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Posts posted by Taklok

  1. Huh. Never put much thought about this before. Welp, here goes.

    Nacht Der Untoten: The fact that it was a concept test that turned into what we play today? Hell yeah. It's fun, it's simple, and it's easy to pick up. Then it makes you cry.

    Verruckt: Never actually played much of Verruckt. But the fact that it starts your group off on different sides? More of that, please.

    Shi No Numa: It's a swamp, there's hellhounds, and the DG-2 was introduced here. What's not to love?

    Der Riese: Not going to lie. I'm not much of a fan of Der Riese. There. I said it. On a positive note, it kicks my butt. It's fun, I'm just not a huge fan.

    Kino: This was my start into zombies. Good times, going over to my friend's house just to play. This is what inspired me to get an Xbox.

    "FIVE": I could play a Fidel Castro, and I was 14 at the time. Good times were had.

    Ascension: Never got to play this one extensively, but Flopper is cool.

    Call of The Dead: Seeing a zombiefied George Romero was enough for me. Instant purchase, I regret nothing.

    Shangri-La: Didn't buy this one either. But from what I have played, I love the jungle theme and how close quarters and tight it is. Provides a nice challenge.

    Moon: This map blew 14-year old Taklok's mind. Zombies? On the moon?! Reduced gravity?! SPACE?! This map was my perfect, dream map for stuff to do badass things in.

    Green Run: I

    Great Leap Forward: Despite the fact that I liked Green Run a lot, I wanted a return to previous games' map structure. This was it, and it was nice. Using elevators as transportation between levels was fun AND challenging. Plus who doesn't love using the Sliquifier to make a Slip n' Slide to dolphin dive over crawlers onto?

    Mob of The Dead: Alcatraz? Mobsters? 'nuff said. Sign me up. And then there were so many different hidden layers and things to find. It was the perfect map in Black Ops 2 until.....

    Buried: No, not until Buried. This map gave us storyline. That's the only thing I like, other than the fact that we can shoot the hats off of the zombies.

    Origins: Yes! Until Origins! Origins is arguably THE greatest map in Black Ops 2, and it could be debated the best ever. Lots of things to find, that we searched for for WEEKS after release, staves that go pew pew pew, giant robots, and the return of Flopper, among other innovations like Der Wunderfizz? I love everything that Origins is. Even the end scene. ESPECIALLY the ending.

    Forgot Nuketown: I was just pleasantly surprised with how well they adapted Nuketown into a zombies map. When I first got word about it, I was highly doubtful, but Treyarch proved me wrong.

  2. -snipped for space-

    It's all in the tone. To me, that was literally me asking myself where to start. That's all. My bad if it offended you.

    It's hypocritical in the sense that you are saying I am wasting my time about ACTUALLY thinking about ACTUAL evidence that we ACTUALLY have, as opposed to fabricating a story based off of thing that we THINK we know. It's a building with missing chunks because we aren't looking at anything. Good example was the one poster I brought up earlier from Samantha's room. That has to be a coincidence though, doesn't it? The fact that the loading screens are comic book pages, and Samantha and Eddy are playing with action figures of the O4? Coincidence. It must all be coincidence.

    There is a lot of stuff in Black Ops 2 to give us an idea of what's coming ahead, granted though, just not in Green Run, Great Leap Forward, or Resolution 1912. Our big story telling maps here are Mob of The Dead and Origins, those other three were sadly buffers to tell what happened after Moon it would seem. That's all it is to it. I pointed out a lot of evidence in my previous posts to support my theory. Go back and read them, because I'm not convinced you did, seeing your previous reactions. If you did, well, my bad. But what I point out just aren't things that you can shove away and say that it's not true.

    Now, I am trying to be incredibly friendly throughout this. However, I do not appreciate throwing down a theory without actually debating the theory and poking legitimate holes in it. Now, we can be civil, or you can continue throwing down theories that contradict and point out things that we thought we know or things we didn't notice.

    As for Delta's comment, he was trying to hint that a lot of our known story was made by US. Not Treyarch. Most of it is theories that sound legit. Therefore, none of it has been proven, therefore we've all been wasting our time filling in holes that aren't there.

  3. No, it appears everyone here is thinking EXCEPT you! You're just accepting everything, and trying to "get back to the ways things were". BUT YOU DENY THAT THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE because you say that we CAN analyze everything we've got!


