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Posts posted by brando

  1. this is a great explanation of what is happenning on MoTD.... i believe that this is true and yeah i agree with you on the part that the only thing that can change is the outcome of the situation but everything stays the same....thats why in all my games where we did the EE i killed all the people as weasel or get weasel to kill all the people.....breaking the cycle is the only way!

  2. when i picture paris as a zombie map, it wouldn,t be anytime recently.... most likely as the tower is near finished or actually completed. i would love to see another sort of pressure plated thingies hehe.....by that i mean like a pitfall to the catacombs or some other cool way of entering them

  3. if you look close at the infrared one you can faintly see the eiffel tower!

    That can be any tower man. but nice try :)

    okay, you got me there but i think that is the eiffel tower i could be wrong though. not many towers look like that and it would tie into the tower thing with maxis and richtofen.

  4. hey guy, first of all... welcome to CoDz! :D I think the only was to reset your stats and rank is to do it from the multiplayer menu with a prestige token but im not sure about any other way. also, when you do this your multiplayer stats and rank will be wiped but i bet you knew that. :D

  5. MotD Xbox update - Here are the Zombie related updates with full link below.


    Zombies Mob of the Dead Issues Addressed

    • Addressed an issue reported by the community where players would collide with each other and die while riding the gondola.

    • Players can now board the plane once it’s been built.

    • Fixed an issue in Grief Mode where the Wolf head would freeze after round 5.

    • Addressed various zombie pathing issues throughout the map.

    • Fixed an issue where character conversations would overlap with each other.

    • Fixed an issue where players could not unlock the Juggernog machine that was locked down by Brutus.

    • Addressed several exploits involving zombie pathing and the zombie shield.

    Resolved an issue where the game would not end if killed by the Acid Splat.

    • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind the Afterlife doors.

    • Resolved various pathing issues where zombies would not path to players behind open doors.

    • Addressed an issue with the electric chairs placing the players underneath the. (Pinnaz edit - Map ????)

    • Addressed an issue where the prompt to build the plane would disappear while holding the Tomahawk.

    • Addressed an issue with the wins and loss data not updating in the Grief leaderboards.

    thats what happened when i did the EE with my friends i killed them with the vitrolic withering and the game didnt end and next round they came back alive so i killed them again....had to let them knife me till i went down :lol: took like 30 knives

  6. So I just have some more information regarding getting the Hell's redeemer and golden spork that will hopefully help understand how many kills it takes and/ rounds it takes and how many people can have them.

    This was all done in a 4-person game.

    - Player 1 got 85 axe kills and spent 3 full round on the bridge not counting the round we landed on the bridge on.

    - Player 2 got 34 axe kills in the same 3 full rounds.

    - Player 3 spend two full rounds with them on the bridge and killed people with his gun with them on the bridge.

    - Player 4 left the bridge right when we landed and ran around the cafeteria room.

    - Both player 1 and 2 were able to get the Redeem when returning and throwing their axes into the pool.

    - Player 4 went back to the bridge at mid-round 15 and got 90 axe kills and left at the end of round 16; he couldn't throw his axe into the pool.

    SO, I believe it's not so much about how many kills you have on the bridge, rather than about lasting a full round on the bridge just axing because player 4 didn't stay a full round he didn't get it even though killing 90 zombies on the bridge. Also, this all shows that not everyone needs to be on the bridge while you get the axe kills and other people can be shooting on the bridge without affecting it. This also shows more than one person can have the Redeemer.

    With the golden spoon, I got 48 acid gat kills and then i heard the laugh, it happened mid-round so I believe that's a number of kills thing and not by rounds. Also for those that don't know all can get the Spork, they just need to go and get the spoon in the cafeteria after the first player gets his spork, and drop it in the the tub and they'll get it. Only 1 person needs to run down in the laundry room.

    Hope this helps some people and feel free to comment or ask a question.

    LOL i spent like 3-4 full rounds just tomahawking the zombies and didnt hear no laugh and no wonder why, i had to be on the bridge. :lol: :lol:

  7. for instance, i was in a game with 4 people originally and we were doing the pop goes the weasel EE. someone left right at the last 2 steps (right before we made the plane and went to the bridge in afterlife). anyways, when we got to the bridge I (weasel) were going to kill the others to break the cycle. well, i did kill them but i didnt go down?!? i was like weird and had no grenades so i couldnt down myself then the last zombie was glitched for a bit on the bridge i could hear him but not find him. after the last zombie appeared and i killed him it started a new round and the two i downed as weasel were back alive.....so i downed them again and i told them that the game was going to end once i killed them but it didnt. to end the game i as weasel had to let them knife me till i went down then it finally said life over you survived 23 rounds or whatever. weirest thing that has happened to me in MoTD....sorry for the bad grammar

  8. i think that this is the choice that WEthe players get to choose because im pretty sure i seen a post or a video saying that WE THE PLAYERSget to choose whether or not the O4 come back and i think that this is our choice, do we continue the cycle or do we break it? cause if we get to choose the storyline then if theres another zombie game that comes out there gonna have to make these achievments and things we do in-game relevant. but this is just my opinion anyone feel free to add what you like or flame me and tell me im wrong!

  9. I am seriously in love with this gun, it got me out of so many fails. If you get cornered and have the zombie shield, face the corner with the shield on your back, when you feel confident turn and put 1-2 clips into the horde and then turn around. When those suckers blow up, run.

    The Vitriolic Withering with Double Tap, Speed Cola and Electric Cherry, ( and maybe your gun of choice as backup, personally I like backing it up with and FSIRT), that combo is godly.

    a few times i have been totally surrounded and this gun has saved me by blowing them up, i agree with you its totally god-like i hope they don't nerf it...

  10. I got it a much different way, yesterday i was playing a solo match of zombies on alcatraz and i got swarmed and ofcourse cornered at the dock. i had vitrolic withering but i couldnt pull it out fast enough. went down and the perk popped the electricity and boom achievment got....and i forgot to mention it was like round 25 maybe higher when this happened :D

  11. I like the box room under the infirmary, the roof, the dock is a kind of a good spot but not for higher rounds, and I think the shower room is a not that bad of a spot. so overall there is quite a few places to kite but people WANTEDa map that brought back the feel of verruckt and i feel this map brings back many a nostalgia factor for me. :D:D :D

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