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Posts posted by Riot

  1. It's great to have older guys like you in the community because you have the opportunity to be a great roll model to a lot of the younger players here. I hope you also know that it's ok to not be the greatest zombie player in the world, we ALL started somewhere, even veterans players like the guy above me listed.

  2. Nice to meet you man! Any type of knowledge or experience that you can share with the community is a big help, no matter what the contribution is! There's all sorts of threads on this website so no matter what your into in zombies whethers its EE's or high rounds. Hope you become an active and engaging member of our community.

  3. Wow, the emotion and sincerity in this post is mind blowing, you obviously have a special place in this community. Something that tomatoface12 did was he posted a video about HIMSELF. A video of him in real life, and what he loved to do other then play zombies. I think that is what we need to do, post a video about ourselves so we don't have to be afraid of other people knowing who we really are. There are alot of great guys in this community that it would be a pleasure getting to know, and I think the only way we could really get to know each other is by exposing ourselves. Those who don't let people get to know them are obviously too fake to let other people see themselves in real life, just sitting behind a computer screen making other people feel bad. Thanks Shooter, I have a lot of respect for you.

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