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Posts posted by xiRoNiCzZ

  1. Rule X: Thou who hast capitalized the greatest shall not be punished for doing so in the form of being coerced into purchasing group necessities on all his own. Expenditures shall be divided equally not based on the income of each of thou.

    Corollary 1: Thou who is privileged, be it by luck or skill, to have capitalized the greatest, should pity those less fortunate than he and be willing to pay for extra expenditures to help his fellow man when the opportunity is present or convenient, not because thou was forced by some written rule but because of thy kindness.

    totaly agree with this ^^

    usualy i have the most points in public lobbys, if no 1 does this >

    Thou shalt not covet thy teammate's window, nor their kills, nor any thing that is thy teammate's.

    & yh fair enuff ill open the first door, most times even the secound door, but then wen we get to the third people will stand by the door stabbing it, hinting for sum 1 to open it, even tho they have enuff points to open it there selfs :/

  2. It all comes down to your game style preferences.

    I think the only is a blast with friends, and rockstar has always done a good job with the solo campaigns, even though I take forever to play them.

    It's one of those game series that if you like it, you like it, and if you don't, you don't.

    It's a free roamers dream game. But it lacks structure for those that need/like structure.

    totaly agree with you!

    all rockstar games are longggggg, wich is a good thing really

    gta 5 campaign was the best gta so far (i think)

    & online is way better then any other gta but can be a bit repetitive, but some people might say the same thing about zombies buttttt ill never get bored of zombies xD

  3. they should deffanitly bring zombies back on there nxt game :)

    they shud also do the map packs where u can download the zombie maps & the multiplayer maps seprate, bcus the multiplayer maps are usualy pretty crap, but the zombie maps are sik, so peeps shud be able to download the zombie map on there own

  4. mean, if you want to do the "it's just a game" cop-out, then just TRY explaining the last few lines of the ending. You can't. Treyarch INTENDED for you to go "What?! It's just a game!" but THEN to go "Woah. A plan? Wait a minute. This ISN'T just a game!" Kinda like the Inception movie. It was absolutely brilliant. But some people are stubborn or got too mad at the first part to get to the second part.

    inception 1 of the best films made! propa messes with your head at the end enit lol u kinda like :/ he still dreaming? lol

    thats exactly what they have done here!! "huh its all just a game?"

    some people hating on treyach for this but its actuaky kind of genius, they got all there fan base talkin over & over about this lol & have left it open to do what ever they like with it :)

  5. i kind of belive it was all just a game :/ but who cares lol was a good game, but everything we had in zombies was there in that room :/ but who knows.

    intresting thing is there was them not things on the bed at the end

    samantha had 20 notches

    eddie only had 10

    wich is 30 (obv)

    im guessin this is dem counting there "turns" but theres 30 notches & we only have 16 maps, so that mean we gonna get more in the future? :/

    my other theory is... maybe sumfing happend to "eddie" when he went down to the basement wich made him older, cuz in the trailer for origins u see richotofen looking at his hands in a confused way :/ in a like "wtf way" lol

    but who knows im not really to clever when it comes to theorys & that i enjoy reading them tho :) but that was just a few things that poped in my head

  6. find this to be a little far fetched. There honestly isn't much of a way to prove it unless you had side-by-side videos of the same upgraded guns, same perks, same locations, but with the separate batteries. This rumor could be a matter of seeing what you want to see. Back in BO1, my friends and I used to dolphin dive on top of each other in the corner, downing ourselves because there was a rumor you got more drops that way :lol:

    lol me & my friend used to do that thing on kino! i doubt it actualy made a diffrence tho, i cant see how downing yourself gave you more pick ups tbh :/ lukin back was probaly a stupid thing to do lol

  7. so have i, its pretty easy to get, and i noticed afterwards the explosion seemed diffrent :/ like bigger, i dnt think it was "semtex" but i think it makes your grenades alot stronger.

    if any 1 wants to try this just kill as many zombies as u can on early rounds using only grenades and you will get the green flash

    & u shud notice something a little diffrent afterwards

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