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Posts posted by game78

  1. I think Paris is a definitive. In Der Reise there are several photos all of which ended up being maps. Call of the dead, Kino Der Toten, Acsension and another one. Then it had the picture of paris with a zombie infront of it.

    If its true that they pulled it due to not being climatic. I would think it could be the next point for a spire. As ppl pointed out before thats a pretty big spire if spires are needed to bring the guys back or whatever they have planned.

    The Area 51 on moon i guess it was somewhat. But the location and coordinate always show up in Nevada. I dont think to them that was the true thing. They moved a lot of experiments to moon for testing security cuz it was the moon. And also element 115 was on moon. Most test sites were started where they had a supply of element 115. I still think Area 51 has a big part to play

  2. Well as of right now i dont think anyone will deny this EE has been a pretty big disappointment. And prolly the worst one we have done. With the way they were promoting zombies and saying how big tranzit was gonna be i was expecting everything to be bigger and better. Im pretty disappointed. But i still love zombies, just wish there was more.

  3. I haven't seen the audio on the guys and nav cards. But u ask why would they start now. Well I think to add to the length of the mystery. The longer it goes unsolved the longer it keeps ppl playing and busy. The truth is I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm still new to the forum but an avid zombie fan and Easter egg hunter. The trolling is at an all time high with how stumped ppl are.

    To me one of the things we have stated has to be true. It's either we have missed something and we are all slipping. Cuz at this point I figured we would of found something. And treyarch did a hell of a job hiding things. Or two we can't solve the rest of it because its either not there and it's over. Or it hasn't been patched to allow us to do it. I hope it's not the patch things because of it is prior things we have tried may be the answer but couldn't work at the time, we tried it. That kind of leads me to not believe that's the case.

    Me personally I think it's over. But as you said what else do we have to do

  4. So I keep wondering will they add to green run or will we go to a new location. I've been going over a lot of prior EE and info. But two locations that come up often are Area 51. Their other is Paris(their is even a photo of a zombie in front of the Eiffle Tower on Der Riese)

    To me we have to go too those two locations sooner rather than later. Maybe Area 51 is the grand finale. People's thoughts on the Eiffle tower being one of the next spire I think may be right. Too many things have pointed to these locations to be just talk. I'm still interested as ever to see where they take the story. As long as it never ends ill be happy :)

  5. I gotta admit OP. well thought out post, makes a lot of sense. The only thing I can think of it has to be patched into the game to be found. I just can't believe all these people looking and not finding anything. There are plenty of questions on the map. Plenty of things that don't make sense. But I still think we would of added things together by now. Unless its something they haven't allowed us to do yet.

    Maybe they r trying to make it last before the dlc comes out. I don't know at this point. I agree with everything you say. The things you listed don't add up. But either we all are missing something. OR it's something we aren't able to do yet. At this point it seems we need some help.

  6. I agree with OP. But it still doesn't make me feel better. I agree with all the points. But this yrs zombies was so hyped and supposed to truly be bigger and better. I think we all in our own mind had high expectations. And ppl hate paying for dlc. I just feel for the game by itself it was a pretty weak EE and they r making is pay for the good stuff. Which I have done and don't mind but I just expected more. Still excited to see where we go next

  7. I was needing help with two things

    1. If I completed Richtofen EE with four of my friends. But I jump in a game with other ppl who have completed Richtofen EE will it be the same. Like we all still see the same things and what not

    2. The TV in farm my friend and me noticed something other day. If you hold the TV it makes the electric noise but I kept doin it over and over several times. And then a noise POPS, the sound when u purchase a door. Now I don't know if anyone already knew about this.

  8. I'm still new to the forum but its pretty sad what people go to just troll ppl. It's just ridiculous what things have been doing lately. Lets just enjoy the game and contribute to the community

  9. The post have been taken down so most likely a troll. Although is there anything in there that is legit or just full bull crap. It cant have been a team member they wouldn't have been taken down then. So i dunno gettng crazy at this point. Cant go off any leads cuz you dont know what to believe

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