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Posts posted by GodlyTwins

  1. I was playing local zombies the other day and I noticed that the power lines do not appear at all.

    When you turn the power on, the sparks still show, but I found it very weird and out of place. I restarted the game just to check if it was a loading glitch, but they were still not there.

    Could it be hinting towards the EE or debunking the use of these wires for a "next" step?

  2. It was fully functional when I had it on my back.

    If you want to try it out:

    1. Build Zombie Shield. Keep it on your back.

    2. Turn on power and build electric trap. Don't pick it up, yet.

    3. Fall done in the lava pit next to the electric trap table.

    4. Have the 2nd player kill the last zombie of the round.

    Now you should spawn with a shield on your back which doesn't break or disappear.

    You CANNOT use the zombie shield, it is permanently stuck on your back and so now you will able to technically have 2 buildables, one being the shield on your back and the other buildable of your choice!

  3. Also, someone posted images of an "electric beam" that heads the same direction as the other beams of light. It looks like Avogadro's shock attack, but it was too long to have been the Avogadro. He was playing on PC. So far, only Xbox and pc users can see these beams in laundr-o-mat.

  4. I was playing local zombies and I built the zombie shield. I replaced my turbine for the zombie shield and headed to the power room. Turned on the power and built the electric trap, but I accidently fell in the lava hole right next to the power room. I then spawned once my brother killed the last zombie and he noticed that I still had the shield on my back! I was able to have 2 buildables, plus it was unbreakable!

    Also I noticed that the power lines do not appear when playing local. Maybe a hint towards the EE?

    Edit: Just tried it again and it worked!

  5. Wait, are those lamp post lights unusual? Because my brother and I did the Richtofen side of the easter egg about a few days ago and we got the same lights going up to the pylon/spire. It was just the two of us doing the EE. I THINK I have the game saved in my file share, I have to check.

    I can try looking for the film later on tonight if you guys want me to show where they originate because I had the same thing happen to my brother and I. But I am pretty sure they were coming from the lamp posts near cornfield, cabin, depot, and diner.

  6. [tab][/tab]As I was skimming through CoDz over the last 30 minutes or so, I've noticed a disturbing trend in posts, there appear to be a lot of overly hostile reactions towards some new speculation on EE steps. Regardless of if he/she is correct or not please avoid insults, name calling, or any other form of harassment in your responses to him/her, or who ever may be posting the next batch of "steps". I will give out warnings, and eventually bans for poor behavior, or rude/insulting comments. The trick is to ignore things that you cannot formulate at least a neutral response on. Every time you comment, you're just bumping those posts back into the light. It's a nasty domino effect. So please,

    Be nice my fellow CoDZ members.

    Thanks for listening.

    Yes! I know some don't believe this guy, but he is giving me so much things to try in Green Run that I never would of thought of trying. If he is lying and making us go on a wild goose chase, I don't mind. I just don't want him to flee from this forum because of the unnecessary anger towards this guy. :D

  7. I keep on seeing people suggest to go to:

    1. Have the ladder on the bus.

    2. Get a burning zombie into town.

    3. Climb up on ladder to get on top of bus and let the zombie get on top.

    4. When the bus starts to move, EMP it while the bus is under the stoplight.

    5. Then, kill the burning zombie within the radius of the stoplight.

    IDK, might work or not.

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