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Posts posted by Xekhin

  1. This is MY prediction as to how the Nav Card will fit into Tranzit

    Well, well, well, CoDz. I think I might just blow your minds for a second. You know, have you sleeping with crazy dreams of this coming true. I hope this is the case.

    We completed the Easter Egg and never found a use for neither the Nav Card or the Nav Card reader. We have had trolls telling us of Nachtder Untoten answers and nursery rhymes of false answers. I bring you something that is not a claim or an answer.

    A Prophecy or Prediction

    What is the best, final DLC that you could imagine? Connecting all previous DLCs, right? What is the best way to do so? A domino effect. In Black Ops, the community cried out for WaW maps. Treyarch delivered. Is it not safe to say they planned for it this time around?

    We have unexplained coding, and in this coding we can see evidence of not only WaW maps, but Black Ops maps. This may look like a lazy copy and paste job, but it could be something more. Let's say the next map has something else we need to build, but it isn't of use to us like the Nav Card reader. Possibly a Global Positioning Computer. We still have the Nav Card, but the two are incompatible.

    This continues until the final DLC, where we obtain the correct Nav Card. Once we go back to the original Tranzit map "Green Run", and insert the correct Nav Card, we will be taken to a new stop with a GPS card for example. This card would take us to another area that has yet another item we need. So on and so forth.

    My final theory is that since Nacht might have "buyable" doors on Green Run, this leaves three DLCs for the final three WaW maps. Where do we find the correct Nav Card?

    In a Black Ops zombie map pack.

    We will receive each of the WaW maps in a Green Run type of map. The final DLC will include all of the Black Ops maps and the correct Nav Card. Once we obtain this, the entire globe will become one big map. Most likely accessible via teleporters.

    What do you think? I personally hope I am right.

    Just cached engine files.

  2. could you check the script for the three teddy bears? I keep hearing there are three songs ranomised if you do this or that. the three songs are carrion(seems to always play no matter what you do), imma gonna try it out(activates before update), and carry on by avenged sevenfold(in the trailer, but rumored to be a musical easter egg)

    Ok, I have found multiple songs in the hidden audio. Looking in the S / C though, I can see a couple of triggers, but only for stuff like dying. I could be wrong, but I think that the songs you're hearing aren't triggered by the bear.

  3. Hello. My name is Joe, but I go by the internet persona 'Xekhin'. I spend my time, cracking open the S/C and other game files, to shed light on situations like these. I believe I was the first person to crack the audio, but I didn't leak it. The audio that you speak of, these sounds that don't add up, and your theory suggesting that the Easter egg is over, are correct.

    Let me explain, in the S/C it is quite obvious where we start in the EE, it looks like the points we start at are around step 3-4. But, the triggers to play certain sounds reveal very little in regards to the egg, they are menial steps that provide no major role in the story. The developers fucked up a little bit, they didn't intend on us being able to leak game data, and skip steps so easily.

    If you would take a look at my thread (Multiple EE continuation myths debunked - second bus confirmed) and goto the linked text document (every piece of text that can appear on your screen) you will discover that the text 'navcard accepted' is in there.

    When the patch for shangri la was released, alot of data (Models, weapon data values, skins) where put in, deep within the files, so that when moon dropped it wouldn't be such a big update.

  4. Wait,with another item we can constructive things....so...THUNDERGUN AND WANDERWUFFLE ARE CONSTRUCTIVENESS?!?

    Sadly, not yet. The data for the B01 Thundergun and the WAW Wunderwaffe are cached in the engine files, (you can see data about them in the linked text document) but have no buildable parts, or files that would make them work in TranZit

  5. That line never appears when you use the Jet Gun.

    Someone say in the forums its possible to make the Bus move faster if four turbines are placed inside. I was wondering if that was true, then maybe causing the bus to Drive Faster could cause the engine to Over Heat.

    Nope, complete bullshit. The bus only moves as fast as its default speeds (it gets slower and faster in certain ares)

  6. Well, I have scoured the map (and under it) on PC, and the PaP room is not on it!

    There is hundreds of thousands of examples where games have trigger events that load in new features or areas, and BO2 is no exception.

    There is support within the audio quotes from T.E.D.D. and also within the texture files, that the bus will make one more stop... in a forest area.

    Now, the only forest area within the game that I can see, is the forest area behind the depot, with a road that could potentially lead to the blocked of road after the tunnel, leading towards the diner, which also has a forest surrounding it.