    EVERYTHING you've said so far, the time-loop, the split storyline, the avagadro, ALL of it is YOUR theory, it's not the right theory by any means so we don't analyze it because it's not RELIABLE INFO!



    Stop thinking you can start some great movement where everyone will suddenly understand what happened by magic, it won't happen! You are deceiving yourself, and no one else! BLACK OPS 2 BUTCHERED THE STORYLINE! End. Of. Story, goodbye, party's over, hasta lavista, bye bye, have a horrible evening! The faster people realize this the faster we can get to making sure it DOESN'T happen again! It does us NO GOOD to ponder on things that can't be solved, you're only waiting time...

    I'm not trying to start some grand movement. I'm trying to bring back some rationality. We have been given hints, which I have pointed out and given suitable evidence for, but nobody is looking in the right places.

    This is what I hate about the CoDZ community right now.

    "Your idea of what's going on is not my idea of what's going on, therefore your opinion is stupid and breaks the story."

    You posed questions, and I answered them, WITH EVIDENCE. You are trying to say that Treyarch has given us absolutely nothing, and I'm disputing it. I mean, this reply I'm quoting doesn't even argue anything. You are only:

    A) Being hypocritical, saying I'm wasting my time looking at what we have as opposed to filling in blanks to what we don't have, and pretending like we DO have that information and

    B) Not even trying to rebuttal with your own opinion. My opinion is mine. I'm not forcing it down anyone's throat. I'm pointing out legitimate evidence that leads me to my conclusions, but I suppose I'm a heretic for thinking. Go figure. I remember back when they were giving us the teaser trailers for Green Run and EVERYONE was analyzing every last frame in the hopes there was some information. That's how Treyarch groomed us to think through WaW and Black Ops. Then Green Run came out and there was nothing, so everyone all of a sudden quit doing that. That's not the CoDZ I know. It's not the community I love. If you choose to accept my opinion as truth, great. That makes me happy knowing that someone supports my theory. However, you CANNOT say that we have gotten no information in Black Ops 2 and then shove away what I'm saying with the "Your opinion isn't my opinion" mentality. I didn't come to my conclusion through magic, I came to it by looking at evidence that we have and coming to a logical conclusion.

    As for wishing me a horrible day, that's rather rude. I'm trying to have a friendly, reasonable debate about the storyline here, and that's how you're going to act? Well, that's very mature and makes you right. I sure hope things go downhill for my day in the next hour or so.

  4. Must there always be THAT guy?

    Ok then if you're SO smart, please explain the avagadro, the jumping jacks, the reseting of life-force, the ghosts and hillbilly even!

    You can't... EVERYTHING we've gotten on those subjects so far is all theorized or assumed from the HOURS of research we've done here... No radios... Not even a note in latin in a grate! There is NO explanation to these things... They showed up and we priced and pieced and thought and argued and theorized over every last detail! We can't even decide if the maps take place in the 1960s or the 2020s! (although the poster in Die rise CLEARLY says "sense 1996")

    Also, when I was 10, I didn't get on a M-17 game and run around the starting room staring at a character model, also Sara Michelle Gellar didn't have this issue, why does misty? Hmm? Let's drop that topic now...

    Still: There is NO storyline here for black ops two... Not one! WE made it up, a good 60% of it is ALL us!

    Literally all we know is that a Nerd who survived two nuclear attacks, a farm girl feminist with a thing for week men, a conspiracy theorist who's eaten zombie flesh, and an elderly forgetful african american operative who's been wondering the earth with knowledge of a rift all got together in the hanford sight in washington, where they killed zombies on a bus driven by a robot and were attacked by denizens, zombies, and "him". They worked together to build a navcard table, then they powered a tower for richtofen, who only speaks to Samuel, or maxis, who speaks through machines, and were teleported to die rise, two tall buildings in "providence 22" where they all died, only to have time re-writen before they died! They then powered another tower for either side by the same means while being attacked by nova-jumpers and defended themselves with a strange purple-liquid-squirter!

