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Posts posted by r94o

  1. ...And just a small note that is probably nothing. The Sun exhibits Ultra Violet rays, well the PaP Five-Seven is called Ultra and Violet.

    i find this interesting as hell now that you mention it

    clutching at straws here, but arent the clocks in the bus depot at 7:50 and 5:10?

    five- seven....

  2. UPDATE: He just posted again on the same thread.

    somebody01 13-Dec-2012 03:45 (in response to somebody01)

    Global positioning navigation error

    01101000011101000111010001110000001110100010111100101111011101000110100101101110 01111001011101010111001001101100001011100110001101101111011011010010111101100100 001100110111001101101110011100110011001001110011

    Decodes into:


    I ran the sound file through what is called a "spectrograph". What this does is creates a visual picture from the sound waves. Usually, you're just going to get a bunch of wavy lines. This file creates an actual image (as I suspected);

    What does it mean? No clue.

    that matches, the bus driver says global positioning error at the diner, there must be something there! or maybe it needs to come down?

    you are a legend

  3. Somebody01 posted this to the activison forums:(same guy who posted the poem thing)

    somebody01 13-Dec-2012 03:45 (in response to somebody01)

    Global positioning navigation error

    01101000011101000111010001110000001110100010111100101111011101000110100101101110 01111001011101010111001001101100001011100110001101101111011011010010111101100100 001100110111001101101110011100110011001001110011

    Decodes into:


    which is:

    On this page is an mp3 and this message:

    "Some things need to come down, before others go up."

    Sounds like the mp3 needs to be edited or a secret message is in it! Someone go!

    If anyone is interested:


  4. UPDATE: He just posted again on the same thread.

    somebody01 13-Dec-2012 03:45 (in response to somebody01)

    Global positioning navigation error

    01101000011101000111010001110000001110100010111100101111011101000110100101101110 01111001011101010111001001101100001011100110001101101111011011010010111101100100 001100110111001101101110011100110011001001110011

    Decodes into:


  5. So I went through the Moon sign:

    1st letter could be:L,E,H,N,Z and at a push (K,R,X)

    3rd could be: W or M

    no idea the last D:

    no the first cant be an e h or n because the 2 dots mark the beginning and the end of the neonglass (dont know the right word). an e would require four of those dots, i believe an h 6 and the n 6 but they should have been on the bottom left and on the top right.

    if it doesnt make sense to you, english isnt my first language^^

    Ah right I thought they where just supports, so I was thinking the letters just have to attach, so it needs to start and end at the dots

  6. yeah thought the same. the sign is saying moon here in a way.

    im still trying to figure out what the other letters could be.

    Thanks for the picture, I was trying to find one. Maybe the top says Motel?

    ok motel wasnt that hard :P

    the first letter from the other word can be "L" or "Z" and the third may be an "A", but no clue what the last could be.

    it seems you guys are firm with decoding and stuff, and i was wondering if the lights on the dinner sign might be a code.

    dont have the complete one as a pic right now. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =111623034 ]only this.

    maybe its something like


    So I went through the Moon sign:

    1st letter could be:L,E,H,N,Z and at a push (K,R,X)

    3rd could be: W or M

    no idea the last D:

  7. I believe the turret and the electrical trap must be used for something important, but we just haven't got to that point yet :)

    Im in the same situation as you with the easter egg, my friends couldn't care less. What system are you playing on?

    i believe i am playing on the eggbox 360

  8. Hey,

    I've been lurking on this site for a while and i am just wondering if anyone has actually used the turret for anything? like put it in front of the laundromat or something.

    my friends couldn't care less about zombies, so if anyone wants to help me do this easter egg then just reply (preferably uk)

    cheers guys

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