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Posts posted by YungRob420

  1. I like the collaboration maps more than the ones containing our N4 (Which would be the strictly Zombie Dev maps) But as far as how much influence the Zombie devs actually had in those maps is questionable. I honestly think they gave the Campaign team the general idea and let them run with it when they made the map. Notice how Jimmy and all of the other Zombie Devs tweeted so much about the other maps. I.E all the clues they put out, all of the tweets about every map besides MoTD and Origins. Jimmy hasn't tweeted AT ALL about either map, which leads me to believe they either really don't care anymore, or they are just not interested in maps they didn't create.

    Honestly to me i feel like the Campaign team maps feel a bit more like old BO1 style Moon. Huge map, but you can go anywhere at anytime. Unlike the BO2 storyline maps (Tranzit, Die Rise, Buried) where we had to wait for a bus, elevator, or a big huckleberry to help us achieve something.

  2. I know someone may have said this but this is my take on this "cop out" of an ending they put together.

    Lets see we have 2 kids in a room Sam and Eddie.

    One kid says there eyes should be blue (Eddie) one disagrees (Sam)

    So BO1 story Samantha is making the rules and Eddie is playing against her as the People.

    (Like think of the toys. Eddie is playing with our O4, due to him being in the group. And Sam with the zombie toys)

    Then Next Game Eddie controls the zombies (BO2 storyline) and makes their eyes blue like he wanted and now Sam controls the characters. (Which could make sense why we have Misty because maybe Samantha wanted a girl character) This is just a theory though.


    They both want to change the eye colors but can't agree. Which is why we see zombies with 2 different eye colors. Then also why we hear the argument about the eyes at the end.

    The dogs name is Fluffy which is where they could have got the idea for Fluffy and the hellhounds. And everything in the room was in the game.

    What i see here is that Zombies was a childs imagination going wild while her and her friend play with toys. What we see is whats in their heads, when we were really just toys.

    I've thought this since Kino after going into her room after PaP and seeing the action figures. But i never thought they would do something as horrible as this. I feel like Treyarch just took 5 years to let us down.

  3. I've been watching NGT's livestream and they seem to be about as far as the rest of the community. After doing all of the staffs and inserting them into the robots (Freya - Ice, Thor - Lightning, Odin - Wind) they recieved zombie blood and heard samantha say "Step 3, Rain Fire". They did the fist tablets and charged them by punching the zombies, took it back to its original location and are now punching them to charge it again. From what i've been told they will get napalm monkeys or something and they have to throw it somewhere. They haven't finished so i will update my post once its done.

  4. IDK if anyone has really notice but there are ALOT of camping spots on this new map. ALL of which have no spawns behind you but all in front of you. The Jugg hallway is one of them. But once your in rds 45+ even these locations become difficult to hold off. Its all about "Dat Trigger Finger". Stop asking Treyarch to nerf the world because people found easy places to camp in zombies. Noone said zombies was all about the trains, but anytime someone finds a good spot to camp and get high rounds it becomes an exploit, or someone whines about a gun being OP. First it was Jet Gun sucks, Then Sliquifier too OP, Then the blundergat was too OP, now this gun is too OP. What happened to letting Wonder Weapons be Wonderful.

  5. I can say i played today and i had my Perma Jug. But i lost it due to reaching rd. 15. I haven't tried to get it back. But if it was removed, wouldn't that mean i wouldn't have had it to begin with when i started the game? Someone should hop into a game and test this. If noone gets to it before i get a chance i will try it myself.

    I can say if they got rid of it I will be pretty upset, Its really the only good perma perk..

    Edit: are you saying they can't get it in buried? Or that it doesn't carry over from any map?

  6. On Richtofen's side, the N4 definitely die, as shown on Round Infinity, and clearly shows that Richtofen abandons them. I doubt that he really cares about Samuel either, considering he said he can materialize in any body he desires.

    As for Maxis' side of the story, the fate of the N4 is unknown as of this point. My guess is that they will live and attempt to stop Maxis from enacting his plan. In addition, Richtofen is sent to the physical world as a zombie that constantly respawns with blue eyes (this is confirmed) and even tries to communicate and get help from the survivors. Keep in mind that Maxis may not be inherently evil, but the world's destruction is likely an unfortunate effect of his plans. He regrets doing so, but will stop at nothing to be reunited with his daughter- even if it means wiping out the remnants of his former race.