    Then they began a long journey to Africa where they found an underground victorian city, a ginormous hillbilly and a haunted mansion, all of which shouldn't exist an any way.... There they power another tower while using a strange swirling slow-mo gun to protect themselves... Then somehow after revisiting tranzit SOMEHOW and making it back to buried, all three nav card tables link up and power either the opening of argartha or the aetheric control of richtofen... NO idea what either of these endings MEAN because they're BOTH cliffhangers with UNCOMMON endings... MEANING the next game's storyline has to choose ONE side to fallow or make up a common ending...

    ANd do not get me STARTED on origins...

    -How is sam in the aether?

    -Why are SOME zombie's eyes blue?

    -Why did maxis die/become a drone here?

    -What happened at the end of the easter egg?

    -Why is sam and eddy AMERICAN and maxis german?

    -What WAS the paradox?

    -WHo were the original templar-knights?

    A lot of these questions CAN'T be answered without a MASSIVE hole poked in the rest of the story, meaning this takes place outside the storyline and ARE-NOT-CANON. A WAIST of an entire MAP!

    Do NOT fight me when it comes to THIS horrible storyline...

    Also MAM: I saw the MMX's post... But much like the rest of BO2 it seemed to be more theory less fact, unlike BO1 and WAW.... No offense to MMX, it's a great theory!

    Yes. There must always be that guy. Today I'm filling the role. I do this because no one seems to be legitimately thinking.

    So let's begin. Jumping Jacks, the ghosts, and HIM, and possibly the giant, are irrelevant. They aren't important. Sometimes I hate that we tend to look at every detail, but now it's time we look at the big picture.

    There is something intriguing to me about HIM though, and that's the fact that if you can get a clear image of him, he is a human body's nervous system. But in electrical form. Maxis needs this to form a physical body in which to control the Aether from? Regardless, at the moment that's unimportant, and I highly doubt we'll be receiving an explanation.

    The only thing important to Black Ops 2's story is powering the towers. That's it, that's all, and that's all there will ever be. Well, until we factor in Mob of The Dead and Origins, but I'll get to that in a second.

    Resetting of life force? Are we talking about the respawning system? If so, are we really going to question that Richtofen is an omnipotent being that can do as he pleases, to an extent? I thought we established this a long time ago.

    Sarah Michelle Gellar didn't have this "issue" because she wore a completely covered top. Misty is buttoned down and somewhat uncovered. She's showing something.

    Now, for all your Origins questions. What we have to keep in mind first of all is that the story we've played so far (excluding MoTD) is a comic book. Period. End. Of. Story. We knew this, and we should have expected this. Now, with that said, it's fairly relevant to say that Origins happened, it just happened how Sam, as a young girl in wherever she is with her American accent, determined, because the Origins we're playing is her and Eddy playing a game. That's it. Nothing more. Now, I'd like to point out that the action figures of the O4 they're playing with aren't of the young O4, they are they ORIGINAL, older O4. This is what happens to comic books when they become popular. Merchandise happens. Toys happen.

    Now, with that being said, our storyline is now two storylines, and the one we've been playing through is not messed up or impacted whatsoever. There is now a "Real Life" Storyline, and a "Comic Book" Storyline.

    Because of this, Samantha isn't in the Aether, we are TOLD how Maxis died. He succumbed to sickness, and Richtofen preserved his brain in the hopes of creating a vessel so Maxis could live on. This is conveniently the Maxis drone. Original Templars? I dunno. We'll likely never know, unless this is foreshadowing into the next game, which I doubt. Blue eyed zombies? Let's look at it this way. I don't know, but I CAN guess that because it IS the two of them playing the game, and Eddy likes the zombies eyes to be blue, he's responsible for the blue eyed Templar zombies. That's my best guess. Paradox? What paradox? I'm not seeing one now.

    So let's fit Mob of The Dead into this now. It has no tie to the story, right? It was just for fun? Wrong. It isn't in the comic book, therefore we must conclude it is a part of the "Real Life" storyline. I have one, and one alone, piece of evidence for this.

    The poster that we burn down to get the golden spork.

    The EXACT same poster is hanging up in Samantha's Room in the Origins ending cinematic.

    We know that Mob of The Dead is taking place in a time loop in 1933, and it's implied (but not proven, and I don't think it is) that the Origins cinematic takes place during World War 1, which lasted from 1914 - 1918.

    This means one of two things. Samantha really likes vintage movie posters, or Mob of The Dead time loop is weird.

