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Posts posted by xiques

  1. So what's in the middle then?

    Why do I have a feeling my pre-calc knowledge is going to be used soon...

    Idk Maybe i giant ass radio tower which has a NAV Table Underneath it ?

    To create a scalene triangle you only need three lamp posts.. scalene triangle by definition is a triangle with no equal lengths or angles.. so the scalene triangle could be made elsewhere with the 3 lamp posts, and the tower would not be in the middle of it.

  2. I have obtained the mms on the m8a1 in my last game and scanned all of the traincars i could find... i found nothing.. from the outside.. if you think about it the only way to can see things through the walls with the mms is the enemy that is movies.. (zombies or denizens) i also used it to look in thick grass under the semis and other obstacles. i was unable to finish my scanning because zombies + lava don't mix. the places i was able to scan was the cabin, power station, corn field, farm, train cars, and along the sides in the fog in-between them. places i missed was town, bus depot, diner, nacht, and bridge.

    One of the things that intrigued me about the poem was saying that we run over it all the time and don't notice.. well if you look at the cracks on the ground outside the cabin it looks like they say "252" i don't know if that has any significance or not.

    If your in theater mode you can fly through the hole in the roof at the cabin and be on top of the cabin. this is the only time I've seen where you can go somewhere with a camera that the player cannot (except for camera mode glitching out side of the map).

    So if someone wants to continue the scanning in the places i missed, feel free and keep us informed. Or if anyone has any thoughts on the writing at the cabin post them.

  3. I doubt the shield can reflect the beams..

    1. the beams are random and dont stay long

    2. the beams go through the buildings, hows a car door gonna reflect that?

    3. you cant reflect the beam that goes to the do because it goes through the walls right next to the door, no way to access it to reflect it

  4. So while I was playing I noticed the red/blue lines that everyone has been talking about.. hoping that it would show up in theater mode it did.. But this was the only line that was visible in theater mode and i was able to pause it and find its origin. It started in the Forest Cafe that is located right behind the bank.

  5. My roommate and I have been able to play 2 different songs through the teddy bears, the only one we haven't heard yet is the skrillex one.

  6. So I'm sitting in town waiting to hear the sound of the train... And low and behold I hear it.. but not only that while i was sitting out in front of the laundry mat (broken hole) I also hear a clip of a guy yelling as if in trouble.. I don't know if that was from the players (who are NOT at the town) or if its from the laundry mat..

  7. I have been in town many times but I too have never heard the train or something underground.

    But, what I have heard and so has one of my friends is a little girl laughing while under the tower, where the nav table is at. If you get up close to the side of the fence next to the corn on the opposite side of the nav table you can hear the laughing.. has anyone else noticed this or think that this in some way plays a role in the future of the EE?

  8. If a revive cancels out a down then i would have -10 downs... i have 47 revives and 37 downs..

    It might play a small factor, I think the 3arc has a formula that could have all the stats combined into a single formula that determines rank.

  9. i actually believe that there are only those 2 special routes to get the other two songs, and all other combinations is "Carrion".

  10. Found this on youtube, if someone wants to test it..

    "Let Me Try It Out" Skrillex - Town, Bus Depot, Farm

    "Carrion" Kevin Sherwood - Bus Depot, Town, Farm

    "Carry On" A7X - Farm, Bus Depot, Town

  11. There is supposedly 3 different songs in zombies, I'm not 100% sure how to get the other two whether it be a different combination of hitting the teddy bears, or if its certain characters hitting the teddy bears.

  12. didnt want to start a new thread...so im puttin this here...

    my question is: if zombie rank emblems are dependent on kills vs downs...if you want to rank up quicker...then dont buy Quick Revive AT ALL? cuz buying quick revive doubles your 'downs' in each game...cutting your ratio each time.

    am i crazy or is this the key to ranking up?

    I believe that if it is dependent on kills vs down, not buying quick revive in a game will reduce the # of downs in that single match. But if you buy quick revive and stay alive and keep slaying the zombies then it really shouldn't matter. Only because if you stop and play the next game you will get downed as well and possibly at a lower level meaning you might lose the ratio.

    I believe that many people who should have a higher ranking don't because at the beginning when we learned about the "perma quick revive" we would let ourselves get downed countless number of times to let the others in the group earn it. But what it did was give 12+ downs to the players who were just trying to help their teammates out.

  13. I have checked many of them out, and they usually say many different things with different peoples stats. Many of the threads have no idea.. What I was trying to do was shed some light on those theories with my own findings.

  14. So I might have answered my own question here.. before the match I figured my k/d to be at 149.19 and after it was at 159 k/d. My friends is at 69 k/d. So my theory is that after 100 k/d you get the skull with knife, and after 150k/d you receive the skull with the 2 shotguns. The hash marks in my opinion are consistency of playing time. Once you have received the 5th hash mark is when the blue eyes appear.

  15. Has anyone figured out how this ranking system works yet? I only ask this because in a match i jumped from the skull with a knife w/blue eyes with 5 hash marks to the skull with 2 shotguns w/blue eyes and 5 hash marks. The match that was played went to round 18, i had 512 kills, 1 revive, 3 headshots, and 1 down. In total i have 5883 kills, 47 revives, 3403 headshots, and 37 downs.

    The weird part about this is one of the guys i was playing with on that round had 314 kills, 4 revives, 69 headshots, and 1 down. But on the leader boards he has 29049 kills, 300 revives, 7156 headshots, and 421 downs. He only has the skull w/blue eyes and 5 hash marks.

    Can someone use this information to figure out a new theory on how the ranking system works. I've read many that say you need 30k, 40k, or 50k kills to acquire the skull with shotguns. If anyone needs more information about my stats or his, let me know.

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