    I am almost 100% sure he is showing you what will happen if Maxis wins in round Infinity. Because he tells them they need to make a small fix. What i took from that was they died because they failed Richtofens steps and Maxis killed them, which is why he told them to go into round Infinity. I dont see why Richtofen would Kill the other 3 and remain alone with noone to talk to. That does not sound like him at all. IF anything he will kill them and use his new strength to put the Old characters in new bodies. Maxis states clearly he is going to kill them all. As for bodies to choose from, he only has 4 people on earth left to pick, I dont think he has very many other options.

  7. I'm guessing this is what Vonderhaar ment by us "Choosing" the fate of the old 4. Maxis obviously wants to destroy everyone and everything besides samantha. Richtofen wanted to be able to return to the physical world and still control the zombies. So with Maxis they would all die which is the "future" richtofen showed them in Infinite round. With Richtofen they will more than likely escape and continue their journey like they have every other map. Now that Richtofen has a body we need to think what he's going to do with it and the others now that they can hear him. And also think about IF these choices will decide how the next map turns out, like whether we are going to go to Agartha and stop maxis as the O4/N4/or even O4 in N4 bodies (After Maxis Ending)? since maxis has the power to do that. Or will we be following Stutofen on another quest for more power (Richtofen Ending)? The theories from here are endless.

  8. From what I've found, doing all of maxis's EE results in maxis becoming the anouncer for all games, but idk about that....

    I've only seen PTG's video of this and tbh i dont think they actually achieved this. There's no proof of completion of the EE or that they entered a new game. Just the video of the quote and the screen already red.

    Doing richtofen supposedly puts Samule in I beleive, but I haven't seen any real confirmation of that....

    Here in this video from LiamFTWinter we have actual Proof. He has all perks, which would prove he has completed the EE, unlike the other video which we have no indication of anything. I think we should theorize on what Richtofen is going to be doing until someone fully uncovers this Maxis EndGame.

  9. I'm guessing the time bomb will reset the whisp and you would have to do the process a second time to power the second bulb. But i'm not sure if that would reset the first bulb and make it go out. Wish i had the map so i could keep trying to figure this out. Dalek and NGT both went offline. Damn Exclusive content!!!

  10. OK so spiderbite used his knuckles on the signs. They recieved a sound cue and Maxis spoke but you had to be close to the jail so they didnt get the quote on the stream. But The zombies arms started glowing. Has anyone else seen this happen?

    Heres a screen

    They are using this orb to power the zombies up or something. After that they dont know what else to do.

    sorry if i keep editing the post but noone else has posted anything regarding this orb. From what i can tell they ALL have to stay really close to it (like literally almost inside of it) and follow it. And if one person falls off the path the orb loses power.

  11. Everyone keeps saying the same things: I Decoded and knifed these signs, but no one has answered the questions: Was there any confirmation or audio que? I dont need specifics, just the fact that richtofen or maxis said SOMETHING!....

    No I watched NGT do it and they did not recieve any audio quote. They are doing Maxis side. BUT. They aren't using outside sources so they don't know the markings are a cypher having to do with the mine shaft signs they already hit. As far as i know this is as far as anyone has made it for Maxis. And it also means there has to be more to this step.

  12. I dont know if these are steps that have been posted. But i have been wathcing NGT on livestream, and they were working on Maxis. I watched them use knuckles on the signs in the mines and they started showing a red glow. They also used the Huckleberry (or Leeroy) by the church to kill zombies to power the lantern. I dont know exactly which steps these are but i know they have to do with the Maxis side. Which doesn't seem to be figured out very much from the first post.

    Edit* I was typing as the others posted these steps lol

  13. I don't see why more people are excited about this new map. With it being the 3rd DLC with only 1 more after this. It almost HAS to fill up all the gaps in the story that will lead us up to our final zombies map, where we finish it all (I hope not, but i could see this happening). This maps EE is going to have some really big answers for us. And I myself and extremely excited to find out whats going on in this story. Because right now i'm really confused on what the motive is behind this whole Tower thing, Where the hell the O4 are, and why we have these navcards. I'm sure 2 of the 3 questions will be answered in this map.

  14. Seems like there will be more than one EE option on this one. Or possibly a 2 Part EE. "Be Their Pawn" and "Re Write History". I'm going to go with The first being Richtofen and Maxis again. And the second will have to do with our O4. Cant wait to see how this map turns out.

