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Posts posted by Slade

  1. From a storyline perspective, there's only one wunder weapon: the original WunderWaffe DG-2.

    All the others are never referred to as WWs. Maaybe the Babygun, since Maxis designed it roughly around the same time as Richtofen did the DG2. And possibly the Raygun as well.

    The term is highly subjective, so you can't say someone's definition of it is wrong.

    The closest to a true and valid definition is the one @ came up with, it's very objective and thus it becomes easy to class weapons as WW or not. Props MMX.

    I still feel the main reason people don't call the Jetgun a wunder weapon is simply because it sucks. (No pun intended)

    If it was the best weapon ever everyone would be like "who cares if it's made from spare parts, look at the damage it deals. How can you not call it a wunderweapon"

    Okay, almost everyone then. MMX would still hold true to his definition.

  2. Keep the fog to an extent, and instead of Denizens, have something actually threatening lurking in there that could attack you if you dared to venture into those areas.

    Denizens are only annoying because they slow you down and you have to keep abusing your knife button.

    In my opinion it would be awesome to have mutated wolves or even hellhounds, who toy around with you first - making noises and circling around you (of course hidden by the fog) so you get confused and then if you panic/run into them you're in trouble.

  3. Same guys who created Tranzit/Die Rise/Buried also created Mob and Origins.

    This whole 'campaign team took over with producer Jason' is a joke.

    A bigger budget does not mean a whole different crew worked on it.

    Dual layered Blu Rays have a capacity of 48 gigs.

    Do take into account that next-gen games take up a lot more space than previous gen games.

    I would love to see more Zombie content with the Map Packs. Especially now that Ghosts has shown other (micro) DLC possibilities besides your standard $15 5 maps. Like for instance: playable character DLC or a Maxis Announcer Pack. But their priority lies with the #1 reason most people buy their DLC: Multiplayer.

  4. Metro does it right.

    The first two games are re-released on the next gen console and PC.

    60 frames/1080p. All DLC included. Better graphics, higher textures, shadows, anti-aliasing etc.

    But the first game has been remade in the second game's engine. Meaning the first Metro will now have much better a.i, physics, gunplay and stealth mechanics than the original version had.

    + you can get both remade games separately for 15 each, or a bundle with both of them for 30.

  5. Nice post, very detailed. +1

    More backstory and more playable areas please.

    I love how they claimed pre-release that "Tranzit is a whopping 180 times larger than any zombie map we've ever done" yet 'forgot' to mention 99% of that are actually unplayable areas.

  6. I don't think AW will have a campaign co-op option.

    There's a reason WaW was the first and last one to have it.

    We know the campaign wil feature all kinds of crazy gadgets like the ability to turn invisible, spot grenades, exo suits, flying motors and mechs.

    Now they haven't revealed multiplayer yet, but I'm sure a lot of those SP features will either get severely downgraded/changed up or not make the transition into MP at all.

    That's why I'm hoping they will however put them into this co-op mode. As it's not player vs player, they can go all out and give us amazing stuff to battle ____ with.

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