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Posts posted by Slade

  1. I think NZ/Die Rise/TranZit all take place somwhere 2025+.

    Why was Marlton in the bunker? Well, why was Richtofen on the tv transmissions?

    Obviously to show that NZ and Moon take place simultaneously.

    Precisily why Marlton was in the bunker, to show that NZ and TranZit take place roughly at the same time.

    There's also more evidence that suggests the maps take place in 2025.

    Of course whether you go with: the maps take place in 1960 or in 2025 some things don't add up. Much like the whole "well Kino can't take place in 1960 cause the building would have been demolished by that time for sure" thing.

  2. I noticed his character model didn't have a book on him, yet according to his quotes he still talks about it. ~~ He may have more to say in Buried, but I'm gonna try to pinpoint WHEN he got the book.

    Perhaps Treyarch had this idea of Stu possessing Maxis' Diary back in Die Rise, then when they realized nobody was paying attention to it they put the book on Stu's character model in Buried so it would be more noticeable. That would explain why he mentions it in Die Rise but doesn't visually appear to have any book of sorts until the events of Buried. Really liking where this is going.

  3. Any idea how the tombstone works I've tried numerous times in solo to get it with no luck!!

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think QR is glitched/doesn't count towards the 4 perks. So don't get Quick. Tried a few times on solo, no luck. Did co-op got 4 perks (speed instead of Revive) on round 2 and it worked.

  4. Cossack is a slang term for Russian that was originally adopted since it was a term for some Russian police or something...It became adopted much like we hear Germans called Krauts.

    Actually Cossacks were a group of East Slavic people known for their traditional way of living, military skills and were extraordinarily good at horse-riding.

  5. I didn't see it up top with your updated post so...

    December 10th - 1917

    "It appears my current exile from the motherland may --- -----. I have received orders to undertake a vital mission in Northern France.


    Also, Nikolai was a Ka-Sak, he's mentioned that in a quote back in WaW.

    The letter can be found under --Handwritten "Letters from the Field"--

    It's spelled "Cossack"

  6. For me, if a character's not funny, they suck. I don't care if they're interesting, quirky or whatever. I just want to laugh as I'm slaying zombies with my friends. The N4 are pretty much complete failures in the funny department. Only like two or three of the quotes I've ever heard from them have made me laugh.

    Funny ≠ good written characters. (Russman's more funnier than the 04 together tbh)

    The problem with the 04 in the writing department was that they got to the point where they were just making silly 4th wall-breaking jokes every 2 seconds. (except for Takeo)

    The jokes got worse and worse and they even repeated jokes from previous maps. (disarmed the enemy, haha.)

    Of course the characters gotta be funny, but there has to be a line between how funny one can be, and how serious one should be about their surroundings/situation.

  7. MistyBriarton, that's not a modded weapon. The AK47 is actually in Kino/FIVE. Flammen, you can get it by using the 'give all' command (or give ak47_zm). It's incomplete however, it has no firing sound, very low damage and cannot be upgraded.


    I don't think the two are the same and I also don't believe that it is the Vril-ya in those suits. Could be just a random soldier for all we know. Or someone who traveled with the 04 and got killed, like a Ferguson/Brutus 2.0

  8. This is why I rarely use the bank. You basicly fastforward time to Round 15+

    It was never even intented to be in all maps, it was supposed to be a TranZit-only thing. Because the map was so huge it was introduced for the people that didn't want to spend ages on setting up a game, or quickly financially recover from a death.

    This in combination with the 'Give-Candy-to-Bigguy' so the Box never moves away makes Buried such an easy - and imo - boring map to play. Good thing the bank won't appear in Origins.

  9. Love this idea! I agree that they could've done a lot more with this Gamemode.

    Here are my ideas for Power-Downs

    "Inverse Control" Inverts the Enemy Team's controls for a short period of time, leaving them dazzled for a couple of seconds giving the Zombies just enough time to close in on them.

    "Feeling lucky" this power-drop is a gamble, it could either reward your(self) team or wreak havoc on you. It has multiple effects (like the QEDs) such as spawning a ton of Zombies around a specific player or have you teleport in the middle of a zombie horde.

    "Switch" have your weapon switched with an enemies weapon for a round or two. Once the timer expires you're both giving your weapon back in its current state (so if you were to shoot all the ammo in the air the enemy will now receive an empty gun)

    "Bad eyesight" make the enemy team's screen blurry/filled with inkstains (sup Mario) for a short period of time.

    "Watch it!" Turns Friendly-Fire on. Better watch those shots.

    "Verrückt-er" Turns every Zombie that chases the Enemy Team into a Verrückt Sprinter. (for those who don't know a super fast Zombie)


  10. Overall, yes. I think it's a remarkable improvement over Blops1 in almost every category.

    The Good

    -Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!

