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Posts posted by Dg-4

  1. Hi guys new here but just a quick question and can't find and answer (if there is one i apologise)

    Alot of the theories for continued EE mention a 'night bus'

    However on the bus depot sign it clearly states no night service. Am i missing something or is the night bus purely a theory? Not saying its wrong just wondering thanks alot guys

    Everything is purely a theory until proven. Some people think Night bus means the bus we have right now just goin a different route, others take it literally and mean an actual bus that comes out at night.

  2. Good thinking here, but I want to stress one thing: The poems on the COD forums are fake and not official, in any way whatsoever. Please do not base EVERYTHING around those "poems", they're completely fake and irrelevant. I can, however see how TranZit would work as a clock and it makes sense.

    To be fair, even if the poems are 100% fake, if someone gets an idea from them and happens to work, you cant say the poem didnt work. I see what u mean though. Did I miss something though? everyone is saying how Dan is a proven troll and how the poems are proven fakes, did something happen in the last 12 hours?

    This will easily prove it here. Strwrsbob, If you could check the IP of the OP of this, which is xRaymau5x, and then compare it to BirdDog Dan. We would instantly know (unless proxy) if he was the one going around pointlessly making those poems and trying to convince us he is a mule sent by Treyarch. I'm sorry, but if he really was chosen to give out clues. Treyarch would send someone a lot more intelligent than he is.

    All that would prove is if they are the same person, wouldnt prove any validity for either poster. Plus its extremely easy to fake an IP address origin and not to mention it would be a huge invasion of privacy.

  3. this is maybe a shot in the dark but perhaps a four man team needs to all put a turbine down at portal... just a theory id test myself if I had a four man team... anyhow if this is pursued by anyone after you get four beams going to the pylon to create a pyramid that's when I would then try and see if the oblisk table would accept a nav card

    video posted in another thread proving beams from portals


    map showing how portals could make a pyramid



    Im guessing Maxis is trying to construct a device similar to the Pyramid that trapped Samantha on Moon. Perhaps thats what all the "Moon here" things have to do with it, they are saying how we need to re-create Moon in Tranzit.

  4. Dan mentioned Nacht nav cards, zipline, and a phd flopper. NONE of these exist on Green Run.

    Went through every single one of his posts, While he does mention these things, u never know wether it was supposed to be taken metaphorically or literally, what is shown in every single one of his posts though is constant abuse from specific users. How many times have we zombie players been proven wrong and have been showed things that we thought werent there? I see no definite proof of a troll. Im glad that progress seems to finally be made, im sure this clock thing will lead us to the next step soon enough.

  5. Pretty sure is just one of the characters saying one of their interactive lines.

    When you are waiting for the loading screen, every person that has already loaded is held in a "waiting" state, aswell as the zombies. My guess is that, while you are loading, one of the characters could be saying something related to the zombies trying to attack you, as they are near you, but can't move, as so can't you.

    Swarmy, look out!

  6. Good thinking here, but I want to stress one thing: The poems on the COD forums are fake and not official, in any way whatsoever. Please do not base EVERYTHING around those "poems", they're completely fake and irrelevant. I can, however see how TranZit would work as a clock and it makes sense.

    To be fair, even if the poems are 100% fake, if someone gets an idea from them and happens to work, you cant say the poem didnt work. I see what u mean though. Did I miss something though? everyone is saying how Dan is a proven troll and how the poems are proven fakes, did something happen in the last 12 hours?

  7. Dan is a Troll. That "Somebody" Guy, I'm not all to sure. Right now were looking at these clocks. I would love to get some people together and try this out but I don't play Online untill 10pm, thats when I can get the internet to myself.

    So if anyone wants to work on this, Send me a Message First then a Friend Invite. Kay?

    10pm Central.

    Alright, well at least a huge chunk of progress was made, thanks to the riddle I would say. How come Dan was proven a troll? From what I see, his cryptid things made sense.

  8. And Troll of the Year goes to BirdDog Dan. Well done, have any words for the fans. :lol: To be honest, would've been a great storyline, Dan should be creating the Easter Eggs for Treyarch's zombie development team. Oh and by the way let me know how this whole clock thing works out with 8 lamps...

    How come? So far I see nothing to prove he was a troll, quite the contrary actually.

  9. I like the idea of using a weapon that appeared with an orb on it. I think this is leading to one of the most sound theories I've heard in a couple weeks. It definitely sounds like how treyarch would continue the EE.

    Now comes the testing, has it been confirmed how to get the orbs to show up or is it still up to luck if you get them?

