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Posts posted by INeedVodka115

  1. Honestly I will just wait and see what happens. After the ending I don't even want to theorize what's going to happen anymore, i'm just going to wait and see what happens.

  2. I don't see why air strikes are so important. I know it's good to have like monkeys but like BS said its better to go for staffs instead. Then hit the box for monkeys.

    Yeah I agree with this. I usually have the fire/ice staff built by round 12, and then I just use the fire staff to fill up the boxes as it's incredibly easy. I just get the brofists because it helps on insta kills to get out of corners.

    I don't usually get the airstrike monkeys, I've been using regular monkeys but they glitch up seriously almost every game for me. It's so annoying.

  3. Things I love:

    The Original four - Seriously, this is all I wanted and I got it.

    Seeing how the four heroes were before they were tested on. Very interesting.

    Changing weather


    Free perk slots are hard to get

    Old Weapons

    EE is possible to do on solo

    Elena Siegman singing in the EE song

    Things I hate/dislike:

    Monkeys fuck up for me all of the time. Very annoying.

    Takes a super long time to get set up, atleast an hour for me to get ultimate ice staff/monkeys/pap/to be ready by round 15, very tedious task. Especially when you go down on 20. lol

    The Ending of the EE

    Overall, this is probably my favorite map of all time. I love it so much, this is all i've ever wanted out of a Black Ops 2 map, i'm so glad we got to see our four heroes again. It will definitely hold me over until the next map

  4. Eddie could be Richtofens son.

    Eddie could be the one who eventually gets trapped inside Teddy.

    Makes sense if you think about it.

    Richtofen & Maxis worked together if they had children they would have played & stay at the same place.

    +1 to IRurG.

    Regards Alpha.

    That actually makes sense. Richtofen could be in the basement with Maxis, he just didn't talk.

  5. Won't be looking either but it is not allowed.

    Reminder About Leaks (IMPORTANT)

    Unread postby Ehjookayted » Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:02 pm

    If you post anything to do with leaks, your post will be deleted. Yes, something has leaked right now. There is a leaked ending of Origins. Do not post this, discuss it, or comment on anything to do with it. Anyone else posting it from here on out will have his/her post deleted and be banned for a day.

    My bad. I don't understand how it is leaked either, what if they just finished the EE? That's pretty dumb imo that you can't discuss the ending when the map is already out. Whatever though.

  6. The next map will definitely lead us to what is going to be in the 4th map. We will most likely see the n4 on the next one and maybe maxis gains full control?? I don't know lol it's definitely gonna be an insane map though. Maybe there will be some radios of the O4 trying to make contact with Richtofen to end this madness. Can't wait!

  7. You see, this is the freedom of zombies. Are you Forced to use the Mystery Box? Then don't? Are you even forced to leave the starting area? Then don't!

    The freedom of zombies gives you just enough restrictions but enough freedom to make your own choices, make a 'No Mystery Box' challenge for yourself, make it challenging for yourself if it is too easy, you're not obligated to grab the blundergat out of the box, that's the magic of zombies!

    This post is awesome

  8. I'm almost out of Vodka! Err, I mean Ammo!

    Nikolai has always been my go to guy, 2nd is Richtofen. In bo2 I really don't care as long as I'm not Stuhlinger, I can't stand those voices.

    I always loved how Nikolai said vodka. He pronounces "V" like a "W" which made me laugh everytime lol. I need wodkaa

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