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Posts posted by Afrochubman

  1. Vengeance

    July 1st

    Hawaii - 11:00PM-12:00AM

    July 2nd

    Alaska - 1:00-2:00AM

    Pacific - 2:00-3:00AM

    Mountain - 3:00-4:00AM

    Central - 4:00-5:00AM

    Mexico City - 4:00-5:00AM

    Eastern - 5:00-6:00AM

    Sweden - 11:00AM-12:00PM

    UK - 10:00AM-12:00PM

    Australian Central - 6:30-7:30PM

    Season Pass Holders! Don't forget! Check both the Zombies in-game store AND the Mulitplayer in-game store.

  2. Can you post the pictures directly here? Thanks. I don't have a facebook to veiw them currently as I believe that today's social media is ruining today's society. Not really, I just don't like social media. I just recently started a Twitter account for updates on the website being down. I had to resort to the CoD forums and well... we will just leave it at that. Anyways back on topic, can you please post the pics here.

    Well theres like 400 pics for each map. It worked before but I guess goddam Fuckerberg changed the privacy settings. *sigh* lemme reupload to imgur.

    Ok Die Ris eis up

  3. Can you post the pictures directly here? Thanks. I don't have a facebook to veiw them currently as I believe that today's social media is ruining today's society. Not really, I just don't like social media. I just recently started a Twitter account for updates on the website being down. I had to resort to the CoD forums and well... we will just leave it at that. Anyways back on topic, can you please post the pics here.

    Well theres like 400 pics for each map. It worked before but I guess goddam Fuckerberg changed the privacy settings. *sigh* lemme reupload to imgur.

  4. Next tuesday if we're getting a trailer....

    could be whenever if we're given info....

    trayarch LOVES it's trailer tuesdays....

    Treyarch always does stuff on Tuesdays... which I think is a horrible way to do it. They should do DLC releases on Weekends.

    I think well be getting a trailer june 18th or 20th most likely if it releases july 2nd as the rumors are

    Yea sounds about right. Shangri-La came out June 25 last year.

  5. This is probably WAAAAAAYYYY off-topic but when you said all the religions were the same, this story popped up in my head.

    The Egg

    By: Andy Weir


    Great read.

    tl;dr All religions are right in a way, you are gods son, and you will become a God once you live everyone elses lives in the universe, meaning the universe in just an egg.

    Besides that, great post. This is an "egg"celent explanation.

    Ha-ha... get it? ...... ha... :|

  6. Just watched this


    And he says that if you complete the "good", which is Weasel killing everyone, and breaking the cycle, that a NEW WEAPON is unlocked, and he we be showing how to get it later. This might be the golden spork, or another weapon...

  7. IyoWhsyA4Kc

    Video stops at 8:57 and starts back up at 18:34.

    If this counts as a leak, I'm sorry please don't ban me.

    Loading Screen. Since theres no wheel at the bottom right hand corner, this means this map is before everything, which was kind of obvious still though.

    All the plane parts.

    You can levitate in Afterlife

    Doors shown in Afterlife have a "medicine man eye" on top of them when Alive.

    Able to enter afterlife through these power boxes, you don't just have to kill yourself to enter.

    Another room like Nuketown Zombies where a power up spawns. You can open this b powering a vault meter in Afterlife.

    Fire Sale is back.

    The Tommy Gun is called the M1927 and can be bought off the wall.

    Some countdown clock also like Nuketown Zombies.

    Deathmachine returns.

    It seems during Afterlife it well tell you what cell the plane parts are in

  8. Well my plan panned out horribly.

    Couldn't find any Z-Quill or sleeping aid at all. Got like 2 hours of slep and now I cant go back to bed. Well too late now... 2 hours and 30 mins

  9. Well here are my plans.

    1. Right when 8:00PM hits OD on Night Quill so I don't have to think about MOTD as I try to sleep, because then I wont.

    2. Wake up to 5 different alarms clocks I have placed around at 4:00AM

    3. Start Xbox and impatiently wait for download to arrive

    4. Look on Twitter about BLOPS 2 devs saying its already out

    5. Look at leaderboards and people in China have it

    6. Get really upset and start flinging stuff across my room at why I dont have it yet.

    7. 30 minutes after release it finally shows up

    8. Download for 10 mins, next thing you know its 4:45 and I have the DLC and I play until my heart gives out

    Thats how I plan to utilize my time tomorrow

  10. Here are my times, based on what I've experienced from CST, it usually came out between 4 and 5 AM

    April 15th

    Hawaii - 11:00PM-12:00AM


    April 16th

    Alaska - 1:00-2:00AM

    Pacific - 2:00-3:00AM

    Mountain - 3:00-4:00AM

    Central - 4:00-5:00AM

    Eastern - 5:00-6:00AM

    Sweden - 11:00AM-12:00PM

    UK - 10:00AM-12:00PM

    Australian Central - 6:30-7:30PM

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