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Posts posted by RichieHF

  1. I'm planning on creating the perk bottle labels as accurately as possible and releasing them as vectors at a 300DPI format for High-Quality printing. As we all know, some of the stickers templates released aren't exactly accurate when it comes to the perk name, fonts used, or even color. 

    In order to do this, I need to get my hands on the Black Ops III perk bottle models and textures to get a closer look at them. I have the game on PC, and I just need someone to point me in the direction for how to extract the models (I've dug around as best as I could but couldn't find any model files), or message me the model files (Maya/Blender/C4D/etc.)

    If someone could help me with this that'd be great.


  2. 3. Just because the four met up now does not mean they've stayed together since that time. Each one of them was on a special mission and just so happened to meet up, it seems. It is entirely possible they parted ways until they were inevitably brought back during WW2. Also, remember their memories were wiped prior to the main zombie outbreak.

    Would this explain their subconscious hate to one another, in a Samuel-Misty/Russ-Marlton kinda way? Maybe they built up some rivalries during this WWI time period?

  3. Good news!

    I found Black Ops models, in a .3ds format, with all textures.

    From the campaign, multiplayer and zombies!

    Bad news!

    They're only characters. Not props/weapons. Also from BO1.

    I'm not sure if I should link, because the uploader has claimed to have some DLC models too, but I'm not sure if the DLC models work as their "models" are just .fbx and their textures are just simple pictures of the character. So I'm not too sure if they will import correctly.

    All the models OUTSIDE the "DLC 2/3/4" folder work perfectly fine with normal textures and a .3ds format.

    TL;DR: The link claims to have some DLC models too which may be classed as piracy. So I ain't risking it.

    Anyway, here's some pics from the archive: All are 1920x1080

    George Romero: http://uploadffs.nl/images/2013/08/05/6LNhU.png

    Zombie head: http://uploadffs.nl/images/2013/08/05/VlTf.png

    Hellhound: http://uploadffs.nl/images/2013/08/05/vKayb.png

    Samantha: http://uploadffs.nl/images/2013/08/05/JC2Ah.png

    Would you mind PMing me the link?

  4. I used to have all of them on my pc, I'm sure if you google the models you'll find them.

    If not, extract them yourself? It's really easy if you use Tom Crowley's tools.

    There's a reason why I can't get them myself.

    My PC can't run BlOps2.

    And I've Google'd. Theres' nothing but very poorly done replicas of the models.

  5. I followed the text tutorial, and I have no idea how you managed to get extra 500 from debris after you use up the second booze bottle since none will spawn until the next round. I followed the tutorial exactly as stated and I was 510 behind (I even build barriers)

    Sorry I did not clarify but its step 10 where I went to saloon after checking for booze in cell. You get a free booze every round in saloon or cell. It is also shown in video.

    Thing is, you only get two, since you're on round one.

    I tried to do this without any help, and barely made it through, with only the M1911

  6. I followed the text tutorial, and I have no idea how you managed to get extra 500 from debris after you use up the second booze bottle since none will spawn until the next round. I followed the tutorial exactly as stated and I was 510 behind (I even build barriers)

  7. I think this is a great idea! There's so many Perk locations in Nuketown Zombies. They should have all the Perks. They certainly have the room for it. So you might have to wait a bit longer to get Juggernog. Honestly, big whoop! I'd take variety any day. I'd also love to combine Tombstone Soda with Who's Who.

    The many possible perk locations is why I expected this in the first place.

  8. I think it's fine with just the 4 original perks (though Double Tap's been improved) and the Pack-a-Punch. Besides, having more perks on the map means potentially having to wait even longer before Juggernog appears.

    True and I'd say that's a challenge, but hardly, because I can still survive until round 25 without Juggernog..

  9. I know Treyarch staff visits this forum, so I think I should post this here.

    I would like to see Nuketown zombies perks increase as new perks are out.

    For example, when Revolution was released, the perk Who's Who should have also been allowed to appear on Nuketown zombies.

    I thought that's what would make the map special when it was first released, but I was sort of let down.

    Would anyone also enjoy this from the map as well?

  10. I was playing Die Rise solo, and noticed whenever a "Boss" zombies round came up, Richtofen would say "Fetch me their souls!"...

    But does he not want your to help him complete his tasks?

    Just wanted to point out something that Treyarch probably looked over.

  11. On the transmissions from the TVs on Die Rise, the ex-CDC Assistant Director tells us the symptoms for those who are infected/turning.

    Listed -

    * Short-Term memory loss

    * Psychosis

    * Delusions

    * Paranoia

    From what I can tell, Samuel suffers from the last three symptoms. The transmission also states that Paranoia is the biggest sign for those who are turning.

    I'm pretty sure he just became more exposed to the air-borne element, more than the others.

  12. I have never thought about it, but it is possible that they are dead, specially if trazit takes place 20 years after moon, which I personally don't believe. It is also possible that he killed them using the zombies and moon really was the end all game where you really aren't supposed to survive just go nuts till you die, which would explain no mans land, the pack a punch being at the very start, the reason you get all the perks after the easter egg, and why you can make pack a punch ammo cheaper.

    I disagree on the "just go nuts 'till ya die." idea.. Since, you know.. Richtofen and Maxis have more planned.

  13. Last night, I was playing Tranzit trying to get the new perks, and I heard Richtofen say something around the lines of: "Vodka, Vodka, Vodka! Did someone say Vodka?... Oh, how I miss that drunk."

    But then it came to me from him hearing him say something in Survival or Tranzit (Not Sure) around the lines of: "I think that's a 'Max Ammo', I'm not sure... I can only see EVERYTHING at the same time."

    So, why would he miss Nikolai if he can see everything?

    This made me think that the old crew is dead?.. Or atleast Nikolai.

    Or can anyone give me some sort of mind-blowing explanation for this?

  14. I think I understand Die Rise's meaning.

    Players will have to make it to the bottom of an upside down building correct? Rise up/down without dying.


    No, that's not the meaning. I'm pretty sure the name is more relative to the "Great Leap Forward".

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