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Mr. Touchstuff

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Posts posted by Mr. Touchstuff

  1. Tly

    Can you get a diamond-encrusted combat/ballistic knife?

    I belive so, but honestly it doesn't look that great it lks like somebody bedazzled it. Would of looked better if it was like clear like a diomand

  2. Well recently I've been playing grief mode on town and been getting the emp grenade. I never knew it stops the box. The I found that out by accidentally emping the box when I got the HAMR. And now I use it all the time to mess with randoms when there getting the box or juggernog. But I have a question, wat happens when u emp the box when the teddy bear comes out?can someone try this in tranzit or grief.

  3. We've found a little bit more than this, but currently I can't post my video as I'm under embargo. It should be arriving in 3 hours and 30 minutes.

    the guy said he finished it and hes just editing it

    I doubt that as he is playing solo and it's not possible solo, but who knows.

    Have you finished EE or just parts?

  4. We've found a little bit more than this, but currently I can't post my video as I'm under embargo. It should be arriving in 3 hours and 30 minutes.

    the guy said he finished it and hes just editing it

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