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Posts posted by brando

  1. yesterday i was playing tranzit with a friend (trying to do maxis side EE) and i had no jug and the zombie shield because my turbine glitched and i got hit by a zombie and the shield blocked it because i did not get a red marker but i did get a green flash and the quote from marlton ("oh ive never heard that sound before") but im not too sure what persistant perk it might have been, any thoughts?

  2. i have nothing to add to this but if your looking for someone to help do the EE with add me up and ill do it too cause i want to do maxis side also.

    (edit) i do have something to add now that i have thought about it. i proposed that since there is 4 dlcs that there will ofcourse be 4 navcards and maybe you have to insert them in a certain order and then something happens (im not sure this is all speculation)


  3. okay i know someone prolly already done it but i just wanna know if anyone has talked about it........but the new theory i came up with last night issssss.......

    okay i know this isnt too far fetched but....you know

    first off id like to say maybe since we are having 4 dlcs there will be 4 nav cards and maybe you enter them into the reader in a right order for each map and something unlocks or happens? im not too sure thats all i came up with so far but id sure like your thoughts about it.


  4. well yesterday at 9 oclock pm my time i think its utc -05:00 i loaded up black ops 2 because iw as going to play some before i got too tired. well when i loaded it up (i set my auto-load feature to go straight to zombies) it loaded normally i hit X to get into the zombies lobby and a message comes up from doctor maxis this is basically went.

    it basically said that the doctor is unpredictable and if we follow his plans he might be leading us in the wrong direction and all of dr maxis' work would be for nothing.

    i REALLY wish i could have taken a pic of this to show CoDz because i don't know if anyone else has seen it because i havent seen a topic.

  5. like the topic says i know this is the wrong spot in forums to be asking this but i wanted to try and get another player (preferably 3) to help me with the tranzit EE i would like to do the richtofen side if anyone would like to help.

    thanks! - GT: BRANDO705

  6. i personally think its an awesome game mode, i can't wait too see what they do for grief on the new maps! and see if they add any more power-ups and maybe even power-downs (sort of like the meat).

  7. a new cargo? maybe it means the avagadro since you have to "deliver" him to the tower. im not too sure tho but the posts on there are kind of old (before the game was out). but thats all i could get from it.

  8. hi my zombie peoples. i have been lurking on the forums for quite some time prolly since last year and just decided to make an account again because i forgot the password to my old one.

    first off i would like to say that green run/tranzit is atleast the most "fun" zombie map to me and the whole travelling from place to place is cool and everything me and my friends were getting drunk one night and talking about what they would do next for the zombies franchise and one of my thoughts was either to travel to place to place or from map to map. im not saying this is or was my idea but talking about it then seeing it come to play is pretty darn cool!

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