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BirdDog Dan

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Posts posted by BirdDog Dan

  1. besides the fact that if greenrun is in washington it would literally have to be over a thousand miles of bunkers/tunnels lol

    It could help tie in the Illuminati connection to the whole thing... Richtofen as in Illuminist in is fake biography, maybe it is referring to the Presidential post-apocalyptic tunnels?

  2. One thing I have noticed to be strange, the clock inside the spawn room of the bus depot has a replication of Stonehenge around it. Probably nothing worth note, but the clock at Bus Depot still seems odd. If you guys would like the evidence I used to support my theories, I'm available via PM or Xbox live.

  3. It only seems logical that this whole thing is going to turn into Maxis and/or Samantha vs Richtofen, right? Or am I missing something? A situation where we are going to have to choose which side we wish to be on. Anyone else notice this?

  4. Just when I think you guys have it figured out, you don't. A couple posters are headed in the right direction, but maybe this can help. IF YOU ARE FOCUSED ON MAXIS SPIRE, keep going :arrow: . For those of you who have questions about Russman, why would he JUST be a character to live in the area of the aftermath? This is just 100% incorrect, he is in the game for a reason.



  5. I just made an account just to post this, but is tranzit a clock? Think about it. The Pylon is the middle. In the first poem there was something about a clock with hands. The location that the lamp posts are in are the areas where we put the hands. What if which lamps we use is connected tot the orbs of light on the pylon? What if we put them in a specific place and a different orb lights up depending on how close the time is to what we need it to be? What if when we get it right a huge orb glows according to the second poem and we can use the nav card to change the time?

    It appears my time here has come to an end. I have enjoyed the welcoming environment from all of you, and please be sure to recommend things you would like to see in future zombie modes and DLC. One truly can't comprehend how helpful it can be for us! And always remember, if you think you have reached the end, you're probably missing something. You will know when there is nothing left to achieve! Day will always become night, and vice versa, the question is...

    Which side will you chose?

    Thank you guys,


  6. Dude shut the fuck up. You're getting a feeling of importance from getting 12 year old boys off on your bullshit lies. Get the fuck out of here bro go back to your cave

    I've been in constant contact with you guys' moderator, I'm sure he will vouch for me when he returns. The problem is this: what have you found that would support the next step of the Egg? If it's nothing, then maybe you should keep an open mind instead of trying to attack people that are here to help. If you think I'm just going to GIVE you the next step you're extremely naive and lazy. Why would you want everyone else to figure this out, rather than you? I see no fun in following another person's steps, be innovative! Try things! You may think they're crazy, but haven't you said the same for every Egg up until this point?

    There is, however, one thing I can guarantee you: when someone proposes the correct idea, I leave this place for good. No more questions, no more "Birddog Dan" (which is a pseudonym for something that will be achieved in the future), and I really hope that no one is left in the dark at that point. Illumination is my only objective.


  7. :idea:

    If you don't have anything worthwhile to say, please keep it to yourself.

    Fair enough. The man you "hear" is dead. He's been dead, you all know who it is that needs help. I've told you this part of the Egg for the past few days. He needs help, and you're going to need to go back in time and save him from ever trapping that girl inside him.

    Good luck, I truly hope you guys can work together!


  8. Please guys, focus on why you're here. I'm not here to send you through a "WORM HOLE" of lies. I'm here to send you down a wormhole of truths. Take from this what you will, but it's obvious that the innovative thinkers present have a better understanding of how this works than the ones that spend countless hours here attacking posters. YOU'RE NOT DONE, YOU'RE NOT CLOSE. I don't know how many times I can stress this to you guys. Put your heads together for once, instead of being the man to crack the case. This will take a team effort, as it always does. USE the information in front of you, don't dismiss it as random debris.

    I hope you have taken from this what was intended, instead of using it for fuel to your pointless crusade. Have a great day of zombies!


    Alrighty, so instead of this message filling with hate posts lets just take what he's said and act like it's a clue. Let's break it down:

    1) "Please guys, focus on why you're here" [We are here for the easter egg on Green Run, to figure it out.]

    2) "I'm not here to send you through a WORM HOLE of lies. I'm here to send you down a wormhole of truths." [Worm Hole seems key, relating to the holes denizens make under teleporters?]

    3) ... "You're not done, you're not close." [We're missing something big apparently, from what we have found already.]

    4) "I don't know how many times I can stress this to you guys, put your heads together, instead of being the man to crack the case." [Work together, we possibly need to focus on one idea at a time.]

    5) "This will take a team effort, as it always does. USE the information in front of you, don't dismiss it as random debris." [We'll potentially have to have 4 players to complete the easter egg, as in previous maps. Random debris: Stop dismissing some ideas as random and pointless, OR where is there debris on the map that could potentially lead to something.]

    6) "-Sedan" [What BirdDog Dan uses to sign off, relates to the poster of Sedan in Tranzit Green Run I'm assuming, must be important because he seems to be stressing it a lot.]

    Any ideas? Lets just try what he says, maybe it'll get us somewhere. At the moment we have no other leads so why not?

    Happy hunting! ;)


  9. Please guys, focus on why you're here. I'm not here to send you through a "WORM HOLE" of lies. I'm here to send you down a wormhole of truths. Take from this what you will, but it's obvious that the innovative thinkers present have a better understanding of how this works than the ones that spend countless hours here attacking posters. YOU'RE NOT DONE, YOU'RE NOT CLOSE. I don't know how many times I can stress this to you guys. Put your heads together for once, instead of being the man to crack the case. This will take a team effort, as it always does. USE the information in front of you, don't dismiss it as random debris.

    I hope you have taken from this what was intended, instead of using it for fuel to your pointless crusade. Have a great day of zombies!


  10. Go up, the only thing in tranzit that goes up are the lights to the pylon, so maybe we need to make something go down or go down somewhere before the lights are activated to go to the pylon? I still think there is something with the sights.

    READ THE CLUE!!! Literally! How is this such a daunting task for such good gamers?! Not only is there a MOON on Green Run, it's how you got to Green Run!


  11. You guys are missing the most fundamental of clues! What are EMP Grenades used for? How would a "BUS DRIVER" drive a train? How would one replace the bus driver? THINK!!!! Don't attack my credibility, think and figure this thing out! The community's progression is necessary to the next map pack, if you want to follow the story.


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