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Posts posted by game78

  1. I really hope they do a trailer. And I honestly think a lot of people aren't happy with tranzit and the Easter egg. I think a lot of zombie fans are kind of disappointed. And at this point they really need to knock it out of the park.

  2. So thought it was time for a proper introduction.

    I have been an avid zombies player since the beginning of black ops. I played world at war but not much zombies. Wasn't until black ops and discovering the storyline that I got hooked.

    And since being hooked zombies has been my favorite game to play. The back story and the gameplay is always fun to me. And since I've been hooked I decided I needed to join a forum and decided on this forum. After reading some post and seeing activity I thought this was the place to be.

    I'm an avid game really enjoy playing games in general. But when zombies is out its zombies and nothing else!

    Hit me up if u want to play zombies anytime.

    Xbox 360 GT: TH3 GAME 360


  3. So I didn't play much of world at war but have sense been going back and playing old maps. I've been playing zombies since black ops.

    My question is how did the original 4 come together. From what I've picked up on they meet at Shi No Numa. And Richtofen had been going from place to place after he got kicked out of Group 935. So each map he was continuing is experiments then met the group there. Is that all there is to it that these 4 just meet their randomly and fight side by side to survive. I read a quote from that reads "Richtofen. I don't like him. I think I've seen him before Shi No Numa, but... I can't quite remember. In fact, I can't really remember much at all from before..."

    So I guess I'm trying to get a better grasp on how the o4 came to be and little backstory.


  4. Well I dunno what the other factors are then for ppl who have been playing longer compared to new accounts. I have a 241 kd with 391 downs. With 92 k in kills and almost a 1000 revives. I do know the more kills u have it raises the required KD so that's the only thing I can think of

  5. Kd is the main thing too many people have started new accounts and gotten shotguns. I've seen several ppl get shotguns at 15k kills and all they did was play custom and play 5 ranked games that was it only made it to rd 20 at the highest no tranzit. So I'm pretty sure from what I've seen KD is the main factor and should be everyone's main goal to raise their KD

  6. So i guess we're getting new characters or the original 3 back?

    Or are the current ones going to miraculously make it to China somehow?

    That to me is the biggest question. I can't see the guys in US getting there. And the O4 r on moon needing to teleport back which I think is part of the whole big Easter egg. So who knows who the characters will be

  7. I made this thread cuz it's diff to the other thread I play everyday and several games everyday. I know the slashes mean daily play. But I played two games this morning and 4 games yesterday. Got on and lost my blue eyes tonight

  8. Looks pretty legit jan 29th new map pack REVOLUTION

    Do you guys think it will be a tranzit style map or just a big style map?

    Im just excited for new maps and new content

    I know this is in the other forums just wanted to put it on here. And get your guys thoughts on if it will be tranzit style or not

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