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iTz WiNTeRs

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Posts posted by iTz WiNTeRs

  1. David Mason's Sidekick Nelson is going to be played by Rooker.

    http://kotaku.com/5906808/48-things-tha ... ack-ops-ii

    I believe it's this guy based on appearance, could be wrong though:

    That guy's name is Harper, not Nelson.

    They announced his name to be Nelson, maybe post the picture where you saw Harper?

    Says so on his vest. Also, CallofDuty.wikia.com has a picture up of "Harper". No picture of Nelson has been released. Some people probably just assume that is him.

  2. Guess whos back:

    Could Michael Rooker be returning to Zombies as well as the campaign?

    Pretty much the only character from COTD that can expect a warm welcome back to zombies.

    Regards Alpha.

    David Mason's Sidekick Nelson is going to be played by Rooker.

    http://kotaku.com/5906808/48-things-tha ... ack-ops-ii

    I believe it's this guy based on appearance, could be wrong though:

    That guy's name is Harper, not Nelson.

  3. This is a longshot but what if the story is the agent sent after Woods, Mason, and Hudson, telling about the mission. The agents name was shown as John woth no last name but in the french version his last name was shown as Price so if it is John Price he would be set in near future time cuz of the Modern Warfare series.

    interesting but im not sure i mean price not specifcly this one but price is old ive seen him in most iw cod games made he's a British captain during ww2 and on top of that the face looked alot alike so im not sure if thats something treyarch would use or not. thats something i bet we dont know until release.

    It was stated that John Price was the SAS soldier assigned on OP: Charybdis.

    The price from Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2 is the grandfather of the Price from the MW series. IW has confirmed that. I think treyarch would do it. Also, if it does take during the 2020-ish era, Price would be around 59-ish and he and Woods could be narrating the story.

  4. So I went back to the video by FPSRussia yet AGAIN, and well... see for yourself

    These are the tags attached to the video. FPSRussia normally uses his own tags which are completely different from these, and these seem to include lots of hints to Black Ops 2. Most of them around Tacitus we already knew (Future weapons manufacturer), but the tag 'Woods' is what catches my attention.

    Why is (Frank) Woods mentioned? Is he playing a big part in Black Ops 2 Campaign? Are we playing from his perspective? Can we conclude that Woods did not die in BO1? Or even further... Does FPSRussia represent Woods in his video? (Woods is able to speak russian). Or Does FPSRussia represent a Russian character working for Tacitus? :shock:

    Back to the video... These 2 videos are attached to it as Response videos:

    The first video is about the AR 15 'Bad News' sniper rifle, and the second one is about the R700. I've heard rumors before about the R700 returning to the CoD series, or at least people wanting it to return. Can we expect both of these rifles in BO2 or did FPSRussia attach these videos 'at random'? I don't believe in random anymore when Treyarch is involved. :lol:

    Both of these rifles don't help us with a timeframe, since both are designed in the 50's/60's and continually improved and and still are used today. Both guns are more lightweight snipers using the .223 caliber cartridges. Both guns are still being used by the US Army (I think).

    Hope this helps (Not with today's picture, but just in general)

    It is stated that Woods survived and is a POW in the Hanoi Hilton. It was stated in an email from "X" to Mason in the CIA terminal.

  5. Tuesday better come quick.

    I'm going to watch the reveal trailer SOOOO MUCHH!!! my eyes are going to burn!!!!

    I know, right? When the reveal comes out I am going to study that harder than any of my CSS or Graphics classes that I should be studying for. I got to thinking as well, what if these are just quotes from people in the game? And they have no value? If so, Treyarch will go down as the world's greatest trolls.

  6. Have we considered that the "future is closer than we think" or whatever quote is a reference to our timeframe? Maybe it's Treyarch's way of saying that our assumptions of the game being in the near future is wrong, and the operatives we will be playing as have access to the earliest prototypes of these weapons?

    This. I really hope the next Call of Duty is a direct sequel, if it is a futuristic game like everybody seems, it will look like it was made to compete with GR: FS. Also, if it is futuristic I probably won't even pre-order like all the other CoDs.

    funny thing I pre-ordered GR:FS, P.S BETA IS AWESOME. (and I have extra code)

    It's a good beta so far. I pre-ordered too. But we should get on topic. Me personally I agree with Gordog24p on his views of the newest release

  7. Have we considered that the "future is closer than we think" or whatever quote is a reference to our timeframe? Maybe it's Treyarch's way of saying that our assumptions of the game being in the near future is wrong, and the operatives we will be playing as have access to the earliest prototypes of these weapons?

    This. I really hope the next Call of Duty is a direct sequel, if it is a futuristic game like everybody seems, it will look like it was made to compete with GR: FS. Also, if it is futuristic I probably won't even pre-order like all the other CoDs.

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