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Posts posted by Slade

  1. So me and my girlfriend have been wanting to donate to CoDz for quite some time now. Problem is my creditcard currently blocks 99% of all my transactions for some unknown reason(still trying to solve this with VISA) are there perhaps other ways of donating?

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  2. If you want to argue pointless crap, go do it in another thread or a pm. I'm not making this one go any further off-topic. I answered the so-called "unanswered" question. I'm done here.

    Haha, our conversation was anything but off-topic, look at the thread's name again.

    You didn't answer questions, you've stated your arguments and I countered them with mine, then I asked you some questions and you didn't answer them. I've stated valid points as to why I believe these groanings sounds are not originating from the Jumping Jacks, all you've done is answer my questions with a set of unrelated barely serious bs questions.

    You're done here because that was the only argument you had, the groaning and the JJ are exclusive to Die Rise = Groaning originating from JJ.

    Without further evidence or "data" I call this pure coincidence.

    - H

  3. That's programming talk for I am right. It's a video game. There has to be some triggers for it. So they chose triggers that were very common. No different than if they had triggered it to come up when you do the hokey-pokey with the A button.

    Yes then tell me why - if the sounds are supposed to be from the Jumping Jacks, - why they didn't just programmed it so that they could only be triggered - or heard - during the JJ rounds?

    Think like Treyarch, if you've made a new boss zombie and said zombie tries to communicate to one of the playable characters, obviously you wouldn't trigger those sounds when killing regular zombies, or doing the sidequests. You would make them trigger when those boss zombies attack said playable character, or when they spawn and/or are killed.

    He also doesn't mention anything about switching to his second gun. You are taking it WAAYYY too literally. Why don't we just go ahead and say the characters have a Facebook page?

    Because that's obviously a joke, he refers to the Zombies 'talking' 'asking for help' and tries ignoring them, that's not just one single quote like the FB reference we're talking about. Multiple quotes implying that he still hears them, there is no way he is talking about the usual zombie groaning.

    Richtofen is controlling the descendants of the Gas Zombies.

    That still doesn't explain why he sounds like nova-6 crawlers in the cutscene, Treyarch just re-used the audio template to make his voice sound all messed up. Now does that mean he is a nova-6 crawler? Of course not.

    So far the only argument you've provided is that the 'talking' sounds are only featured in a map where Jumping Jacks are also featured. My counter argument is that Stuhlinger still complaints about hearing voices - when he kills zombies close to him -. He didn't have this issue in Tranzit, also the other characters don't have this issue so why Stu and why now?

  4. You don't hear them while killing regular zombies. You hear them no matter what. Whether there's zombies or no. Whether you're standing or running. Whether you're drinking or shooting. You hear the sounds. What's the constant? You hear them only when you're around Die Rise, only when you're in the place that has the Jumping Jacks.

    That's not true, there are three separate groaning files, entitled 'lies' 'pain' and 'plead'

    You can trigger one when killing a zombie (any of the three), looking at one while he's walking to you (plead) and they can trigger whenever Maxis' speaks ('lies')

    And you're bending those quote much too far. He says those when fighting zombies. Regular, groaning zombies.

    Yes he does he says those quotes when he kills a zombie upclose. I don't bend the quotes too far, there's a huge difference between the usual Zombie groans and them trying 'to talk' to Stu. He doesn't mention talking or hearing them in Tranzit or DR, he does it after Die Rise implying he still hears them. I don't hear the others complaining about zombies pleading for help and/or trying to talk to them.

    And file names are rarely reliable. Tesla did not invent the DG-2.

    I disagree, Tesla refers to the lightning used int he gun, not sir tesla himself.

    Someone made a video comparing the Nova 6 crawlers to the DR cutscene, the sounds are almost identical. So you're not also suggesting Richtofen descends from nova 6 crawlers? Or that he used one to talk to Stu?

  5. At first It seemed very plausible to me but there are two things that always bugged me about this theory.

    First if the noises are from the Jumping Jacks, then why do we also hear them when killing regular Zombies?

    Second going through Stuhlinger's audio files for Buried I think he still hears them but the simple reason we don't is because the majority of people didn't like hearing the noises over and over.

