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Posts posted by NLjaan

  1. The person in question is related to zombies, though how escapes me.

    The idea, however, I think is stretching. The original remark was meant as a "ha ha, we didn't die you dumb Mayans!" and Zielinski was remarking that the bar (any bar) is the happiest place on the planets

    I know many who would agree with that sentiment.

    Me too, but since there happens to be one in Town I thought it was worth looking into. As I said this isn't as crazy as those riddles or poems imo and you'll end up in town eventually anyway, why not double check things? It's where the jet gun is built, so it has some significance.

    Anyways it was just an idea, anyone who wants to look into it is free to, and anyone who doesn't is free to skip this over.

  2. Jimmy's latest tweet. Some guy tweeted on the 21st "no end of the world. Now i'm going to the happiest place on earth."

    He replied "the bar." Now i could just be overthinking this, but, this could be a hint. Considering its posted on the 21st where most of us thought there would be happening something through an update or whatnot. Maybe this is his way of giving us a hint. Maybe there's something at the bar in Town, or maybe something that we need to do there.

    On the other hand it could just be a co-incidence, but i dont think this is any crazier or less worth checking out than all of the riddles and bullcrap. As i said i could be overthinking this so im not claiming i know anything more than you guys do, just thought it was worth checking out since he mentions the bar and there happens to be one in Town.

    Edit: the guy who tweeted the no end of the world tweet is the Tech Lead of zombies, flyinhaggis. Now this really could be something. I fucking hope it is.

  3. To me it could be that it means more or less something like, if he tells everything about the EE, which is what most of the community thinks it wants at this point, after we get it, after a while we might come to the conclusion that it was much better if we found it out ourselves..

  4. No clip is a waste of time now, treyarch started using scripted event items in shangri la (think this was the first map to do so) that only appear once a trigger is done, so unless you do the triggers, no clipping will only show you so much.

    Tbh im glad treyach adapted

    False: No matter what triggers are used, the inside of the church would always be the same, they cant just trigger a complete change of the church's interior + add an enterance etc without it being REALLY obvious in the script

    The PAP room isn't visible until the turbine is placed AFAIK, there could be more places like this. Just saying.

  5. Tried earlier today to Turbine certain streetlights in order to send the beams from streetlight to tower and set the "Time".

    I had Maxis side done already so we went in game, and turbined the streetlights but NOTHING HAPPENED. No beams shot out.

    So we do Richtofen Side and then turbined the steetlights - It Had no effect whatsoever! A beam NEVER shot out when you put a turbine under, just randomly as the Richtofen EE was completed so randomly it will shoot out to the tower.

    SO the only time you can get these beams connecting to the Tower, is DURING the process of completing the Maxis ee, at the FINAL STEP. Where you have to put 4 turbines down.

    Thats the only time the turbines trigger beams from the Streetlights that I know of. I've tested everything else and it just dosen't work.

    So is tranzit a lock? I don't think so.

    Do I think there are ways to change the times ON the clocks? Yes. The clocks in the bus terminal have sun rays around them, and the clock in the Diner has a blue circle around it which looks like the Moon.

    Just wanted to clear this up as alot of threads are up about the beams being able to set the time. The only time the beams come out is at a specific stage in Maxis easter egg and it just dosen't make sense that this would be the answer.

    I got them to appear when we finished Richtofen's side, we were with 3 but me and one other threw the EMPs. We all got the trophy though. But same, sparkles coming out of the lampposts and beams shooting through the tower. Only had it appear in the same game we completed it though..

    Now the tower is lit but I haven't seen any beams yet.. I've had the sparkles in the box twice each in a different game though.

  6. you guys can doubt maxis has a qoute that everyone has thought to be part of his easter egg but there is a slight problem that if you contruct the table after he will tell that you need a Nav Card

    Exact Qoute (i Beileve) You have constructed a control mechanism, but to program the computer, you will need to secure an application NavCard. You will have to seek it out, and then return here and activate the spire.

    Richtofen says it too.

    "Good, you have accomplished much, but to activate the computer you must have the little NavCard thingy, which plugs into the computer thingy, don't worry your little brains as to how it works, just go find it!"

  7. Pretty interesting thoughts, we'd have to make a checklist of ALL BUILDABLE PARTS in the game and roaming around with them... would take a while, but hopefully could bring about results!

    (I just hope you don't require a part for pack a punch elsewhere... or a part for the turbine... that would blow)

    but yeah, seems plausible to me.. maybe the only reason they put the buildable location under the spire itself was to show that things can be built in hidden locations...

    kind've like a hint, saying think outside the no-fog-zones!

    I already made a checklist, you can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=25986

  8. You might as well take a deeper look at NDU, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks there is more their than just Two Parts.

    I went there yesterday after trying to get under the bus when it crossed the bridge, there is nothing there.. I tried walking everywhere to see if I could pick up something, and I also crouched everywhere to see but there's nothing..

  9. Some things are wrong here:

    Your "consmic Silverback" is simply the texture for the monkey bomb

    I've seen the alternate bus driver skin, and there is absolutley NO snow marks on it, that, and the fact the snow looks quite crap makes it look like it was added on in paint, tbh.

    There also seems to be a SILVER/GREY bus in the textures.


    That isn't snow lol. It's a different map for the same model, like a bump map. A bump map is a black and white version of a texture, where the contrast to black to white means how much displacement there is.


  10. Well if the door to the laundromat actually opens, which I'm not saying it does, but IF it does, the spool could be in there for instance.

    I'm sure people saw that clip of the guy whose game timed out, and everything interactable was gone? So was the door in the laundromat, so IF we're able to get in there, the spool might very well be in there.

    I'm not able to check out myself atm, but someone could for instance jump around a little in front of the laundromat window to see if they see something hidden in there which resembles the spool?

  11. Ok, so since Afrochubman posted the textures I made a handy graph in which I went through every part and eliminated it and I got left with one part.

    This is a spool of electrical wire.

    If I remember correctly there were a couple of broken wires in the map, so I guess that's where this item comes in. I haven't been able to find it anywhere yet though, but I'm 95% convinced that this is pretty relevant to the EE if it's still in the game and they didn't decide to scrap it last minute.

    Any thoughts?

  12. Ok I took some icons from your album, let's go through these by process of elimination and see if we're left with anything.

    Bus parts



    Pack A Punch

    NavCard Machine

    Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23


    Zombie Shield

    Electric Trap


    Now I may have made a few mistakes here, but I'm pretty sure I didn't. I know both the icons for the Trap and the Pack A Punch are the same, but if you check out videos on youtube where people build them, the icons are the same with both so, that leaves us with this one:

    Any ideas?

    Also these were in there too but they're not parts AFAIK:

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