    Anyway... I cannot guarantee that the game will have this kind of trigger effect, So until proven otherwise, we can only speculate!

    But, I can confirm that, just because it is not there on the map from the off, does not mean it cannot be loaded into the PC/Consoles ram within a split second, and as such, we cannot rule this idea out.


    If everything you say is legit, go into the S/C and search for things related to the PaP, my theory will be proved :)

  7. It's NOT false! I have no clipped the map on PC and the PaP room does not show up when it is not opened! All you can see is the three buildable parts floating in mid air.

    Also, this game DOES have loadable parts, and the game could quite easily load in information within seconds on a "trigger" activating this. And this DID happen within Shangra La.

    The code within a game is already loaded up on console, but on a PC, the code is sitting on standby, and when a "trigger" is activated, code can be loaded into the ram within micro-seconds, so you should not say "FALSE" unless you know for a fact.

    Treyarch would have known that PC users would noclip the map, so much so that they removed the noclip feature from the command console, so the trainer's were made for the game to implement noclip.

    Im not looking to argue, the game doesnt simply spawn the PAP room in, it moves it from a location far away from the map, with colours that blend into the background, it simply moves the room and changes the colours

  8. No clip is a waste of time now, treyarch started using scripted event items in shangri la (think this was the first map to do so) that only appear once a trigger is done, so unless you do the triggers, no clipping will only show you so much.

    Tbh im glad treyach adapted

    False: No matter what triggers are used, the inside of the church would always be the same, they cant just trigger a complete change of the church's interior + add an enterance etc without it being REALLY obvious in the script

    The PAP room isn't visible until the turbine is placed AFAIK, there could be more places like this. Just saying.

    Also false, its just quite far outside the map

  9. hi,

    i wanted to test a few things with the avogadro, one thing was to emp him when he is standing right below the water tower. unfortunately he hasnt spawned in the fields/grass, but always on the street. so i had no chance to lure him to that spot.

    do you guys know if it is actually possible that he spawns in outside of the bus depot? and do you think this idea will lead to anything?!


    Great theory! But, the 'Gadro cannot spawn close enough to the tower to be killed there.

  10. No clip is a waste of time now, treyarch started using scripted event items in shangri la (think this was the first map to do so) that only appear once a trigger is done, so unless you do the triggers, no clipping will only show you so much.

    Tbh im glad treyach adapted

    False: No matter what triggers are used, the inside of the church would always be the same, they cant just trigger a complete change of the church's interior + add an enterance etc without it being REALLY obvious in the script

  11. Not all traps are created equal: some might be missing a piece or two...

    Dou you think this might be related to tranzit?? It´s between the clue messages which seem fit for older maps but this quote really made me think... what if we have to build some of the things in tranzit differently?

    Look in the linked text document, and search 'fire trap' :)

    Did it, found nothing... I hope i did it right: I downloaded the linked text file- opened it in editor and searched it for : fire trap, fire , trap & firetrap also tried fire-trap, nothing

    *Flame barrier

  12. So are you saying that the more we play the more we can progress, BC Ive gotten the Orb on the Stoplight one time & after that Ive never gotten it again, & I play quite often, on COD Elite ove got 15,299 minutes played of that 11,336 were in TranZit mode which is roughly 188.93hrs or 7.87 days!!! & ive only done Richtofens Side & that was like 2 days after the game came out!!!

    Get four players, that all have done Richtofen or Maxis' side most recently, and do the EE, and do the lights wih the orb. Also, time played isn't tracked, so I'm pretty sure that that doesn't have an impact

  13. Not all traps are created equal: some might be missing a piece or two...

    Dou you think this might be related to tranzit?? It´s between the clue messages which seem fit for older maps but this quote really made me think... what if we have to build some of the things in tranzit differently?

    Look in the linked text document, and search 'fire trap' :)

  14. Ok. First up, the juggernog one is complete BS, the variables for hits taken are 2 (default) and 6(Juggernog) The flopper one is also BS, no explosive damage or anything that could cause damage is listed as a result from D-Diving under ANY circumstances (although it does have the potential to be modded in) I think that was all the rumored ones, I only looked into Jug and flopper, if there where any others then I'll look into em.

  15. I think the one about the lights is this: Its not that were doing the EE/ToB wrong or in the wrong order, What I Believe it is, is that when your at the end of either, Richtofens or Maxxis' that theirs 4/8 street lamps that are desginated for each & if we get the correct combination of 4 then that will trigger the next part of the EE/ToB. Thats what Ive been trying to say but couldnt explain it in a way that would allow people to understand!!!

