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Posts posted by TheKillingKarl

  1. Major errors:

    Richtofen is not teleported back to Der Riese from Shangri-La.

    Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo are not "super soldiers".

    Minor errors:

    Group 935 was not a Nazi organization, but it did work for the Nazis.

    Richtofen was not second-in-command but rather Maxis's assistant.

    Pyramid may be alien, but not extraterrestrial.

    How did they get moved? I didn't even notice that was wrong!

  2. So I ran around the entire perimeter with the board. No dice. Not to say I didn't miss some spots but nothing showed up so far.

    I did have a weird little glitch happen to me though. I was in the tunnel and the bus came through, I was able to climb up on top of the bus where the ladder goes without the ladder being attached yet. The climbing animation and everything was there but I hadn't actually attached the ladder to the bus yet.

    If anyone has a solid party they should each grab a piece of the power switch buildable and run around to see if they activate a prompt anywhere. Would be so much easier to do than solo like I did with the board.

    I also tried to put the ladder on the Sedan billboard sign to no avail. So far I got nothing.

    I do want to try to blow the shit out of that big generator across from the power station but I've gotta rally a good enough party to coordinate it. I also want to throw down turbines in the 4 locations with the sparking wires, Seems like a logical theory to close the circuit in the lines around the map and restore full power to the area, but hey who knows.

    I tested the EMP the driver when his eyes are red and can confirm that it does nothing new. I can also confirm that throwing down your fan on the bus while the driver is EMP'd wakes him up immediately. Wonder if Galva-punching him would have the same effect.

    Yes half the things you mentioned my team Group 247 tried last night. We tried blowing the hell out of the generator at the power the one hanging by one wire. We tried everything possible with the bus driver. We did put 1 turbine at one of the sparkling wires but it didnt do anything. Just wanted to clear some stuff up for you so you dont go through all the trouble of doing it to be let down.

    Sorry if this was posted before, but arent the wires being disconnected just showing that it needs to be powered to open (turbine)?

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