when people don't build the turbine. If it gets built quick, I usually have jug, stamin-up, semtex, and the power on by the time the bus gets to the power station. I know I can just buy the door to get out of the first room, but that means I have to build up my points again so I have enough to open the bank.

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