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Posts posted by jinro

  1. i just downloaded the new update a couple mins. ago, and am now having the same problem... :(

    the game loads into the zombies menu, I can hear the menu jingle but the screens completely black. all I could see was the new update in the top-right corner of the screen. errrk...

    so I ejected the disc and my xbox completely froze lol yea...so I reset it and tried again, did the same thing.. reset but loaded the game while having the xbox guide on-screen and it loaded fine..

    so idk???

  2. Quick Revive 2.0

    Same effect, but added shield.

    So upon purchase a shield would be added to you HUD, not to sure how it would work as far as taking damage goes, for example it could be numbered like, 200/200 Shield. Each slap could be worth 25 damage, so you could take like 8 slap's.

    Or it could just be a "damage bar/gauge" added to your HUD, kinda like how magic is setup in Zelda, and just depletes as you take damage.

    Kinda rethought the Juggernog 2.0 idea posted by Flammenwerfer, Juggernog 2.0 would make it really really easy. I figure this way, you can get that health boost for early rounds if you choose to, and have something you can preserve for those moments you truly need it.

  3. Like GamingAndStories said i like the Wardens Office, ill end up running there about 80% of the time.

    A high risk running spot playing solo, but.. with other people on the map it makes for a fast game.

    Im more inclined to run a room that has traps, regardless of its running difficulty.

    (tight spaces and narrow passages vs. being wide open)

    So id say the Cafeteria and the Wardens Office are my go-to running spots, but if there already taken id probably go to the roof.

  4. Being a Sony fan i will probably end up purchasing the Ps4..

    But like MixMasterNut said its definitely going to be dependent on the games. Price tag is not really an issue for me either, but id be lying if i said that wasn't a factor on which system i would want to buy first. If the PS4 has a shit game line-up at E3, i will undoubtedly go for the Xbox One.

    COD is definitely a factor as well, i am truly done waiting a month for my favorite games DLC. So its going to be a tough choice for me, but i have high hopes for the PS4.

  5. That's really interesting E.J

    Nice connection, i overlook the finer details a lot. lol

    DOA does seem like a puppet master type game similar to the story in MOTD. This endless cycle of "reliving" the same night over and over again, but i guess in this case it would be the same 40 rounds over and over again.

    Before i read this i always considered DOA a map like the rest cause it was slaying zombies... so bamm, it obviously a map as well...

    But i can see now how it could be considered a game that's separate from "zombies".

    Kinda would support the hud style change in MOTD as well, maybe these slight changes are there way of trying to implementing a different type of survival.

    A game of survial = normal zombies.

    Survival of the game = DOA and MOTD.

    Hopefully im not to far from your thinking E.J, and kuddos to you for playing DOA.

    Love it.

  6. idea my buddy thought up while at work...

    the unknown man in the picture is us, the player, the community as a whole i guess...

    changing the game/storyline with are theroies, pseudo plot connections as well as the character's personalities and their history. its all us or should i say this unknown character.

    its kinda like that show supernatural, that one dude.. a prophet of god was his character, he's writing sam and deans story as sam and dean are living it.

    were like gods prophets.. jimmy zelinski would then be god. :lol:

    OMG!!!!! (woops sorry jimmy.. i didn't mean it.) :lol:

    when he explained it me i laughed but thought about it for a bit, its really not that bad of an idea....

    theres a couple reasons...

    - what better way to get a person into the game then by literally putting them in the game.

    - jimmy z's latest tweet answering this question, "will the old 4 be returnin?" which he replied with, "you blew up the earth not me" or something like that. :lol:

    i know this is pretty crazy and i really dont know shit about the storyline...

    so dont be hard on me with specific's, its just a idea.

  7. i like to use mustang and sally :!: but a ray gun works well too.

    it helps if you have 2 people spamming ammo at the zombie, you'll know you killed him when he stops flailing his arms.

    shortly after the vrill device will appear in the green beam.

  8. haha

    (note to self, never play with killer2killer :? )

    jk! but seriously if i could strangle you with a virtual piano wire.. i probably would just for the LOLZ, lolerz!

    because if ive learned anything from this thread its killing people for amusement is funny...

  9. it could be easter egg related, like the green light beaming through the lighthouse in COTD.

    where did the VR-11'd zombie go? wherever the vrill ya are? which then might be related to the red eyes being a different entity, the flesh maybe?

    it also could be a new PaP! a PaP for buildable's maybe?

    just some ideas i had, its obvious that alot of ideas are being re-used here probably a good idea to keep that in mind!

  10. game over, machine freezing, getting error screened and connection issues (online match's) ;)

    your question kinda contradicts itself.... lol

    but thats the only reason's i know for a game to end.

    "This is the game that never ends.

    It just goes on and on my friends.

    Some people started playing it not knowing what it was,

    And they'll continue playing it forever just because . . ."

    *cold shiver tingles down spine*

  11. ive never heard the sound of the engine, but ive heard the bus honk when entering the tunnel.

    i posted about it and didnt get much feedback.. other than acouple people who had heard the same thing.

    somethings fishy about the tunnel..

    3 outcomes here i see,

    its nothing.

    its true, but maybe a sign of things to come.

    its true, we missed something.

  12. Lenne wrote: It should be for free.

    agreed, especially after the NTZ confusion. it doesnt matter though because its just camo. if there was some diamond camo or they were available in zombies i would have, but until then it just seems like devs/activison trying to make a quick $$$...

    preying on peoples love for bacon are we?

    infest just say no, bacon friend, bacon :D

  13. why do we even have a second die rise section? or two tranzit sections?

    one is for strategy discussion the other is for map related discussion.

    if you have a high round strategy, tranzit bank filling strategy, building early buildables strategy, etc... it would be posted in the strategy section.

    map related discussion is for theory's, question's, etc.

    Mod's explain this in a sticky'd thread in each section i believe...

  14. unfortunately thats the price of staying organized...

    someone has to do it, otherwise it would be really messy and just cause more problem's down the road.

    hes just being pro-active about it.

    its one of those things where one person get's away with it, and then more users/new users start doing it too and think its okay.. till its unbelievably disorganised..

    i dont like speaking for others, but im pretty certain this is why..

    and i don think people get the recognition they deserve sometimes, wayy2go specifically...

    so id just like to say thanks wayy2go for doing your thing, keeping this site fresh.

    if theres one thing ive learned in life for certain... you will never please everyone no matter how hard you try.

    p.s, if you have a thread your proud of just link it in your sig. that way it never truly dies! ;)

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