  10. Makes sense. The lights do seems to be player specific. Such as when Spider was seeing the orbs in the street light, yet not hypermole or anyone else could. Very good theory!

    Thanks Yeah I forgot to say maybe the orbs on the traffic lights and in the box, are telling us we should be focusing on the orbs.

    It could be the most ridiculous sounding thing, or something very simple like shooting the place where the orb appears with the gun that the orb surrounded. Nobody comes close to Treyarch when it comes to Easter Eggs.

  11. Appreciate the welcome guys, on the activision boards things are a little ridiculous with trolls so all our good info is starting to get buried and isn't getting a second look. Glad I found a place to help get the good info out there for people to keep working with. I'm looking forward to helping getting this EE solved. I dunno if you guys are torn on here about if there is a continuation but I believe there is definitely alot more to tranzit.

    Generally the only difference between this and the activision forums in my view, is quantity. You still get the people who whine about reposts and spam, but not as much as activision where people are annoucning their retirement from the forums which is the most childish thing ive seen recently. Welcome to the forums and hopefully your observation can lead to the furthering of the EE.

  12. Well, i mean why is it that people assume the Poem was a troll? i honestly think taht it links up greatly, and see no evidence of why even NGTZ thinks its a troll

    Its human nature to be skeptic to something. Also I think cause someone found that this guy had 1 post previously that he erased a while back and he was saying something dumb. Also, the vets here have experience in dealing with trolls through every game, some express their disdain very vocally. until I see 100% proof he is a troll, the poem is legit to me.

  13. Then create a newb forum so they can spam there. That way nobody feels alienated. As for topics getting bumped, im sorry but that sounds just like capitalism, whatever gets attention stays. Its how you end up having to search for hours to find what your looking for. If you search and find 35 threads on the same thing, which one do you post in? Vets are dicks because this keeps happening every time somthing new happens. After putting up no tresspassing signs and asking nicely your going to get frustrated. Im not surprised vets are annoyed, im new here and im already frustrated. As for spam, im trying to offer a solution, not "Omg guys nav card accepted?"

    Im sure you would complain about the noob forum as well, people like you love to complain and of course what gets most attention stays, thats how a forum freakin works, it is entirely based on the community and what is popular, pretty much all the noob posts you complain about dont make ti past 10 replies and they are buried. Really, it takes you hours to search for something? With about 5 mins I can find pretty much what I need, check your computer. Here is a news flash for you, new people have as much right to post something as you, the "vets' dont own this site so your tresspassing analogy is stupid as nobody has the right to put that sign in the first place. You arent offering as much solutions as the people you are complaining about. Instead of being a dick, either ignore it or point them in the right direction. I aplogise for getting agressive over this, but you people are extremely annoying with your high horse. Let everyone post what they wish, even if its annoying. im sure you remember how many reposts about the type 99 in Der Riese and about there being more to the ascension easter egg, it happens, get over it. Seeing reposts wont kill you.

  14. "The hands of time do never stop, then again, the hands should swap"

    Was thinking about this.. All the clocks, except the one with no hands, read either 7:50 or 5:10.. If you look at a clock, then look at the from BEHIND the clock.. Those times would appear to be the same.. 7:50 is 5:10 from the back side and vise versa. Perhaps there is something to do on the BACK side of one/some of these clocks..

    The times are actually 7:49 & 5:11. That is a complete mirrored image of itself. I never realised that. What can be mirrored?

    The clock in the bank with no hands on it still bugs me?

    The times are interesting, isnt there a weapon called Five-Seven? PaP it becomes the Ultra and Violet, the name of the rays the sun emits.

  15. Okaaaaay? So what are you supposed to do, look at the damn billboard till Samantha. See as in a Picture or See as in, she's really there by the Billboard.

    Of course, you won't answer me.

    Assholes like you are the ones who need to leave the community quite honestly. What is your contribution to these forums? Same as everyone else. So what if he is trolling? if he is, then u are just feeding him and are responsible for him going on. Look at the other guy who yall were occusing of being a troll, he shut yall up with a video finally.

  16. Play nice, and wow this actually is something new huh? (I hope. I haven't had time to do this stuff myself yet) I'm sorry for all the harsh treatment you have gotten around here. People get really crude and irrational when Treyarch trolls them with random beams of light and other stuff :lol:

    Nice to see a moderator doing what needs to be done. I'd like to apologise as well on behalf of the jerks who kept berrating you and called you a troll, just goes to show that the so called know it alls dont really know it all. Have u found any other progress to this?

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