    Take a look at these quotes

    "Don't care what you had to say, your voice was just too f-ing annoying"

    "If you really wanna talk to me, do it over the phone"

    "You don't exactly act like you want help"

    "Lalalala I can't hear you.... that's not really true, I'm just ignoring you"

    "I can't hear you!!"

    Last but not least in the Die Rise files Jumping Jacks are referred to as "leapers", all the groaning is "zombie_sidequest_zombie_lies/pain/plead"

    Samuel even has one (cut) quote where he responds to the noises, 'vox_plr_1_sidequest_zombie_word_d_0'

    Reasons the nova6/jumping jack sound familiar could be just Treyarch re-using the audio template.

  6. Great thread!

    That astronaut zombie is annoying when you go through a door and he's right there.

    Haha this happend way too much. I'll never forget how he would Michael Jackson his way to you if someone threw a Gersch near him, there was no escape.


    Space Monkeys were a real pain, especially on later rounds. Nova 6 Crawlers used to trap me on Kino all the time. I could see how George was annoying but I kinda liked him. He really made the map special.

  7. Very nice, love it. In general I think increasing Social Media activity and using it more effectively will only benefit the forum itself, there's great potential there.

    Now there'll probably be more of a 'waiting' period for dlc4. When it's released, not only will we have great some strategies/dicussions and (EE) find threads, but also reflection threads for Zombies as a whole like 'What were you're thoughts on Blops2 Zombies' etc.

    Also do you guys have an official Facebook page?

  8. These fake images are highly amusing. Old but still my favorite.

    "Induction. So when's it coming out? 38th of april holy s--t!" - Spider

    bonus dlc5 Robert "Stealth Clown" Bowling Map Pack confirmed you heard it here first, nao lemme make a 20 min video about the font used in this image.

  9. That's the risk of playing with randoms. You don't know the situation of those people, they might be new to the map, play for fun, have their little brother/sister playing, or it might even be the first time they touched Zombies.

    You cannot expect everyone to be good or as good as yourself. If people go down in 'early' rounds, help them out. Let them get back up on their feet instead of quitting or abandoning them. You gotta give them atleast a chance.

    And as Vyhl said; to get to high rounds you don't need a perfect team. I've gotten to 30+ with people who got down loads of times just because they were new to the map, yet I kept reviving them and they kept fighting, not quitting.

    Remember Teammates are team players. They are there for eachother, no matter how good or bad one another is or how desperate the situation may get.

  10. Sal's my favorite. Great voice, got's some fantastic lines and they nailed his character perfectly.

    Same with Finn and Weasel. Billy.. not so much, he doesn't stand out as much as I'd hoped.

    Weasel's definitely the most interesting.

  11. Depends on who those 2 or 4 people are. I'd say that in general playing with more people reduces the chance of F'ing it up. If you go with two people and one messes up you're basicly already screwed. With four it'll take more than just one person accidently messing something up. That said, the more people there are, the harder it becomes to effectively communicate with eachother. They both have their ups and downs. If you have a really good reliable friend then I would choose 2 over 4 any day.

  12. oh, I've never noticed them until now, is there an option somewhere to switch between "Clean" dialog and normal?

    I believe there's no specific dialogue option. You'll have to turn off the 'mature content' to get the alternate clean dialogue.


    Ghost Lady added.

  13. Hope your freind gets better....

    Also: Will the background changes in noises be here also? : The richtofen victory song,the maxis victory song; Entering the town, easter egg step compleate, entering the courthouse, the witches are coming, and of course: Always running...

    Thank you kindly Mockin and yes! All of these will be in our special Soundtrack video coming up later today.

    This is awesome!

    Do you think you could acquire the big guy's and the ghost lady's quotes?

    Yes MMX. Ghost lady next, then the soundtrack, then finally the big guy. We'll have him added here by tomorrow if not today.


    Also we'll write down any story related quotes and put them in our Story Quote Scripted thread which you can find here: viewtopic.php?f=100&t=34328

  14. I'll watch them all later. For now I'll watch Maxis.

    Also if Sony Vegas is crashing on you, try rendering in Windows Movie Maker, it may not be the best, but it's better to have it in LQ than nothing at all.

    Thanks Nathan. Problem already solved. All Quotes are up. Soundtrack coming.

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