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Posts posted by Dg-4

  1. On the contrary, im getting sick of the "vets" thinking they are high and mighty and overall being extremely rude and as unhelpful as the people they are complaining. The way a forum works is that someone posts something, if it generates interest, people post in it. If what u said about the good topics being washed away by garbage were true, then thats the fault of the people commenting on the newer topics and letting the old ones die. Is it that hard to ignore a topic you dont like? Instead of being asses to someone who may have posted something u have already seen, just ignore the topic or point them in the right direction. To that point, not everyone has seen what you have seen. The new topic may have brought some new info to someone. A post cap does nothing to fix what u said, all it would do is alienate people or cause more spam. The zombies story is extremely complex and not everyone is on the right page. Dont be a dick, be helpful. This topic and this post is also not helping anything and is spam, so you are adding to the problem.

  2. I approve of this message. Just ignore him guys. If he really has something perhaps he'll share it. If he becomes a spammer I will take care of things, but as long as he has something to reply to, it's not really spam. And regardless of him being a troll, harassment is still harassment.

    Agreed. If you don't agree with him, be the bigger man and let it slide. It's the internet. Let bygones be bygones

    Some of us want mature, intelligent discussions.


    These guys (the vets) are what make this site what it is. I'm sure some of you newer guys will learn how this place works soon enough, just like I did. :mrgreen: as it seems, that one guy may have been a troll after all. Even so, the point is that you should at least be kind and accepting of possibilities.

    I mean, some ideas in the past were theorized and turned out to be true, including the idea of a map on the moon, and even buildables. Both of these came true, and at the time they most certainly received some negative feedback. I bet the people who were against those ideas regretted it when they turned in the game and found it right in their face!

    So now if people suggest one thing or another keep it in mind. We are still finding clues in aces that we thought had been searched from top to bottom. For example, the picture of Clark S Nova in "Numbers," or the massive amounts of info coming from coding.

    So yeah, just keep it friendly. This website is more than a comment watch YouTube. WE ARE A COMMUNITY.


    To your first sentence, how do u know if someone is a vet? Post count means nothing nor join date. I was part of both this community and the activision forums since WAW and havnt stopped following the zombies saga. In my opinion, there is no difference between someone having 2000+ posts and someone who joined a few hours ago, it sounds almost childish to have a hierarchy. I do agree with you in a general sense. A good thought out discussion is ideal, but there is nothing wrong with someone coming out with a ridiculous sounding theory or someone trying to be a troll. People that feel that they know more than everyone or who feel high and mighty are the ones ruining the sense of the community.

  3. Ive submitted a suggestion to the admins in the suggestions forums to create a post minimum to create topics. People are registering, ignoring the t&c and cluttering tranzit and general to hell. About 70% of the topics on page one are reposts or wrong sections. Please make a suggestion if you feel this may help clean the board Up.

    A post minimum is a terrible idea. All it would do is make new accounts post spam in order to reach the post count. Sometimes new accounts do post good threads, all the restriction would do is alienate people. If something is spam or a repost, then just ignore it, pretty simple.

  4. DG-4, some of us have been here a few years and know what it looks like for a community to come together. If he actually had good content and was helping people, he would give straight forward answers. He'a not. He's looking for attention. And the only people still defending him are Mods who want to keep the harassment down and people who believe his garbage.

    It's completely different when someone is actually trying to help. If he wanted to help, he'd provide a picture of something. But he doesn't. Look on these forums. I don't shoot down theories and ideas. I shoot down trolls who post contradictory crap and make people believe it. You're being led farther away from what to do more likely than not. His junk has even brought out legends on here, like AlphaSnake, shooting down his obvious troll job. It'd be different if he was decent at it. He's not even good at it. I'm sorry that I'd rather this forum not be known for being a noobfest of trolls and gullible kids. Some of us want mature, intelligent discussion.

    Ive been in the community since we were trying to find the Type 99 in Der Riese, in fact I know I have an account from the old days here, just cant remember for the life of me. And alot of what ive seen from you is shooting people down. You want maturity but dont show it. And if he is a troll, he is a very very good one and its not like anyone has anything to loose trying out things. What if someone doesnt have a way to capture things? I dont have a capture card and no way to take pictures or videos of anything I do. How do you know the difference between a troll and someone who has an Idea? There is no way of knowing until proof is posted and up until then, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

  5. Haters gonna hate. Whiners gonna whine.

    Dramaqueens shouldn't be in this forum. This is a zombie forum about Tranzit. Not 'Post your complaints about the lack of respect in the threads'

    Its also not a "Whine about PIC OR GTFO" forum.

  6. Alpha...he's wrong. He contradicts himself and says things that the developers have stated they'd NEVER do, such as "beating" zombies.

    Some of us want real theories and content, not troll garbage.

    And how do u expect that to happen whenever people like you shoot down something at the first sign of doubt? U seem to think u know it all and how it works.

  7. Its me that had it up in the game. For some reason it was only me that could see it, and I have not finished the easter egg yet. I'll get razor to reply to show it is actually me who did it.

    Also I don't have a capture card and that was from a webcam sorry. It isnt it theater but I can try and get a video up on my youtube quickly using the webcam again sorry about the quality.

    I like how this is your first post.

    So to recap the list of trollers are:

    -BirdDog Dan

    -OPL Razor


    And this is NOT harassment, yes I may be jumping to conclusions but three people who have little posts, accounts made recently then all start claiming about doing more about the EE and one of them claims he is/has someone on the "inside"... seems kinda suspicious. And BTW why am the only one who has been warned with the threat of a caution because of this? :( At least publicly.