    From what I can tell, it appears the lights are dependant on the side you have chosen. The game keeps logging something into a folder I can't seem to access, but it logs it every time something EE related happens (you complete a step, one of the audio sounds play, etc) So I can only presume spiderbite's theory of 'picking a side and sticking to it' is correct. Also, the lights track previous viewings, so if I had joined the lights from the bank to the orb, and a friend had done the laundromat in a seperate game, then if one person did the lights at church they'd all just spawn

  16. I flew out there, I'm pretty sure it could be a lighting bug, I can't see anything about it in the SC.

    In regards to your idea about a tranzit set in the past / future, that sound awesome!

  17. I presume you read my post, so I'll explain.

    When a game is made, it is made using what is called code. This code determines every possible event, thing, whatever to happen in the game. Everything from your ammo count to the EE is written in this code. Now, treyarch do everything they can so that we cannot see this 'code' but there are methods to see it.

    Your second question, nocip is the ability to fly around the map / fly through walls, hope I helped,


  18. I have noclip enabled on the PC, and fog disabled, I've done a bit of testing, and playing with game files and this is what I've discovered:

    The church plays no role, it is just a spawn for the zombies, and you just see through the walls when you go in.

    The navcards CAN be accepted into the reader, if you open up the text files and scroll down a bit, the words 'navcard accepted' can be seen.

    The bridge is a possible continuation, a few image files are deep within the game files that look like the supports of the bridge that have been destroyed, however, little images and things like that where deep within the files before the release of moon, so I presume its realated to future DLC maps.

    A big trend going on recently is that we are missing the opening steps of the easter egg, and not the ending ones. This, is partially true, there are a few sound clips that simply don't add up, but they probably wont reveal anything major when we find out the steps we have skipped.

    Now, the big one: The lights. If you rip open the SC of the game, it displays multiple variables where the lights are concerned, from what I can tell it appears that doing some action (I'm still pouring over the code trying to figure out what) will trigger one set of lights in a certain place, and other actions will trigger different coloured lights (orange and a kind of purple) in different places.

    Q: Any other permaperks (not actually permanent, looking into how long they last)

    A: Ok. First up, the juggernog one is complete BS, the variables for hits taken are 2 (default) and 6(Juggernog) The flopper one is also BS, no explosive damage or anything that could cause damage is listed as a result from D-Diving under ANY circumstances (although it does have the potential to be modded in) I think that was all the rumored ones, I only looked into Jug and flopper, if there where any others then I'll look into em.

    Q: Is this evidence of another bus? (Found in the linked .txt file below)

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To Open

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To Close

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To Climb To the Roof

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 For Emergency Exit

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To enter bunker

    Press ^3[{+activate}]^7 to start the bus [Cost]

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To go up

    Hold ^3[{+activate}]^7 To go down

    A: Yes, it is indefinite evidence that a second bus, or massive upgrade to the current bus is possible. In the game files, what could be a model for a second bus can be seen, but no driver. Also, no scripts indicate that the new / super upgraded bus is available in the current form of TranZit. When the next patch is released I'll take another look, but my thoughts are that they are adding parts for the DLC scripts, so that it wont be as big a D/L

    Q: TranZit can become daytime.

    A: Nope. In the current state that the game files are in, there are absoloutley ZERO hints that you can make tranzit day. Nothing. Atall, period.

    Q: Can you build the Wunderwaffe DG2 and the Thundergun??

    A Sadly, not yet. The data for the B01 Thundergun and the WAW Wunderwaffe are cached in the engine files, (you can see data about them in the linked text document) but have no buildable parts, or files that would make them work in TranZit

    Q: Can four turbines speed up T.E.D.D?

    A: Nope, complete bullshit. The bus only moves as fast as its default speeds (it gets slower and faster in certain ares)

    Q: Surely, this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKdW18cdvp8) gives conclusive evidence that TranZit has a day / night?!

    A: This video intrigued me. I searched everywhere in the S / C for a couple of hours, searching for anything that could point towards TranZit becoming day or night. I found nothing. I did, however, find the model for the moon he was looking at, but that was it. As eariler stated, you CANNOT change the time in TranZit in its current form.

    PM me here and I'll look into any other myths or queries you may have, and I'll edit them into this post. Thanks

    EDIT: http://easycaptu.re/pMUcm.txt Link to all text that appears in game, use your browsers search tool and type navcard ;)

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