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Thee Crater

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Posts posted by Thee Crater

  1. So Fated, a question for clarification. What you are saying is that to end the rift means an end to zombies? Do you think that's what all of these Easter Eggs are leading to? And if that is what they are leading to, what is the purpose of this map? By fixing this rift, how is is helping the bigger rift?

  2. @TheBsZombie FatedTitan and I were discussing this exact thing last night when we were playing. The only conclusion that we could come to was that if he were a demon, (which in this thread we are assuming he is, not the warden)he could be able to summon multiples of himself at the same time. He is a demon, he has special powers. The same could be said to explain how he comes back after you "kill" him.

  3. If Maxis really was in control leading up to Samantha's takeover, he put on one HELL of an act for the 2 years leading up to the transfer of power.

    What better way to gain someones trust? Don't forget, we are dealing with a genius who has had pre-recorded messages set in place years in advanced. We obviously know he has the capability to pull something like this off.

  4. Titan and I and DEFINITLY making another run tonight, and once again be going updates and debunking theories. We have Naxos, of anyone has Richtofen, pm me or add me Xbox live: Thee Crater. We will be going around 9:00, 9:30 ct

  5. While on the topic of light orbs and sparkly boxes, when I was attempting to get the beams, I noticed the beam sometimes he the door and the door would sparkle too. I'm not sure of this has been mentioned or not yet, but I just wanted to throw it out there.

  6. Why would it have nothing to do with it? That doesn't even make any sense. It's one of the only leads we have so far, it's how you get the lights to show up, so why would it not matter?

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