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Posts posted by Afrochubman

  1. Some things are wrong here:

    Your "consmic Silverback" is simply the texture for the monkey bomb

    I've seen the alternate bus driver skin, and there is absolutley NO snow marks on it, that, and the fact the snow looks quite crap makes it look like it was added on in paint, tbh.

    There also seems to be a SILVER/GREY bus in the textures.


    Whtie in the textures is supposed to be clear, not snow.

  2. This is interesting.

    Although I think its wrong to go through the game files to find stuff, its already done and I can't unsee what i've already read.

    That picture looks like a screenshot / concept art from a new map, or perhaps town when it was still with all its stuff and electricity.

    Shoot man I'm sorry, should of put a spoiler alert or something.

  3. can you tell me the location of these pictures? I have black ops 2 on the pc also. just wondering.
    Pretty easy to find since mostly all games are installed the same way. Go to Local Disk/Program Files(x86)/Activision or Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. It should be fairly simple to dig around and find them.

    I looked around and couldn't find, thats why i was asking him. Thanks though

  4. The sound is not only heard in the town, though. I just picked the town as the location furthest from where I, the zombies, and the bus were at the time. The first time I heard this was actually when I was glitching under the map and going through barriers, and at the time I was checking out the area where the road veers off after the tunnel and before the diner. At the time I wrote it off as maybe just being the bus or something... until I came here and read people talking about the "train" sound.

    Also... I've heard the scream, but it is very hard to capture. The weird thing is.... I can hear the scream clearly, then back up the video 5 seconds, play it back.... and it's not there. I'm not sure if the sound is just weird in theater mode or what.

    One more thing... was anyone aware that a siren goes off in the laundromat when the power is turned on? I can upload a video of that, also if someone wants. It's definitely coming from that building. I believe upstairs, actually.

    Same thing happens in theater when looking at the laundromat lights

  5. Just checked this video. The comment is gone, but it appears the new top one speaks of a manhole that says you can place a part on it... Interesting. I'll be checking this after lunch. :)

    This was a bust. Checked all 4-5 of the manholes, and none had the placable part pop-up. It's pretty sad when people put out fake info and other people up it just so they trick other people.

    I think it might be because when the bus is in town, the place for the ladder on it is right above a manhole, so he must of been confused.

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