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Posts posted by chickenlips

  1. For me, its Jug, in either single or multi. Its a must have for me, I like the extra security of having that extra 2 hits if Im ever in that scenario where your trying to revive a team mate in the middle of close quarters battle. After that its Double Tap, Speed cola and stamin up.

    As for guns, its the shottie at farm and then any decent AR from box not too bothered on what comes out not until the later rounds. PAP any time after 10, shottie in 1st then use when run out of ammo on AR then usually head to PAP close to twenty.

    Hover around the farm to pick ammo off wall for shottie.

  2. Steel Barriers - You must build at least 1 board EVERY round, or you lose it.

    Xtra Headshot Damage - You must get at least 1 headshot EVERY round or you lose it.

    Quick Revive - If you attempt to pick someone up but fail, you lose it. That includes you going down while attempting to. If you think you can't get them, don't attempt it.

    Those are all facts.

    Quick revive is not quite true, my experience of losing it was getting downed to many time in a game. The most obvious way to try it is, downing your self to give someone else QR perma perk.

  3. Best one I have had is other night was playing solo early rounds wanting to get set up for a high rounder so drew money out of vault (enough for all perks, 3 pap weapons and Galva = 35k) ran out of vault into lava then into the 2 zombies I had left while I got set up !!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO was soo fustrating especially when it was the last of my cash.

    Funniest one has to be, playing a public with 3 randoms all newbies, no idea what they were doing. Since I was fairly experienced I took the lead, at power station turned on power then told them to follow me.. ran upto bridge didnt make the jump, died. Other 3 followed and just dropped off bridge. Then was like HUH ? in chat .... I was like *epicmajorfacepalm*

  4. It wasnt the tombstone was it ? Had another player died and dropped his tombstone ?

    Never thought of that...

    Though i assumed unless he's REALLY new that people knew what the Tombstone perk drop thing looked like.

    Well up untill recently I would of thought the same, however Tranzit last night with a guy whos rank was the skull with the knife, didnt know about teleporting or how to get the galvaknuckles :o

  5. Technically, you should only get the blue cross hairs when wielding the "Krauss Refibulator" (upgraded Ballistic knife) There was a loading screen "hint" in BO1 that went something like this "Red cross hairs mean enemy, Green cross hairs mean friendly so what are blue cross hairs?"

    Exactly, that was my 1st thought however since Ive never once PAP'd the ballistic knife in Tranzit thats what got me thinking.

    When I get home tonight Im gonna do a little bit more investigating.

  6. Anyone ever noticed your crosshair turning blue on certain players ? Usually when you aim at another player its green (signalling a friendly) however I've noticed this a few times now that on some players it turns blue. It doesn't happen on every game either and usually when we have been in the bus.

    I thought perhaps it was to do with which part of the EE a player had done ( Richtofen or Maxis) but since I had not done the TOB EE and yet it got me wondering ?

    Anyone noticed this ? Is there any significance with this and the EE ? Or is there another reason ?

  7. How about trying placing the electric trap in front of your character when the avagadro appears ? ? The trap needs a turbine to power right ? Well instead of placing a turbine as well, just place the trap and let the avagadro shoot his bolt at it whilst your stood behind it ? ?

  8. The 'perma' perks are not permanent.

    The QR perk can be lost by going down to many times in a round, the same way its won.

    The Barric 'aid' (LOL) can be lost by not boarding windows.. The reverse of earning it.

    Not sure, but I would guess by not getting headshots (IE aiming for head) you can lost the Deadshot perk.

    Spider from NGT I think has confirmed this or atleast some of this

  9. Has anyone tried using the electric trap under where the orbs show up around the traffic lights ? then taking it to the table and using it there ?

    The trap seems like it will have a use somewhere in the EE... I know its not just for zombies (otherwise it would be called the zombie electric trap like the zombie sheild?)

  10. Welcome to CoDZ ChickenLips! Amazing name by the way ;)

    Thanks Expert, no idea how I came up with the name, probably a drunken night when I also signed up for my hotmail account with another stupid name. :lol:

    But its a name you dont forget, so any game I play it will always be under that alias. :D

  11. Ive been lurking as anonymous for a little while and figured I'd register and make an introduction.

    Im chickenlips AKA Rob, 31yrs old from Hull, UK. Im an avid FPS gamer, playing mainly the BF series and COD. I Started playing COD since the franchise started and I've been manically slicing zombies since WAW. Infact only reason I bought BO2 was for the zombies !!

    Been a father of 2, I find my time at the PC precious (since I have to split my time on here and with the Wife :P) so I like to play a few rounds of zombies and then absorb as much as I can on these forums before catching some zzzz's refreshed and ready for work :D.

    Any ways, that's pretty much all I have at the moment and I don't see myself contributing as much as others do on here. I'm here just for the knowledge about the mysteries of zombies :D Hopefully, my contributions will be small but noteable.... ? ? !!! :D

    Peace out for now


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