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Posts posted by Slade

  1. There are other factors that haven't been spoken about.

    Would there be an increased or decreased team working on Zombies? The average time it takes to make a map (3 months), would that work for a stand alone game? Would that translate well?

    It's all the little things like these that can make or break a game.

    They'll need a whole bigger team if they're gonna bring out a full-priced Zombies standalone game.

    Another thing that hasn't been discussed is profit margin.

    Why would Treyarch put 2 years of development time into a game that only a portion of the CoD community plays? Instead of making another CoD game altogether and including Zombies.

    Making CoD: Zombies seems like commercial suicide to me. It'll decrease CoD's sales (probably not by a lot but still) and CoD: Zombies will never sell as well as CoD so is the risk of losing money on both ends not far too high?

  2. I think Treyarch just put the wrong background image behind the Origins' description.

    If you look closely you can see that there are actually two seperate images, one with the Soldier and the other being the Alcatraz background image, if they were connected/this was done on purpose you would think they would put some effort into making the two blend together better.

  3. I heard that the most goes into the voice acting and the multiple languages of the voice acting

    Buried had 700+ mb worth of audio, Alcatraz around 500. So that's around 1/3 of the map pack.

  4. Bottom line the globe is pointless as a select menu when most of zombie map locations are in the same area.. I'm not saying anything to monolithic.. People can understand the zombies story line but can't understand this?...

    "most of the locations are in the same area"

    Let's take a look at the maps/continents shall we, we have:

    1 in Europe.

    1 in Asia.

    1 in Africa.

    2 in the States. (3 if you count NZ)

    So that means every continent (with the exception of Australia and Antartica) has been covered with atleast 1 zombie map.

    I really don't see a reason to complain about this.

  5. The reason we have the earth is because it's easier for them to port it over from MP side. In the MP menu you have the earth showing the location of players. It rests in the same spot as the zombies one and turns at the same speed. It's simply because Treyarch is lazy.

    This is not true. Yes the Earth in Zombies is probably the same one used in MP but reskinned.

    Other than that, the Zombies UI is completely written from scratch.

  6. So buried and die rise both have 21 weapons in the box yet I get the rgm2 a lot more often on Buried then i do on die rise. So that kind of disproves the whole ''its only rare in tranzit because there are more guns in the box''

    Correction BS. TranZit/Die Rise have 23 weapons, Buried has 19.

    So the Mark II is definitely more 'harder' to get in TranZit/DR than in Buried. (probability theory wise)

  7. well any idiot knows its in WW1, sure it probably is a supply pack but it looks like it has a antenna on it, and some numbers,

    Let's not flame. I'd say it's the soldier's kit.

    Also that's an entrenching tool, not an antenna.

  8. MTAR



    Five Seven

    Five Seven Dual



    Chicom CQB


    Type 25










    War Machine

    Ballistic Knife*

    Ray Gun

    Monkey Bombs

    EMP Grenade

    and the Ray Gun Mark II.


    Five-Seven Dual














    War Machine

    Balistic Knife*


    Ray Gun

    Ray Gun Mk II

    Time Bomb*

    Monkey Bomb

    TranZit/Die Rise 23 versus Buried 19. (Limit weapons aka WW and ballastic knifes have been taken into account)

  9. The answer is a little more obscure than you might think.

    During Ascension, Dempsey reveals that he cannot recall any specific events from before Shi No Numa.

    So for Dempsey, he started killing Zombies 'since 1945' because he cannot remember killing them before that time.

  10. I don't have the problems aswell :o ... Anyways, it may be because we have the 360 version of Elite and/or higher.

    Simply put, your 360 (or ps3) has a certain amount of free memory that can be used by the game you play. Now we all know that memory - especially compared to PCs - is not a lot.

    When you play Zombies, the longer you play the more memory the game requires from your console (or PC). At one point the game reaches the console's memory limit, then when it requires even more - your game will crash/reset.

  11. That pathetic richtofen/maxis TRI-Easter egg was not a good enough ending for the greatest of all secret storylines...

    But that...

    That was just sad...

    You're mistaken. That was not an ending, more a cliffhanger.

    As much as a zombies only game would be awesome I wouldn't like it. The 2-3 month long wait between Treyarchs DLC is awesome. It gives us all time to think about the maps before and to make future theories.


    Zombies works the way it is. It is a bonus gamemode which gets renewed with new maps and features every 2 months on a one year basis.

    In its current form, putting it on a disc and selling it would be the most overpriced DLC ever. There's just not a whole lot there to justify the 60 dollar price, unless they give it to another development studio and remake the whole thing from scratch (doubt this will happen).

  12. Ah how stupid to forget:

    Burid has fewer weapons in the box than any other map.

    So the chance of getting X weapon in Buried is automatically highter than getting said weapon on any other map.

    So technically, saying that the Mark 2 is very common in Buried is false.

    The chance of getting the Mark 2 does differ per map. The chance of getting one is significantly higher on Buried.

    Problem solved.

    And to answer your original question:

    Since MoTD - like Buried - has fewer total weapons in the box, the chance of getting the Mark II is higher if not the same as Buried.

    Die Rise has the same amount of total weapons in the box as TranZit. So you could say getting the Mark II is more difficult.

  13. I'm with Lithium on this one. Adding Vulture Aid to all the maps kind of breaks the whole 'perk-to-map exclusivity' thing they've been going for in Blops 2. (Tombstone in TranZit. Who's Who in Die Rise. E. Cherry in MoTD etc. etc.)

    Also I think VA is OP. Perks are supposed to give you one benefit. VA gives you three (More ammo/points, invincibility clouds ala VR-11 and the ability to see where the perks/weapons and the box are)

  14. They did it for the RGM2 because it would be unfair to all the people that worked hard on survival maps to get a good score with the original ray gun. And I understand why you would think it, but it's not a hoax. If you ask someone who gets 60s, 70s, 80s on survival maps they will tell you it's extremely rare in comparison to Buried, where it is relatively common.

    Well if you are gonna ask someone then what MMX said "When you're looking for a specific weapon, you are more likely to think probability is against you" applies.

    It just takes more than some peoples games to convince me.

    The only exception to the 1-10 chance measure rule uptil this point has been that everytime someone uses the box (and not get a monkey) the chance of getting one are slighty increased. Wen you do get one the chance resets to its original value.

    Other than this example there hasn't been an exception to that rule. Unless there is some proof I say the chances of getting a Mark-II are the same on all maps.

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