    I've been holding my tongue at a lot of this stuff, but this has gone too far. I know I'm not a mod and I'm not trying to do their job, but DUDE. COME ON. I've been here long enough to know that the trolls are people we can deal with. They will pass through like dust in the wind. They may make a splash, but, in the long run? They will not matter.

    No, it's the ones that are 'respected' members of the community that seemingly live to just stir up a fire that really cause this site trouble. Kind sir, I'm not as nice as James, so I'll tell you this right now, as blunt as I can be.

    You need to stop.

    You are doing no one any good by making entire threads calling people out. It is a waste of server space and it is unneeded. If you feel the need disagree with someone, do so politely, and if you aren't capable of that, send him a strongly-worded private message.

    Good day.

    Very well said! Hate how some members need to feel superior by calling out people.

  8. A troll is someone who causes mischief for their own amusement. When someone puts up speculation or a picture and the community doesnt agree, the poster get called a troll. In order to solve this Easter Egg, every option needs to be analyzed and everything needs to be taken into consideration. Don't call people trolls because you dont agree with them or because a suspicion was arroused. Even if a claim is so outlandish and ridiculous, until it is proven 100% that someone is faking it, then stop labeling them and isolating them. A year ago if someone were to say "I managed to get Samantha to appear out of a pyramid!" they would be labeled as trolls. Stop being male reproductive organs about this whole thing and act like a freakin community. Ill use Spider as an example of what not to do. Just because a past post was found of the user who posted a riddle, everyone is acting like this is proof that he was lying and everyone dismissed him. Innocent until proven guilty.

  9. Something to remember, Spider is still just a regular user like you or me, just because he says something doesnt make it fact. I am a huge fan of his, but he doesnt have the authority to say it was a troll. A post from a while back doesnt prove anything, could be a troll, could be legit, but for the first time in a while, the entire zombie community was brought together to focus on a goal.

  10. Looking back at the riddle, perhaps we are skipping step? Maybe we need to see the lights from the laundromat or the orbs with a specific sight? And just a small note that is probably nothing. The Sun exhibits Ultra Violet rays, well the PaP Five-Seven is called Ultra and Violet.

  11. From the wiki on Icarus

    In Greek mythology, Icarus (the Latin spelling, conventionally adopted in English; Ancient Greek: Ἴκαρος, Íkaros, Etruscan: Vikare[1]) is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus. The main story told about Icarus is his attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. He ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting wax caused him to fall into the sea where he drowned. The myth shares thematic similarities with that of Phaëton — both are usually taken as tragic examples of hubris or failed ambition — and is often depicted in art. Today, the Hellenic Air Force Academy is named after Icarus, who is seen as the mythical pioneer in Greece's attempt to conquer the skies.

    He Built something in order to get closer to the sun. Didnt the decoded files have something about buildables we havnt seen? Feathers could represent air or flight, air could mean the Jet gun, not sure about Wax.

  12. The one thing that is stopping me from believing this is how it references the clocks in a directly indirect way. Everything else is cryptic, yet the part about the clocks is obvious. We all have speculated about the clocks and the time of day, if they were a part of the next step, then it wouldn't be referenced so clearly. But we dont have anything to lose, here is my attempt.

    1. "Overlooked, and never found, but one does simply run around". This implies that what we need is something we see everytime, but we never take into consideration, the 2nd phrase also tells me something that has to do with focusing on 1 area instead of going all over the place.

    2. "Everyone looks for the missing piece, and they think they have it, between their teeth. Crashed and derailed, it is the players that have failed". I would focus on the teeth part. If it was put there just to rhyme, it didnt do a good job. The 2nd part seems to me as if it is just more stuff to sound poetic with the cameo of the whole "train" thing we had going on.

    3. "You have seen the key, but it is too large, you see. In plain sight, but out of mind, without me, you would be blind." This part re-says what the first says that what we need is something that we have right in front of us, but never consider. I dont think it has to do with the bus as the bus is a central part in alot of speculation as is the tower. Also, the comma after "It is too large, you see" seems to be a small piece that is very important. It is saying that the key is too large {PERIOD} and then We see it. Now, the part about the blind, I dont think this means the moon or sun, but something else. What do we use to see? our sight. There must be a reason we can PaP multiple times and get different attachements every time. One of them must be useful for the easter egg. Perhaps a specific sight attachement is needed to continue? Also, nobody mentions Pack a Punch in the easter egg, its large and its in plain sight, yet we never consider it for the easter egg and without it, we wouldnt have sights.

    4. " I thought you could be clued, because you're picture of beams may be skewed." This could mean that either we are making the lights too big of a deal, or skewed could be used in the sense of misdirection or bent. Other than that, its pretty specific.

    5. " The hands of time do never stop, then again, the hands should swap" This is the one I am iffy about as its too specific while remaining cryptic. I dont think its the clock as it would be wayy to easy and direct, it must mean something else.

    6. "Sometimes the largest objects hold the most significance, the end result, may be magnificent. " The last word, "Magnificent", im going back to my sights theory as certain sights can magnify things or make them more visible, largest object could mean a big weapon like the RPD, perhaps we need to give it a specific sight and use it to see something?

    7. " The next step is not too far, looking in the wrong way is what you are." Not too far would imply that we are close to where we need to be, other than that, its pretty generic. We need to stop focusing on the lights and try something else.

    This is how I interpreted the riddle.

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