    Either way, the fact alone that this poster exists in MoTD and wherever Samantha is (OUTSIDE of the Comic Book), it shows that Mob of The Dead and Origins, are, in a way connected and in the same universe.

    And yes. I will continue fighting you, and anyone else for that matter, over this "horrible" storyline until we get back into the classic CoDZ style of thinking about what we actually have and analyzing EVERYTHING, not just select bits we don't get.

  5. Up TIL tranzit everything made perfect sense...

    Even nuketown was understandable... but with tranzit's and die rise's and buried's time-loops everything got a little eh... Horrible... But MOTD's storyline was grand! Perfectly executed!

    And then... There's origins... The ULTIMATE middle finger to the storyline... Infact, the only way any of the story makes sense is if origins is set in an alternate universe where none of these things exist! That's INSTANTLY horrible....

    Then the characters, it seems all characters are equally respected and liked up TIL tranzit (see a pattern here?) then with the introduction of whiny, complaining characters like stu and marelton and the 10-year-old perverts looking at misty, and unfunny jokes from ALL FOUR characters... They died a bit...

    In buried they got a bit better with more quotes breaking the fourth wall: "Dang it I hit my stupid head on a stupid invisible wall...."

    Alright.... Where do I start here. Alright, I'll start with the story making sense up until Green Run. It still made sense. Earth ruined because moon missiles, rag tag group of survivors somehow survived, Richtofen/Maxis have a plot to do something and they need our help. What more information do you want, because that is all there is to it in Black Ops 2. Wanna know where the O4 went? No, because it's not relevant to what's going on.

    So, we didn't like the characters..... Well, you know what? I did. For quite a few reasons. First off, they were a nice fresh breath from walking nationality stereoptypes. Now they were cultural stereotypes. I like this, and I like it a lot. It was nice. Not EVERY character, believe it or not, has to be a badass all the time. But more importantly, we didn't like them because they didn't have a story to them, or at least that's what it seemed until Buried. As soon as we had a bit of story to the characters, we LOVED them instantly. And ten year old perverts staring at Misty? Please tell me you weren't curious or had a love for round objects that jiggled when you were ten? Also, I'm going to go back to staring at the rating of the game. 10 year olds shouldn't be brought into your argument at all.

    Now, Origins. Please, think about the ending scene for the easter egg for more than two seconds. It has it's implications, but it by no means ruined the storyline. I would post what I think here, but it would be far too long. So instead, here is a nice link to it.


    That's all I have for now. Enjoy.

  6. Believe it or not, I would be very, VERY happy if the O4's story ended here and now. Here's why:

    On Moon, we played as the O4, we blew up the Earth, and seemingly left them stranded on the moon. There was no closure as to what happened. It was a cliffhanger! We all thought they would be back in the next game to kick some zombie ass on a destroyed Earth? Right? Right?!


    Instead, we got a ragtag band of misfits and stereotypical characters with no depth, in charge of powering up towers for some purposes that we didn't know. What happened almost immediately?

    "Treyarch, wer are O4 characters @?! We want dem bak write noa bcause we liek dem moar and dese new character are boaring!"

    Through the entire lifespan of the game until the next DLC. Did they come back? No. Cue more complaining and the sound of vuvuzelas.

    And then we got MoTD, and everyone was happy because we played as gangsters with Tommy Guns, and it was actually a good map with a lot of depth.


    Then Buried came. This is the point where Vonderhaar stepped in and muddled it up. While the map had a good bit more story to it and we FINALLY got to like the characters, but nope. It was too late. Too late to 'pologize.

    That is the last bit we'll spend with the N4. Why? Because a bunch of babies with no appreciation for the story (or where it was actually going)complained so much about the lack of the O4, that they finally got their way in DLC 4 just so they'll shut up.

    Will we ever have closure about the N4? No.

    Will we ever have closure about the O4? Yes. In Origins. So that way Treyarch can finally move on and do stuff without them without fear of complaints that there are new characters.

  7. I covered this in a thread that I posted a few minutes ago. Here it is if you want the full read (it's a long one): viewtopic.php?f=155&t=35182

    However, my shortened, guick response is that I believe that that isn't young Richtofen. It's actually older Richtofen who got placed into younger Richtofen's body. Although, I think I may have come up with something much more sensible but still around those lines. I need to go compile some information.

