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Posts posted by blubswillrule

  1. Actually Green Run is in Oregon, as well that it (in real life) was a nuclear testing site, why is there a town, bus depot, diner in the middle of it?

    Sure beats me...

    As well as think of how T.E.D.D. always talks about secret government facilities, that's no ordinary bus :P

  2. I believe Maxis wanted to nuke the earth to stop the zombie outbreak, but his calculations were off and it... well it didn't end so well.

    I can't remember for the life of me where I read this... if I did I would post it though...

    I think it came from another hidden quote by maxis

  3. I think it's just because it's a new zombies team, with now Edward controlling them

    Think, in the past, in EVERY MAP that had the original 4, it would be a song by Elena

    for the few times that it wasn't the original 4 (I think Nacht & Verruckt are out the question)

    Five & Call of the dead, we had Eminem, and A7X

    so I just think that we had a change in singer because there's a new zombies crew & now Edward is in control :)

    Maybe in the future we'll have a song with both the new guy and Elena if Edward and Samantha battle it out! (Could be an epic song xD)

  4. Okay guys, this is kinda' tranzit related but not really...

    but has anybody been seeing how hostile this birddog dan guy is making a lot of us?

    Most of us have heard the radios in Tranzit...

    Something along the lines of "An electronic voice has given us direction, half of our team chose to follow him and the other half aren't, and now both sides are fighting"

    (I know the quote is no way near accurate, but it's the general notion)

    Possible relation perhaps?

    Maybe I'm just giving him too much credit, but this is an interesting observation haha

  5. My question is, why would the map inside of the bus diner itself be facing anywhere other than north?

    It just doesn't make sense to me...

    besides, if you compare the actual location of the place in green run to the same one on google maps, North is in the same direction...

    (I saw this posted on another thread a few days back, sorry no link) D:

    Which is why I made this one...

  6. The "Now Die" thing was first spotted in the trailer, so that for one is out of the question.

    And the way everything looked intact in the "making of" of Zombies, is because that's how developers start when they want to make a destroyed enviroment. They make the stage intact, so they can edit it over, "destroying it", making it convincing enough.

    Doesn't rule out the fact that they could have easily made a copy of it in it's prime condition, to eventually use for time travel.

    It's just not the case. None of the ripped audio files mention anything related to time travel.

    Maybe though, after a DLC comes out, something like that could be added to Green Run, considering Maxis has said in one of the still unheard files, that "there's nothing to be seen here, at least not for now.".

    I'm worried about that happening... since Actiivison loves to make deals with microsoft, I'll have to wait all of that time, plus suffer while I watch everyone play thanks to ps3 users having to wait 30 additional days -_-

  7. The "Now Die" thing was first spotted in the trailer, so that for one is out of the question.

    And the way everything looked intact in the "making of" of Zombies, is because that's how developers start when they want to make a destroyed enviroment. They make the stage intact, so they can edit it over, "destroying it", making it convincing enough.

    Doesn't rule out the fact that they could have easily made a copy of it in it's prime condition, to eventually use for time travel.

  8. The beams of light are common on the lampposts you use for the emp grenades on. They stay for 1 game, then are gone the next.


    Then maybe this is it!

    Do the richtofen egg... very next game, have all 4 players set down turbines at the 4 lamp posts NOT sending off beams?

  9. first of all


    And about the image that was made recently, which links town beams, this one:

    I don't think that this is right, because on the video you can see beams of light coming from the back of the tower, like this one:

    Link to the image:

    Isn't that beam just one of the beams that constantly shoots up the tower to signify that the maxis side is done?

    bienvenido, yo tambien hablo espanol :P

  10. That ones dude pics off the different time possiblities... is awesome, that's some f*ckin' dedication right there. I found this video (one of the only videos on the activision forums. He's almost got it set up like all of them will go up to the obelisk. Some of them don't even still have the turbine on them and are staying lit!

    Holy crap that video...

    it seems like 2 were lit from that easter egg already, and they lit the other 2 by hand...this brings me back to a much exhausted theory...

    2 people having richtofen easter egg done, so 2 lamp posts shoot them there: 2/8

    2 people having maxis done, 2 more there: 4/8 so far

    Then all 4 players placing turbines on the remaining four to get all 8?

    Random thoughts :roll:

  11. By the way, all of those images I posted, I didn't mean spend your time on them, I was merely showing combinations that could make desired times...

    I highly doubt you'll achieve anything by placing the turbines at the places I provided diagrams for above..

    if anything I only think you'll achieve something if you place one at


    -Bus Depot

    -One near power(not the one near cabin)

    as shown by the video.

  12. This is just some speculation on B things, maybe route B is in fact just the same route, but backwards? Who knows, but I'm just throwing this out there for all to see

    Here is the exact wording on the map in the depot...

    A - 3:15; 11:30;

    2:00; 4:15; 6:30

    No night services

    B - 8:00; 10:00;

    12:00; 2:00;

    Notice how it says no night services for bus service A, but not for bus service B

    (notice how I'm not saying physical bus A & physical bus B)

    so here's another theory...

    Perhaps by setting the lamp posts to read 7:49 (the possible current time of the map...

    though I think the time may actually be 5:11... because the sun is in the south and kinda' high up in the sky... so then perhaps we're just making the inverse clock?

    ...(Since the bus(resembling the second hand) moves counter clockwise)


    and so after we set the turbines to make 7:49 (or 5:11 if you're considering it being inverse)

    we then have to set the time to somehow fall into the night service time period...

    8:00, 10:00, 12:00, & 2:00

    You could make these a multitudes of ways...

    Double Edit:

    White Hands resemble regular clock, black hands resemble the clock if it were inverted

    8:00 Service

    10:00 Service

    12:00 Service

    2:00 Service

  13. Come to think of it, two of the three lamp posts that they used in the video to get that other quote from maxis about the triangle being complete... were the ones at

    Diner and bus depot...

    Clocks in the map say either 7:49 or 5:11...

    but if you connect some dots..

    (The hour hand is aiming at the lamp post by the diner, not the one by the shortcut)

    The only thing is you couldn't really make it tell 5:11?

  14. So we've arisen the need for a quasi-accurate map, so using an image from the one in the bus depot, I tried my hand at making one to try and see if we can see how it is a clock, it seems kinda' jarbled up to me honestly :\

    or maybe Diner is in fact 12, and the other 7 lamp posts are just 7.5 minute intervals?

    I'm not sure, thoughts?

  15. as far as I know there's

    Carry On - by avenged sevenfold

    Carrion - by Kevin Sherwood (same beast that wrote all of the other zombie songs with Elena Siegman)

    and some dubstep one, don't care much for that one xD

    I've never actually activated the musical easter egg, but I've heard this information in many places haha

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