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Posts posted by jcm055

  1. http://www.vg247.com/2013/05/23/call-of-duty-ghosts-not-a-new-engine-but-is-upgraded-says-dev/


    Call of Duty makes so much money and is the most succesful franchise in the industry and they do not bother to actually make a game that represents that.

    Actually scratch that: Activi$ion does not let them. I hope that IW/Treyarch actually want to make great games but are simply not able to because of the time restrictions or something along those lines.

    If anybody thinks that this game looks great and that it will be good he/she is literally a giant fanboy. (The bad kind of a giant fanboy that is.)

    I hope that this game will be a flop.

    There are so many great games and for years they have to be overshadowed by the same game every year.

    And that is not right.

    Call of Duty doesn't deserve this.


    Not to mention that the millitary fps games are just dull at this point. (At least for me.)

    I hope that I don't sound like too much of a hater in this post.

    But all of you have to agree with me at least to some extent.

    And I'd also like to add that CoD is not the only game that does this.

    Assassin's Creed, Mario brothers and the EA sports games.

    Video games are considered to be art.

    But these "Copy & Paste" games should not.

    Meh, like you said it's like the EA sports games, just an updated roster every year. That said, I just went back and played MW3 and MW2 back to back and MW3 feels a lot smoother and looks a lot better than 2. BO1 to BO2 doesn't seem to be as big of a jump, but I never played BO1 multiplayer a whole lot, just zombies.

    I was considering the jump to BF4 this go around, but I played BF3 finally and it just felt clunky compared to what I was used to in the CoD series. Seeing that, I may just keep up with CoD franchise.

  2. The way I see it there are two possibilities.

    1.) The whole zombies storyline is just a series of made up stories made by children. Treyarch hopefully went with this route to free themselves from the hassle of creating easter eggs and advancing the story and therefor focus more on gameplay.

    2.) "One alternate view of how zombies came to be."

    This map is just a non-canon 'just for fun' map. And the real story has gotten up to the ending of Buried's easter egg.

    This is very similar to what I thought. They either did this to close the story and end zombies or make it a blank slate for next game, or..

    This could be in WW2 Germany as we hear air raid sirens. Her dad would be the Maxis we first learned about in WaW, and is working for 935 during and prior to the Der Reise radios. This would make the Origins map strictly made up (instead of the whole zombie story line) as the kids played to pass the time. The issue here is you have to take a lot of the nods to our story as just that, nods to us as fans and nothing more. My other problem is she doesn't sound like Samantha from WaW and the posters and her clothes aren't indicative of that era, IMHO, but could be considered nods to story and CoD in general.

    Honestly, I hope its the latter, but won't effect it too much for me either way. I haven't played much since BO, this story line ad complex maps haven't appealed to me like the original Nazi Zombies did. I even loved the story in BO, although it got away from what got me into zombies story a bit.

  3. Okay, been researching a little since I am having a break from trying to get a permanent stamin-up (Running a tone of miles in one game >_


    ^^^ Apparently, it's a "Knifing Perk"? And I don't want to say it's hacked or a glitch cuz I want it to be a real thing. Can you imagine how long you could survive with just the galvaknuckles with this? I believe it might be from killing denizens without the galvaknuckles or the bowie knife. Seems fitting, given that you need more speed to kill them faster, and that's the only situation I can see anyone achieving this in.

    Anyone have this as well? Or something similar?

    Also, apparently you can get perm stam from 500 total miles ran (Doubt it, I have 1000ish) and I don't feel faster. Although he did say you regain stamina faster, and I do feel like I regain a tad fast.

    Anyways, just some more things for you guys to try and disprove / confirm. :)

    I can confirm the knifing one. It was the first one I got since I haven't played much but it happened the other day as I was knifing some zombies to death around round 4 or 5. Only noticeable difference is it seemed to knife faster

  4. We already know where Nacht der Untoten is. It is near Verruckt in Berlin, Germany, in late 1945.

    Green Run takes place in the 1980's in Hanford, Washington, United States. Look at the two maps. There are many differences.

    1. No Nazi Zombies

    2. 60's vehicles instead of military trucks

    3. No explosive barrels

    4. Collapsed upstairs

    5. Fenced-in

    6. Not nearly as fortified with barricades

    It is simply designed to look like it, like an allusion. It is not the actual Nacht der Untoten.

    I don't see how it's the 80's, it seems clear to me it's in the 60's, I can't say a specific year, but with BO being in the 60's, Moon's NML appearing to be in the 60's as well (banner hanging), the plates on the bus say '60 and the 60's era vehicles at Green Run. There's just never been any question in my mind it's in the 60's. I think it's only shortly after the events of Moon and Nuketown, as when you get your first drop, Rich hacks up a lung and says "Sorry, just getting used to the aether" like he hasn't been there long. Maxis's quote about trying for years would still apply as he's been gone since the mid 40's.

    Sorry to go off topic. Back OT, Nacht does confuse me a bit as well. The bus driver always mentions Greenbriar Resort (a famous bunker location) when passing the cornfield when I play, so I assume he's alluding the the bunker that is Nacht. The fact the guide calls it the "Prototype" could signify to me that the US has recreated a prototype of the first encounter by US Forces of Nazi Zombies. I was always under the impression when playing the original WaW NDU that it was actually IN Germany. I can't recall the text at the beginning about it, but it was heavily implied.

    Now 3arc could've ret-conned NDU into the storyline at Green Run, since there didn't seem to be any story line really developing until SNN, or some say Verruckt (again I think they just ret-conned it in).

  5. I don't think the new part is the Maxis quote about the 2 vertices of the scalene and tertiary node, but the following quote "You have done well, now activate the spire's power...are you circumcised? Oh hold on, *garbled*" What this means (to me anywho) is that powering two of the lamp posts triggers the first quote, but they've triggered a third quote by figuring out which three are necessary.

    Tertiary clearly means third, and the 2 vertices are the 2 lamp posts, while the third is another. Node makes sense to be the lamps IMHO because it may be powering something here.

  6. I haven't played tranzit much but I've been following the EE as it develops as I love the storyline. Here's a couple of things I've noticed odd, and I'll add the others when I remember them.

    Why are there zombies standing around the depot when you start? We've never had a map start like that, it's quite odd.

    I find it interesting that I get the Greenbriar quote from the bus driver when I pass by Nacht. Isn't the original map just a bunker of sorts? Nothing important to the EE, but maybe a hint at it seeing as Greenbriar is famous for it's bunker.

    Like I said, I've had other thoughts but I am forgetful, so now I'll add them when they cross my mind.

  7. Hijacked when I feel like shotgunning some folks, but I think Turbine is my favorite. I just NEVER go into the middle, I skirt the edges with a FAL and engage at distance. That's how I play most maps to be honest.

  8. Hello CoDz! I never did make a proper intro thread and have posted a couple times. I love Zombies. I've been playing since the WaW days. Actually, for my bachelors party, myself and two of my groomsmen took turns tag teaming Nacht...we didn't even know the Box existed on that map at that time! I absolutely love the story line in the zombie gameplay, and is why I follow it. I'm not the best at Z play, but I am good enough to usually get to the 30's or 40's depending on map, but I don't usually have anyone good to play with me.

    Outside of CoDz, I love cars. I build, tune and race with most of my hobby money and time. Mostly autocross with my SMF-class CRX, but I dabble in other motorsports.

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