    I actually really like that theory, Future Richtofen going into his past self (somehow) maybe to change something?

    The concept that I'm working out right now is that it is actually that either Richtofen sent himself back, or Maxis sent him back so that way they can guide younger Richtofen in what to do? The voices in Richtofen's head? It's been Richtofen. It's always been Richtofen. But it's been a Richtofen that knows what he's doing. Essentially, Richtofen/Maxis sent him back in time, into younger Richtofen's body so that way NONE of the story ever happens. Maxis keeps his daughter, Richtofen has his body, and the zombie infestation is done. Over.

    The only reason I'm considering this as even remotely possible is that Treyarch is very heavily hinting that this isn't just the beginning, but it's also the end.

  8. I covered this in a thread that I posted a few minutes ago. Here it is if you want the full read (it's a long one): viewtopic.php?f=155&t=35182

    However, my shortened, guick response is that I believe that that isn't young Richtofen. It's actually older Richtofen who got placed into younger Richtofen's body. Although, I think I may have come up with something much more sensible but still around those lines. I need to go compile some information.

  9. Firstly I hope you're right about old richtofen being in younger richtofen's body. That way we'd still get a crazier richtofen.

    The Life x Machine part really makes sense looking back, but that was thought to be because maxis can only influence machines from wherever he is. Why would he need to make a giant robot then if he didn't plan on getting killed and trapped in the aether?

    Also it would be funny to see richtofen pretending like nothing is wrong, like on Call of the dead. "This will be just the distraction I need to-- I mean... *singing* Force field, force field..."

    AHA! The one possible hole in my theory! Well, here's the explanation.

    Yes, that may have been THOUGHT to be a reason, however, a lot of our known story when it comes to Black Ops 2 story are just thoughts, when there's obviously something deeper under it. Now, he made the robot literally to help Germany win the war. That's it. That's all there is to it. This is the very beginning of our story. And for some reason Treyarch threw in a robot, hopefully to go along with the Life x Machine theory. Now, as for him dying, I'm still not legitimately convinced at all.

  10. Hello there everyone. Today we saw the very amazing intro scene for Origins, however, this leaves me with a few questions, and I may have answered them. The only question I have yet to answer is "Where is Maxis?" but we'll get to that later.

    Firstly, I want to talk about Richtofen in the video, as this is something that nobody seems to be talking about. In the scene where he is introduced, we see that he is finishing up surgery on some unlucky person/zombie. The identity of who this is NOT relevant in this theory. What IS relevant is that after his face shot with his name, he slowly brings his hands up to the face, and looks at them with a very confused look. Shortly after, we zoom out to see our heroes preparing to take on the zombie threat. But Richtofen is doing nothing. He's standing there, looking around, and looking very confused. But why?

    Because this Richtofen is not the one that belongs there. He is a Richtofen, sent from the future, and popped into his younger self. Why? I dunno. I don't make the storyline, but it just makes sense.

    Let's look at it this way. If you noticed that you were suddenly your younger self and you were reliving a day from years ago, would you not be very confused and awe struck? Yes, you would be. I guarantee it.

    That's all about Richtofen I want to talk about for now.

    "But Tak! When are we going to get to the giant robots! That's why we're here!"

    Fine. We'll talk about Richtofen a little bit more, but we'll throw Maxis into it too.

    The opening scene in the very beginning gives us everything we need. Let's look at a specific quote.

    Two German scientists sought to harness dark and mysterious forces buried for centuries. They believed their discoveries would assure Germany's ultimate victory.

    This is the only thing we need to know, aside from the history of Maxis and Richtofen's rivalry.

    I feel that it is very safe to assume that the buried force is referring to element 115, as I doubt they actually knew the zombies in the tomb were actually there. They planned to utilize element 115 for energy, but in different forms. Richtofen wanted to use it to create the Ultimate Human Soldier. This is what he was doing in the intro scene when he was first introduced. He was testing the effects of 115 on a body. I'm sure of it.

    Maxis, however, used a different approach. Maxis wanted to create a super soldier, but he created a MECHANICAL one. An iron giant, if you would. This is the robot that we see in the cinematic.

