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Posts posted by snewton215

  1. Har har x_X but yea I use turtle beaches and yet I no longer hear either of them talking. Could it be that me and a friend are creating a custom match? (My only known way of creating a private lobby)

    Don't think It can be done in custom can it? If the rock isn't there in the beginning I don't think it can be done btw u don't here him when u build the turbine then u probably have to do it in public

  2. My computer has been broken for the last couple of days. When I come back, I find that the CoDZ forum has descended into utter delirium, which, quite frankly, is embarassing. I have looked through all the threads that have been of significance in the last few days (most notably BirdDog Dan), and I am absolutely astounded. I am shocked that this forum, which in the past has come up with the most intelligent and in depth theories which, while crazy, are incredibly plausible.

    However, ever since this whole Easter Egg thing began, it seems that all logic and plausibility has been thrown out of the window. In a blind frenzy, people have been looking for the asnwer that they will not be able to find. Hundreds, if not thousands, of "continuations" have been 100% disproved.

    Yet the community on this forun seem to be obsessed over this one guy - BirdDog Dan. I don't care what type of cryptic messages he spouts out all over the damn shop, nor do I care about his claims that he is legit. This is getting ridiculous. A guy that you have never met and know nothing about is giving you implausible and mad "clues" tangled amongst his crazy ramblings. He talks as though he is a "missionary" with a job to do.

    So I beg everybody, PLEASE STOP THIS. It's over. Nothing of any significance regarding the continuation of the EE has come to light in the last week. And when I say "significance", I don't mean a poem, or a mysterious forum poster whose every word is analysed to death, or cryptic tweets, but something which SHOWS that there is something more. Give it up and do something else. This is infuriating to watch.

    I am not trying to start an argument, or attack anyone directly. I am just asking you all to give this up now. Step back and think about it please!!!

    This is the reason y because the Birddog stuff has been dieing and was on it way to die completely now u bring it back up thus resurrecting Birddog and putting his name at the top of the forum good job stop talking about it and it will go away DON'T FEED THE TROLL!!!! I repeat do not feed the troll come on forum 101 please I hope after this no one who's computers been down comes on and brings this up again. You could have just posted this in the Birddog topic but u made a whole new one and postings like this take up the space and knock legit theories down the list so please stop THIS. The worst thing u can do is go on the forums and pollute it with topics about it being polluted can u say counter productive now Imma go back to looking for this EE thank u

  3. 190438

    Has this been found already or is it new? 3arch didn't have to put anything on his watch. And i always thought his character was suspicious, one of Marlton's random quotes is (something along the lines of) "If you help me out of this, i'll tell you what's really going on here". Please tell me other people have heard the quote again, i really don't want a witch hunt on my ass with people telling me i'm a liar.

    I'm not going to make wild assumptions, i'm just saying that the character attracts attention and he has a number on his watch that doesn't need to be there. Any other characters with interesting watches? :P

    Don't think that's marltons quote I think it's the guy that hears the "voices"

  4. I've already retweeted.. please some of you guys go say something there is only me and 2 others that have even replied.. its doesn't exactly show we care when only 2 fucking people can be arsed responding does it..

    Woah buddy, you want an army of tweets ordering a developer to tell the secrets of their game? Cool story, bro. Nobody is making you play this game.

    Did you even read the tweet he is asking us for something and only a couple of people responded I said nothing about having an army of people demanding answers..

    People responded at least I did but the others aren't showing up under the tweet

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