  15. There is a new Poster image floating around of another Gamestop poster saying the Map Pack is called "Vengence" and the new zombies map being "Buried" which would fit it into being Underground. But Vengence starts with a V. As well as a New "Ray Gun Mark II" Has anyone else posted about this yet? Idk if its considered Leaked info since we usually get stuff like this close to DLC time.

  16. Sure, it would explain some things, but there's no evidence that supports him selling him soul to the devil. More evidence points toward the Warden being the Satanic person.

    There's No absolute proof. But you could assume he is the one who sold his soul, due to the Dog heads appearing. And One of the characters says something about the chalk drawings Weasel Drew.(sorry i don't remember the exact quote) How would he have known to draw those heads if he wasn't working with a higher Satanic Power? That does not discredit that the Warden could also be working with a satanic power as well.

  17. I dont know if this has been said in another thread. But I was playing Tranzit Co-op with some friends and we were trying to get persistent jugg, but we couldnt recieve it. We tried everything that i did in a solo game. As well as everything we've seen posted online and no one ever saw the flash. I'm guessing the only way to get this perk is in solo. Another thing leading me to believe this, is that every video showing how to receive it is during a solo game. Has anyone else noticed this?

  18. I'm gonna go out on a limb and speculate some. I believe that the "persistent" Quick Revive is different from the other two upgrades. I believe that there are persistent perks and persistent upgrades. As follows:


    1)Quick Revive (confirmed)


    3)Stamin Up?

    4)Speed Cola?

    5)Double Tap?

    6)Tombstone (?)

    6)Deadshot Daiquiri (???)

    7)PHD Flopper (???)


    1)Headshot Bonus (confirmed)

    2)Steel Barricades (confirmed)


    So to recap, basically I believe the perks will be more permanent than say the upgrades which could only last a few games/have to re-earned. As far as knowing if there are more perks to get permanent I'm not sure. I'd speculate that only the ones on the map Green Run could be gotten permanent (no Flopper or Deadshot) and Tombstone I don't know at all, perma-tombstone seems rather OP.

    Perks i can say i have confirmed recieving are



    Quick Revive

    Steel Barriers

    I only say this because i know some people have said staminup has not been confirmed but i can say i've seen and played with multiple people who have earned it. Most of them got it doing a melee and didn't realize it (as did i). I checked the headshots (nothing), Quick revive (still purple), No barriers, yet i could run from one side of the bus depot (outside) to the other no problem, so i had to have staminup or some sort of upgrade like it to be able to do that.

  19. Anyone think what he said about time travel or moving time could be something worth looking into? I know the jet gun makes a lot of wind but i dont believe its as much as he had around him in the diner. I believe those clocks and the Jet Gun creating those blue sparks are linked to the sign in the tunnel that say "D A Y x /2 M E". I remember spiderbite also saying something about this.

  20. This is a really good idea. In one of the radios a man says that they are "Destroying everything electronic" or something of that nature. And i dont think anyone has had the urge to EMP one of the perk machines since you would lose it. Someone needs to try this. I would myself but i have yet to complete the EE due to lack of team members.

  21. I dont know about the lighting on the box. But i always thought if you threw a monkey, or gersch in BO, to a location where it wouldn't attract zombies (like outside of the map) Richtofen or Samantha would laugh at you. Kind of like a "Ha Ha you effed up" type of thing.

  22. Well the trailer wasn't exactly final cut... This will sound racist but there was no black-russman like character in the trailer....

    Actually Russman was in the trailer. He was just hidden like misty's face was. You can clearly see those are Black-Russman like hands loading the olympian in the beginning of the reveal trailer.

  23. I dont know if anyone noticed this but the picture of the street light has both colored orbs around it. Not just orange or purple but both. Any time i have seen someone do this it was either one color or the other not both. This could mean something important to the EE.

  24. I posted this tweet in another thread and didn't get much of a reply about it. But i believe it could mean one of two things. Either A) We have figured out all we can so far and we just need to go ahead and accept it (say it).

    or B) We (or maybe he's referring to someone in particular) have found everything we need and have been overlooking things that we already heard.

    I know some people believe its done and there is no more, but since they were so surprised at the amount of time it took to figure out moon (little to no time at all) you would think they made this one extremely difficult.

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