    Throughout the story of Black Ops 2, while not IMMEDIATELY revealing any evidence about an actual plot, did give us a major hint about Origins throughout the maps, minus MoTD. They hinted at a struggle between Life and Machine, between Richtofen and Maxis. Whether it was killing zombies to power a spire (Life), or collecting the energy of Him (Machine), flinging zombies into a radio tower, or bouncing metal balls from trample steams, or even the different methods of collecting the wisps in Buried. Maxis even talks with us through electronics, while Richtofen just speaks normally!

    The hint has always been there.

    That's essentially all I have for this thread. Thanks for reading, and maybe I'll be back with a crazy theory. Maybe.

    UPDATE: I'm currently working on a concept that essentially wraps up all the games, essentially ending the story. The concept that I'm working out right now is that it is actually that either Richtofen sent himself back, or Maxis sent him back so that way they can guide younger Richtofen in what to do? The voices in Richtofen's head? It's been Richtofen. It's always been Richtofen. But it's been a Richtofen that knows what he's doing. Essentially, Richtofen/Maxis sent him back in time, into younger Richtofen's body so that way NONE of the story ever happens. Maxis keeps his daughter, Richtofen has his body, and the zombie infestation is done. Over.

    The only reason I'm considering this as even remotely possible is that Treyarch is very heavily hinting that this isn't just the beginning, but it's also the end.

  11. If Sam exists in the aether, why does she have to be restricted by things like time or space?

    That's it! You're a genius! No wonder she's narrating.

    She TOOK them back in time as a defense against Richtofen's actions on Buried, or it was a product of Maxis freeing Samantha. It's a Common Ending.

    Now, you're probably still not convinced.

    But think about it.

    As Taklok (I think that's it) said earlier, Richtofen is acting like he doesn't know why he's here. It's because he just lost control and got sent back to his freakin' body!

    Maxis may or may not have been sent back.

    And the O3...

    My theory on it, is well: They Died on Moon. They were in the Wisp (That's why Richtofen said it would make us so, so sad) and now they're back, because time was sent back.

    Related to the wisp, what if that's why some zombies have purple eyes, like the color of the wisp? The O3's dead souls still went back in time as well, and they entered certain zombies.

    Samantha knew she had to go back to the first time the 04 met to end it all, that way all possible plans they could have made based on anything that occurred there never would've happened.

    Holy crap, my imagination's getting real wild right now, but what if some things, like Richtofen's soul, went back in time, too? Like the planes? That way we'd know what really happened to Weasel. Imagine him rebuilding the plane, leaving the bridge, only to hit a portal or something, and find himself in France? Lol, the look on his face would be priceless...

    It'd sure explain the bi-planes.

    Now the robots, I have no idea. Only thing I can think up is Tedd (from TranZit) did steroids. And I know it's not the official name, but there's nothing else to call him, and I like Tedd (it's ironic, though, that I HATE Leroy). But lol, Fear Tedds, maybe he had like 100 children and they all took steroids...

    Anyways, this is shaping up to be an interesting map. I can't wait till next week.

    Ooh, someone saw what I posted. Good. I like you Mr. Monkey Speedo. Anyway, regarding robots,I think I have a theory regarding this, but it really deserves it's own thread.

  12. Alright, so it is time for my Taklok's Breakdown of Things People Aren't Talking About! Now without pictures! However, I am going to be referencing video times, so let's begin.

    [1] It does indeed appear that the Remington New Army Model may be back. It LOOKS like it, but they may pull another CoTD intro on us, as will likely be the case for the melee weapons.

    [2]Richtofen looks confused as hell about what is going on, almost as if he, somehow magically, had his older self pop into his younger self. He looks really confused about the blood on his hands and where he's at, even though in reality, he shouldn't. He should look more scared that the other three are pointing guns at him.

    And that's all I REALLY wanted to talk about.

  13. So in the recent "Letters From the Field" from Treyarch's Facebook page, aside from other "sources", there has been mention that there is the possibility of a giant metal man in Northern France, where the next map is supposedly taking place. Recently I've been looking into stuff that was hidden in Der Riese, and I discovered something that read "Die Glocke is mobile."

    This implies at the time of writing the note, Die Glocke isn't currently at Der Riese, so there's a possibility the teleporters weren't actually Die Glocke, but was instead this giant machine.

