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Posts posted by brando

  1. they should add a classic cod style gametype like in another cod i forget which one.....but they only had UAV, i guess it would be either stealth chopper or drone, and mortars but since there is none it would have to be lightning strike. so im guessing it would be 4-5 kills for UAV 6-8 for lightning and 10-12 for drone or stealth chopper cause they are kinda OP

  2. i think comparing any cod zombies games to others is kinda like apples and oranges, imo i think they each have their own nostalgia factors and i know i sure as hell dont wanna play waw for the fact that you CANT jump over crawlers....i remember back in waw plaing shi no numa bitching that we couldnt jump over crawlers and losing the game because there was a train behind us and the crawlers are blocking the way out lol

  3. i havent really had super high rounds but on my good games i uaually train in tunnel with any weapons untill about round 20-25 then i go for good weapons/upgraded ones usually buy double tap around then since the headshot earnable starts to get a little weak if you dont have a good gun around then. after that i usually just go back to tunnel and train only made it to like 20some solo but i usually run out of time or its late at night...i can't play as much as i'd like to because i have a son :)

    edit:erg hopefully this doesnt count as a double post -.- gonna try for a 40+ round tonight wish me luck!

  4. right now im trying to get gold on all smgs for a diamond one but other then that no not really working towards anything else atm, just prestiging when i get the chance

  5. i have done it after patch (feb 20th patch) im pretty sure and we got it. a trick is to either have 2 or atleast 1 person leave when your charging up zombie kills for maxis in the buddha room. we failed like twice only because we all ended up going down for silly reasons but the third time was key and it only took like 2-3 roounds to charge up the kills and boom next round we kept a crawler shot the knives did the last few steps and boom done. i can maybe help you tonight if you want after about 8:30pm UTC-05:00 (us and canada)

  6. someone had said that we were gonna have a catacombs of paris map not sure who (i forget) but now that i think of it, its very possible. especially since the first level of the underground would prolly be the sewers, with slides (yay slides :lol: ) the second leven underground would be the start of the catacombs. the streets would be overrun/destroyed because of the zombie outbreak and some buildings on fire/maybe another zombies on fire thing? ziplines maybe again to get off of the top of buildings? i duno thats all i got for now but i bet we will have to wait for xbox 720 to implement all these things im talking about :D

  7. sorry to rain on your parade but i don't think the next map will have anything to do with die riese because the fact that sam coming into the room and all of that stuff going down was an accident even though the doctor was hearing voices and starting to go cray cray. and plus nobody knew till black ops that die riese was the start of the master plan. but i guess anything can happen in zombies so my guess is just as good as yours.


  8. i think the mend the timeline/rift thing is gonna play more into what we are going to have on the next map, we may even go back in time and bring some future things with us,(ak74-u on kino) and with the things they are doing with the opening videos(die rise) they could plot twist us at any second...i just hope the next map pack is liek die rise and tranzit combined because IMO they are both great maps with their own likes and dislikes. tranzit is great because of so much freeroam(even though it kinda does take a while to get around and waiting for the bus is annoying) and die rise is great because they brought back the good ol gain a free perk and it kinda brought back memories of verruckt with all the tight corridors!

  9. Chopper you are right. I've gotten persistent jug that way. You don't get it until you spawn in again. Hence the flash when he spawned the next round.

    this. and i was gonna say that :cry:

  10. i know someone has prolly already said this but the not saying might be powering HAARP that is shi no numa might give us a bigger clue to tranzit.... my specualtion is that the power station we turn on might actually be powering HAARP. the reason i am saying this is because one of marlton's quotes (i duno if this counts as backing up my sotry but here goes)

    i think he says: "thats no natural weather pattern"

    and what is HAARP being acused of? attemping to change the weather using the ionisphere or something (at school right now so i cant bother myself with posting video things). the government has had success before at attemping to change the weather and my example is what you call (seeding clouds) and they have had success with this since the cold war....look it up the (ho chi mihn trail) i seen it on conspiracy theory with jesse ventura :twisted:

    anyways thats all i got for now i will try to back up my theories and speculations with more info when i get the time. that is all for now sorry about all the bad grammar i hope this gets viewed!


  11. in my region (canada) i got the map packs at like 6-7am not at midnight but whos to say their midnight isnt my 6-7am lol. anyways good luck hopefully you dont have to wait up all night or wake up uber early!

  12. looking for players to get a team together for online play. i usually play chaos moshpit because id rather have small maps and nto have to chase my kills around only to get shot in the back by someone standing in a corner....lol so if anyone is down for chaos moshpit add me up.


  13. Anyone else getting this? I start getting lag spikes even on 4 bars, than I'm kicked out of the game with a message saying

    "an error occured while accessing persistent rank data (1)"

    I've looked around and heard this occurs with the 1.7 patch, it seems most people are getting it. Heard reports of it affecting Zombies, but I can't confirm that (since the Solo lobby is stuck creating it :? )

    Treyarch will need to do a hot-fix, or a 1.71 patch, as its pretty game breaking.

    um i had a problem with the creating a solo lobby problem, it only happened when my internet was getting heavy use (others using it while im playing) and as for the error the only one i got before the patch was ("some of you persistent rank data has or is corrupted") this was after i had the knife with glowing eyes and went back to the wood should no glowing eyes not even 1 tally mark...i know it went a little off topic and i couldnt help you but atleast sharing the problems and getting them out there is a big step.

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