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Posts posted by rbb93

  1. Hi I just found this:


    This video was recorded in Theatermode so it could be just another lightglitch like the one with the lighthouse but the owner claims to have seen it in-game.

    Let´s figure this out and see if someone can recreate this, maybe we´re on to some new eastereggs here :D

  2. Not all traps are created equal: some might be missing a piece or two...

    Dou you think this might be related to tranzit?? It´s between the clue messages which seem fit for older maps but this quote really made me think... what if we have to build some of the things in tranzit differently?

    Look in the linked text document, and search 'fire trap' :)

    Did it, found nothing... I hope i did it right: I downloaded the linked text file- opened it in editor and searched it for : fire trap, fire , trap & firetrap also tried fire-trap, nothing

  3. As for the laundromat-door: I wouldn´t spent too much attention on this, (well i actually can´t pay attention to it since i´m on ps3) beacause i honestly think this is some kind of glitch either for xbox or ps3.

    What I´m focusing on and what I´d suggest you to focus on too, are the orbs arround pylon/traffic light/mystery box.

    I recently did the Richthofen side of the EE, like everyone I got a glowing box-weapon like in every single game and always killed bunch of zombies with it but never recocgnized anything special, anyway...

    Yesterday i was logged into one of the accounts i did richthofen with and tried to do maxis´ side of the ee... i gotta say we died pretty often and didn´t manage do get it done,

    BUT the second time we tried it, after the power was on and back off I saw the blue orb around the traffic light in town... we died soon that game and in the next the light was gone but i recognized something that might be important:

    there are sparkles coming out of the traffic light that had the orb around it WHILE the power was turned on, they dissapeard after power was fully on and it was only on the one traffic light(the one across the curch).

    Actually I have no Idea what it could mean but i think we could find out what triggered the orb to appear: It was obviously nothing that we did in one particular game because we did excactly the same stuff for 3-4 games and had the orb only once... So maybe it appears when you´re trying to switch sides? Like Richthofen telling you to stop ? Or does it appear after a certain ammount of time? Like when you did the easter egg you get the orb around traffic light excactly 1 week after(Im pretty sure it was 1 week on my game)?

    Sorry for the huge post, but i just wanted to share my theories and I hope this might lead us to something :mrgreen:

  4. Tis is the topcomment on spiderbyte´s video:


    Now i got pretty excited when I saw this video... i´m not saying comittment isn´t the key cause i don´t see any of the lights yet and have just recently completet Richthofen... but this might be the next further step... bring four commitet (sry if i spell it wrong) players together in one tranzit game - two who did maxis and two who did richthofen and eventually you´ll get THIS as result and should try to interact with that glowing thing on the tower ... or just try anything, maybe even stuff we tried before and didn´t work yet. I think this really might be something BIG we´re on here, what do you think?

  5. Hi, I'm new here, and wanted to share a video about the beams which I found today from someone who uploaded it.

    This is the video, all credits to -> VeteranTango07 who uploaded it.

    The screen shakes in that video like something has crashed or come crashing out of the sky at 0:55.

    Screen shakes only because he had a shield on his back... the last zombie broke it and then the screen shaked

  6. So you saw the same blue orb like in this video, just on the pylon itself right?


    I guess its the same orb spiderbyte saw when he did the video you are talking about...does anybody know if the box was also in town when ngt did this?

    I´m pretty sure there MUST be something you can do with those *sparking orbs* ... maybe get all weapons from the box which had those light-effects and then go around the map and search for another orb(like the one on the pylon jrrhack saw) and shooot it with those weapons or anything like that... Also im pretty sure you can recreate this by doing the ee and then starting an custom or single game afterwards right? Please leave your thoughts... :D

  7. Hi, i´m new to the forum but i´ve been following the posts about tranzit since boII came out and I try to figure out if theres more to the ee since... now I still think there might be something to Tranzit we didn´t find yet and wether the quote on youtube was legit or not i gotta say that i was wondering about some character´s quotes all the time and saw nobody mentioning it... I think there might be something about the town part in tranzit... all the charecters say they have kinda déja vu feeling when entering the town... I cant post the exact quotes but im sure you heard some of them already. Also we know the Orb by the traffic light was in town AND the morse code is also located in town, so maybe you have to do the easter egg and then do something in that location... maybe even just kill zombies for a certain amount of rounds. I´ll definetly try some things out today maybe you guys have some ideas what else we could do to figure this out?

    and sorry for my english i´m not a native speaker

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