    This is just a quick theory I threw together at one in the morning, so it likely has many holes. What are your guys' thoughts on this?

  14. Wow, this is a solid theory dude.

    Would you give me permission to create a video theorising a map based in Agartha on my YouTube channel?

    I would give you full credit for the discovery/theory of course!

    My channel: http://www.youtube.com/SageSmile

    Go for it! I was going to create a video myself, but my main computer is broken, sadly. I still have a laptop lying around though. Would you be interested in a dual com on the theory?

  15. The getting used to the Aether quote never made sense to me compared to what everyone else thought about the time line on here. Not just because I assumed it was immediately after the events of Moon, but because on Moon Richtofen seems to be doing just fine. However be because of that quote, I'm sure Green Run was indeed sometime after Moon. But if we look at the Buried opening cinematic, Russman and Samuel find Marlton and Misty at the town, so who knows how long that took them to get there.

  16. Good questions. I'm going to assume they could use the teleporter, but it would just take them back to Area 51 unless it was overloaded with a Wunderwaffe DG-2 or something.

    I'm also going to guess that they weren't there very long at all. Literally the moment the power gets turned on in Green Run and Richtofen talks to Samuel for the first time. As for Macks' statement, I'm going to call his bluff on searching for decades. Maxis says a lot of things, as we now know.

    As for teleporting them to a certain point in time.... It's possible. But even he wouldn't know how long it would take to power the towers, I imagine.

  17. Hello everyone. Here I am again, with another crazy theory. This is copy pasted from my reply in another thread, but I feel this deserves it's own discussion. So here we go.

    Alright, so after the Big Red Button of Impending Doom is pressed, the Easter eggs for Black Ops 2 are officially, finally complete. Despite which side you're on, Richtofen says that Samantha still has his body. So what does this mean? The O4 are still alive. And not on the Moon.

    "But Tak, how did they get off the moon by themselves and NOT die?!"

    Well, they didn't get off by themselves. After Richtofen got bored and found some new toys to play with (N4/CIA/CDC) he teleported Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolai, and Samantha somewhere safe and free of zombies.


    But why? Simply because if he is to be in control of the zombies, he wants to do so in his body. Therefore it must be safe and not dead. If we think logically, there should be no way whatsoever there are zombies in Agartha. None. Therefore, it's the perfect place.

    So why send Dempsey, Tak, and Nikolai along with Samantha? They aren't important to getting his body back, you're correct. However we must still remember that Samantha is still a young girl at heart, so she needs babysitters so Richtofen can play with his new toys and not worry about her so much.

    So how do we know they're definitely in Agartha? Simple. Maxis said so. He specifically states that in order to reunite himself with Samantha, he must open the gates to Agartha, which in this case appears to be tearing the Earth apart like a walnut.

  18. You're very welcome, EJ. Just figured I would share my findings with the community.

    Anyway, I hear we're talking about the O4 and teleporters. Well I came up with a theory about five seconds ago.

    Alright, so after the Big Red Button of Impending Doom is pressed, the Easter eggs for Black Ops 2 are officially, finally complete. Despite which side you're on, Richtofen says that Samantha still has his body. So what does this mean? The O4 are still alive. And not on the Moon.

    "But Tak, how did they get off the moon by themselves and NOT die?!"

    Well, they didn't get off by themselves. After Richtofen got bored and found some new toys to play with (N4/CIA/CDC) he teleported Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolai, and Samantha somewhere safe and free of zombies. Agartha

    But why? Simply because if he is to be in control of the zombies, he wants to do so in his body. Therefore it must be safe and not dead. If we think logically, there should be no way whatsoever there are zombies in Agartha. None. Therefore, it's the perfect place.

    So why send Dempsey, Tak, and Nikolai along with Samantha? They aren't important to getting his body back, you're correct. However we must still remember that Samantha is still a young girl at heart, so she needs babysitters so Richtofen can play with his new toys and not worry about her so much.

    So how do we know they're definitely in Agartha? Simple. Maxis said so, and moderately confirmed this in the newest Maxis diary (told you so. I knew I wasn't looking into it too far.) he specifically states that in order to reunite himself with Samantha, he must open the gates to Agartha, which in this case appears to be tearing the Earth apart like a walnut.