    Thanks to an increased budget and the switch to the MP engine. Zombies can now truly stand on its own next to the Single- and Multiplayer experiences.

    -Better Writing

    Whether you like the N4 or not, there's no denying that the writing in Blops2 is a lot better compared to Blops 1.

    -More innovation and diversity

    Treyarch really made an effort to make every map feel like its own experience, rather than just the previous map but with a different coat of paint. This is thanks to new gamemodes, map exclusive gameplay features like Perks/Persistent Upgrades and the new Music Engine, which helps players become truly immersed in the Zombie Universe.

    The Bad

    -The Story

    The story has taken a turn for the worst, thanks to a lack of conversations between our new characters, a lack of EE-related Crew Quotes (they don't talk when they perform steps and or listen to instructions from either Maxis or Richtofen. It feels like they're giving instructions to a wall) and a frustrating introduction of numerous side-'plots' that get only mentioned once and are never referred to again.

    -Broken features

    They added a lot of new things in Blops2 Zombies, some worked. Others, ehh not so much. (looking at you TranZit Buildables/PAP)

    Also the PC version is buthered for no reason.

  11. Learned a ton, thanks.

    I feel like everything has already been mentioned so.. did you know

    you can see the left nipple of every female zombie. (don't ask)

    Also, on solo, when you go down and use the timebomb, you'll get all your perks back except for Quick Revive. [unless you've gained QR via a bottle drop]

  12. Very great find! Remarkable like Lithium said.

    To support this, I've taken another look at Samuel's quotes and apart from the quote you've provided there is another one which seems very interesting.

    "Damn diary...voices... I don't need this s--t! I REALLY, really don't!"

    These are from Die Rise. He might have even more to say about this 'book' in Buried but I haven't checked those quotes yet.

    Again, very interesting indeed and kudos for finding this!

  13. Shi No Numa. The design was just so perfect. Holding out in one of the four locations with three friends, randomized perks, electric traps/flogger and for the first time ever - hellhounds that would 3hit down you no matter what [probably the only one that misses that]. That was so much fun. Also introduced us to the Crew and the bzzzt! awesome DG-2.

  14. But that's where our opinion differs. I actually really liked the N4. They brought something fresh the O4 could not provide. Were they replacing the O4? Defiantly not. ~~ Could the N4 have been better? Yes, and so could the maps to reflect them (Die Rise could've been made Broken Arrow's HQ, much needed backstory on Russ and Stuh would've been given, but nope). But they weren't as bad as most people made them out to be.


    They were actually fine characters, much better written than the O4.

    Furthermore Treyarch 'killing the N4' just to bring back the O4 because "we" don't like the N4 seems illogical. As any good writer will tell you once you've established a good cast of characters that people love and can relate to, as soon as you replace them with a completely different set of new characters, people will always get pissed off. Treyarch knew this and still went with it, I'm sure they won't switch back to the O4 'just because a part of the community' dislikes the N4.

  15. How do we know that the Zombies were trying to talk to him and he wasn't actually making the noises?

    Because they A: only trigger during certain events (killing zombies/looking at them while they're walking towards you [basicly when they're helpless] and when doing the EE for Maxis)

    B: One of the [cut] soundfiles is Samuel responding to the groaning. "Ahh it spoke! One of them spoke!" is what he says.

    C: It wouldn't make sense if Stu was pleading and asking for help, let alone make such noises.

  16. Richtofen says something about breaking the cycle right? But the next map takes place a lot earlier than Buried... But then if you did his side he takes over Stu's body. What's next?

    Please tell me none of these are unanswered.

    Most of these are not directly answered and can be speculated and debated on.

    Mend the Rift - if I'm not mistaken - was a sideplot they introduced in Die Rise and, well, they never really did anything with it from that point on.

    Stu hears groans and moaning from what appear to be the Zombies trying to talk to him, they can be hear saying 'lies' 'help me' and 'kill me'.

    Russman was a former operative of Broken Arrow, he cannot remember much and as a result the Crew only know him as 'Russman'. What he did during his time at Broken Arrow is unknown, it is known that he knew Stu back then though.

  17. I really don't get all this 'the N4 are dead' talk.

    First of all, one argument many people use is that Richtofen tells them they're dead in the future so bam they won't come back.

    Well that's kind of true, IF and if only you do Richtofen's side which may not even be canon.

    The other argument is that well Maxis destroys the earth so there you go - they're dead either way.

    This also is not exactly true, he specifically says 'once the gateway is open' meaning that the gateway is currently still closed and whatever Maxis needs to do to open it will take a considerable amount of time. Time that the N4 can use to foil his plans.

    It's most likely that Zombies will return in Treyarch's next game.

    [Of course we'll have to see how Origins ties in with the story], but chances are

    the N4 story arc will continue in Treyarch's next game. With them of course trying to stop Maxis' plans from reaching fruition.

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