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Soul Reaper Marv

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Posts posted by Soul Reaper Marv

  1. I think the actual concept of the Manhattan Project(bombings and stuff related to that)might have a connection to the v/n=k formula. Because in Richtofen's Grand Scheme, there are missiles filled with a certain gas launched to Earth. One of them certainly hit the USA. So yeah, that is where our Zombies storyline in BO2 might start from, right after the Moon easter egg.

  2. Most people are panic knifers because they change their settings and use the tactical button layout. When conforted coming around a corner they quickly press the B button, not because they mean to but because they were startled. I use the default button layout so when I knife it's purposefully and skillfully. But with this layout I do tend to panic drop shot in the same situation as a panic knifer.

    See what I did there? Think before you post.

  3. Remember when the first BO2 leaks started pouring in?

    We had this image here:

    At first, we thought it was a photoshopped image of MW3 on the map Downturn, which takes place in a heavily destroyed version of Wall Street.

    But then we had this image here, which came straight from a video released by Treyarch

    If we take into consideration that CotD is in the same place as Discovery(BO multiplayer map) and that Ascension takes place in the same place as Launch(and Kino in Berlin if I'm not mistaken), then we could assume that one of the Zombie maps in BO2 could take place in a post-war/destroyed city in the United States, because that's going to be a multiplayer map for BO2.

    Which is why I think that this image could be real

  4. It wouldn't be fair in the classic survival mode since you would join the game and then get the reward for being on Round 53 for example, without having been part of the team for the past 52 rounds. People could basically boost their records with this. And making the records for the high rounds not count is also a dumb idea imo. So yeah, Join-In-Progress should only be possible for the 4v4 mode since it doesn't matter in that mode when you join, unless it's also a mode that involes gathering points from zombies in order to get better weapons to kill the enemy team(that actually doesn't sound too bad).

  5. So I looked up the Cordyceps fungi and I found out that it has over 400 species. All of them are similiar, parasitic fungi that invade bodies of insects and other arthropods.

    A lot of them were pretty helpful in medicine, some were used in human organ transplants because they suppressed the immune system of bodies

    There was a case where they were used as drugs in China by a female athlete in 1933. She set world records ONLY when she was in Asian territory. At events outside of Asia or mainly China she couldn't achieve her victories she had in her homeland which supected the use of drugs. The coach then admitted that the athletes were taking cordyceps at his request. So we can be sure that the effect on humans would be enhanced speed and stamina rather than a never ending hunger or an over boost of adrenaline and rage.

    There are also eaten in Asian restaurants, mainly in China,Korea and Nepal. People's choice are soups with cordyceps,silkie seahorse and some other stuff.

    picture here(look at your own risk)

    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... dyceps.jpg

    The caterpillar-like things on there are cordyceps.

  6. most of us are either less than 13 years old

    So this forum is full of squeakers? >___

    Anyway, I personally think those cases involve cannibals and people under influence of heavy drugs. Even if there was a zombie outbreak, we all know that our military is not as stupid as the military shown in movies,games, novels etc.

    In fiction, the military practically has to be overrun, in order for our main characters/survivors to feel threatened and scary and not to just barricade themselves somewhere and wait for extraction or a carpet bombing that realistically should happen two days after an outbreak.

    And who the hell is able bite off an arm just with his teeth, or penetrate a leg with his fingers without using advanced weaponry such as nail-claws and razor-braces.

    I know how cannibals ''kill'' their victims, but they need a long time until they can finally ''take a good bite'' off those arms because the human skin is pretty much resistent to nails and teeth.

    And since zombies are just walking corpses, they would eventually die because they would slowly decay. A walking skull can't move can he? I know that it's about parasites here and that the heart still might work and that blood still might be in the bodies of the infected, however most nerve cells would be destroyed so that those infected are unable to move anyway with only their nerves still intact in their brains.

    And don't expect those guys to grow tentacles out of their heads and jump around lol.

  7. Maybe the 4V4 mode won't have any perks and killstreaks. I hope so.

    And honestly it actually has a good side. Since they now have zombies on their toes, they won't be able to bring in their MP tactics into the mode.

    I for example, always play stealhty, trying to get into the enemy spawn, that won't help me in the new mode since the zombies will run after me and attract the enemy.

    And then they might be interested in the actual 4 player coop mode and thus we might get a bunch of new people to play with.(Seeing how I can hardly get into matches on the WaW maps and even maps like CotD, this could be beneficial)

  8. That's pretty much it. DLC maps wouldn't make sense since PC gamers could create their own ones. I bet someone will hack Black Ops 2 on the PC and make his own mods regardless, but Treyarch themselves can't do allow mods by default.

    And dedicated servers you say? Acitivision? NEVER

  9. That's actually a nice idea. It should be called memories and happens when the characters travel through time. The teleporter malfunctions and they get sent back to certain places from the past. First level should be Shi no Numa's starting room. After round 3 you can get into a time portal which acts as a door for 600 points. Then you get to Verrueckt's courtyard(yes you're in the courtyard with zombies rising from the ground right in front of you) and after a few rounds you can get into the other maps. Der Riese's teleporter room maybe or at the PaP Machine followed by Kino's main hall. Then you get to Ascencion's starting area continuing(right grammar? I'm German lol) to Shangri-La's caves. And the last area would be Griffin Station.

    This could be either for our classic zombie gang, or ''maybe'' th new 4 characters that might be in the game in the new map or in the 4v4 mode, unless the 4v4 mode has generic soldiers from the Spetznas fighting the US or something like that.

    The new characters could be examining the teleporter they found and then it malfunctions and they live through the memories of the old characters. They gather information by checking the radios and the clues on the walls in various maps. And guess who the announcers are this time for this map.

    Richtofen,Tank,Takeo and Nicholai lol.

  10. This was taken nowgamer.com and I don't know if it was posted already but I am just gonna drop this here

    http://www.nowgamer.com/xbox-360/xbox-3 ... apore.html


    ''Zombies is now integral to multiplayer, with a four vs four mode in which two packs of survivors fight the undead and each other for points.'']

    This makes me happy because

    - my wish of a 4vs4 mode in zombies became true

    - leads to more speculation whether we're getting a new zombie gang who fight with or along our classic gang.

  11. IMO, a Justice Rocket Backpack Rocket Rocket shouldn't be a killstreak, since it's sorta something you'd have to specificly wear. It should be a secondary, like the other launchers. The pros would be that there's no switch time, just switching to a slightly different HUD for it. And, it'd shoot two at a time, and automatically reload the next two. (max of four rockets) Cons would be each rocket is slightly less than half as strong as other rockets, and it'd be lock on only. And only one lcok on target that both rockets would go to.

    (If you know what JRBRR is from, I love you.)

    I was suggesting it as a killstreak because they looked really powerful in the video(although they were shot down, i can imagine the damage they would have done). And there was talk of a attachment that you get that let's you see through walls. That could work.

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