    The end.

    EDIT: Ignore the part about the Maxis Diary.

    I was mistaken and remembered it incorrectly.

  19. Wanted to bring this back from the dead rather than start a new topic. Perhaps I've missed the threads, but have we not discussed the upper right image on the Buried loading screen, the one that looks like a blue print. It resembles the Der Riese map / teleport image, or the blue prints on the back of the workbenches. Of course it hints to the next map, but any intel on this page piece?

    I don't know about that page in particular, but whatever it is, it isn't the next map. If you look very, VERY closely at the right edge, there's a page before it, but it has a massive tear on that corner.

  20. Hi guys. I'm seeing a lot of the word endgame about here. It is an endgame, it's not an endgame, well I'm officially ending this.

    From Merriam-Webster:

    Main Entry: end·game

    Pronunciation: \ˈen(d)-ˌgām\

    Function: noun

    Date: 1881

    : the stage of a chess game after major reduction of forces ; also : the final stage of some action or process

    The Buried "endgame" is indeed a form of endgame. It doesn't necessarily have to end the game. It's similar to the concept of end game armor in an MMO. Getting it doesn't end the game for you, it's just very late in the game. Or near the end.

    However, saying Buried Endgame is inaccurate I feel. It would be much more accurate to say the "Scheme Endgame" or something along those lines, as that's what it is.

    So now that we got that out of the way, have fun killing zombies and completing the Scheme Endgame.

  21. I am aware that the previous journals were from the time period of before WaW and Black Ops, but let's remember something here for a second.

    This is zombies, anything is possible, and nothing makes sense at first. I admit, my analysis is farfetched, but something about it seems much more current than the previous ones.

    However, I did come up with another theory, that one a lot simpler.

    Basically, Maxis is a computer AI and he's hoping Samantha is still alive on the other side, in this ass the living side. I feel that one would be more acceptable around here.

  22. Well guys, since it's DLC time, it's also Maxis Diary time, and I'm amazed no one has been talking about it yet. Here is the new diary, and below I will point out why I get from it, and possibly rewrote a bit of our "known" story in the process.

    So here's what stands out to me, with explanations below:

    -The Aether is our next map

    -The O4 are dead

    -Maxis is NOT a computer AI

    Pretty crazy how I can gather all this from that one diary, right? Not so much. Lets start with The Aether. The only bit of information that supports this is the first paragraph. Maxis wants to uncover the dimensional gateway to the ethereal realm itself, but to do what? That I am not sure of. However, what I am sure of is that Maxis is aware that Samantha is dead. What this means is that Sam in Richtofen's body has died, which if she died, I must say it would be safe to assume that Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo are dead too.

    Yes, I said it. They're all deader than a door nail. But for good reason!

    Lets look at the second bit from the diary.

    It is my sincerest hope that somewhere in the realm beyond, my beloved Samantha still lives.

    So if we recall all the way back to Moon, I believe it is stated that when the zombies die, their souls go to The Aether. So why is it different for the O4? It isn't.

    My prediction for the next DLC is that we will be playing as the O4 in The Aether. What better way to follow up Moon as a final DLC finale, am I right? It also appears that whatever Maxis is scheming to do in The Aether, Samantha is important in his plot and it is important she is still alive in The Aether. I believe he is trying to get into the Aether in order to instruct the O4 in fixing the Earth, as that is where the Earth has to be healed.

    But, I have yet to get to the part where Maxis is not a computer AI. This one is a bit trickier and a little more farfetched, but here goes.

    First, I don't think maxis would still be making diary entries as a computer AI, nor genuinely care about the date of the earth or Samantha. That bit is just off.

    NOW, here's where it fits together. In buried, when we first find the guillotine, Richtofen ends up saying that it will be perfect to thwart Maxis. "No, we don't actually need to take his head. I was speaking metaphorically. Although, beheading does come with temperaments."

    Now, why would he say that if Maxis were indeed a computer AI?

    That's right, he wouldn't! Because Maxis isn't an AI! He is a living, breathing person!

    All this time he's been talking to us through electronics.... Because he's been talking to us through electronics!

    And that is my Maxis Diary breakdown. Thank you for reading and feel free to correct me on anywhere I am wrong, and I shall update the thread accordingly. What are your guys' thoughts?

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