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Posts posted by MessedUpHead

  1. I found this on facebook, FPSRussia posted it stating that he would be there.

    Link if the image doesn't work. http://www.atlantazombie.com/images/sto ... bpage7.gif

    What i'm interested in is where it says about the CDD (Centre for Disease Development) trying to control the undead and create their own army, and the survivors are sick of it.

    This got me thinking, will we be seeing this somewhere in zombies? We know we are playing as the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) and the CIA in the 4z4 mode, maybe they will play a bigger role sometime in the storyline?

    What are your thoughts?

  2. With everyone speculating on who or what is driving the bus, i thought i would chip in.

    I believe the driver of the bus is in fact a robot, because

    1. it doesn't move or react

    2. The robotic voice

    3. Well, everyone else has pointed out the reasons, i think someone posted something about the bus driving on indentation on the road.

    The main reason i think it's a robot driving is this.


    By the way, it's in russian but with english subtitles.

    Basically, it's a russian animation based on Ray Bradbury's short story, There will come soft rains. Main article for the story here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_Will ... hort_story)

    It's basically about a house which carries on running, doing its daily tasks even though the family occupying it is dead and the world has been completely destroyed, which is basically what the teaser looked like to me, automatic bus still running, following the same track. The russian animation has a creepy feeling to it, which is why I think Treyarch is using a robot to automatically drive the bus, to add creepiness to the map.

    Anyway, it got me thinking, maybe this bus just drives automatically round the map, and stops at each stop, for lets say 10 seconds, you can get on the bus and stay on it, while zombies attack it, and you can get off at the next stop, so a quicker way to get around the map, but with the added danger of zombies.

    What do you think?

  3. Haven't posted here for a while.

    Certainly looks real, although if it's fake its a very good fake.

    things i have spotted:

    Too advanced for 935?

    scrawls on the middle left that looks like "isn't our problem any more

    A faint scrawl saying zero point energy

    another faint scrawl saying telekinesis i think

    text on bottom right "at least the f***ing girl and those bloody dogs have stopped showing up, i think the rest say i've got a plan, last bit says this is MORSE

    That zombie looks like it has some kind of plate on it, possibly gives it powers, telekinesis?

    symbol next to to the zombie head, i think it's the iluminati but for the life of me i cannot remember

    illustartion on the left looks like it attaches to an arm, looks like some kind of gun, possibly a zero point energy gun?

    Thats it so far, it looks like a cyborg type zombie :o



    the text on the middle left says she isn't our problem anymore, possibly referring to samantha?

  4. How about parts of the map that change every few rounds for example, a door could close on a building and would stay closed for that round, or a rotating bridge would rotate randomly, sending you in a different direction, like the mud trap maze in Shangri-la.

    Wunder weapon idea: the pressure gun. it fires a pressurised bubble and traps the zombies within it and slowly crushes them into a small lump. It could also be used as a barrier to revive someone, you just shoot it and any zombies that don't get trapped in the bubble within the first second or 2 will be blocked by the bubble, therefore giving you time to revive a team mate. Team mates will be able to walk through it but will take some damage. It will have a 3 round clip and 12 spare maybe more. When pack-a-punched it will have a 6 round clip with 24 spare, also when you shoot it the bubble closes in on itself then will expand rapidly letting out a shock-wave that will stun any zombies nearby and knock them to the floor giving you more time to escape or revive. If there is a crawler they wont be killed (unless trapped in the bubble) but they will get blown back further than regular zombies.

    Let me know what you think :D

  5. Heres an idea: the pressure gun. it fires a pressurised bubble and traps the zombies within it and slowly crushes them into a small lump. It could also be used as a barrier to revive someone, you just shoot it and any zombies that don't get trapped in the bubble within the first second or 2 will be blocked by the bubble, therefore giving you time to revive a team mate. Team mates will be able to walk through it but will take some damage. It will have a 3 round clip and 12 spare maybe more. When pack-a-punched it will have a 6 round clip with 24 spare, also when you shoot it the bubble closes in on itself then will expand rapidly letting out a shock-wave that will stun any zombies nearby and knock them to the floor giving you more time to escape or revive. If there is a crawler they wont be killed (unless trapped in the bubble) but they will get blown back further than regular zombies.

  6. Does anyone else think when you go down there should be a button you can press to shout and give the player reviving you a warning when there are zombies behind you, kinda like the way you can call for your team mate in modern warfare? The amount of times i've gone down reviving someone because they wasted all their bullets is just silly.

  7. For instance, one way this could work is if you have 1xp awarded for every zombie you kill multiplied by the current round number and you get awarded 5xp for every round you complete (revives don't give xp because of the potential for milking via suicide/revive). There could also be various amounts of experience rewarded for number of downs versus revives, challenges to complete (kill 2000 zombies in one game on *map*), or do like Blops multiplayer and have lifetime challenges (Get 1000 revives, Get 5000 headshots, Get 100 downs, PaP 250 weapons, the list goes on)

    Sounds like gears horde mode, which is awesome by the way :D

  8. How about a twist on the boss rounds?

    I was thinking for the boss rounds a certain weapon had to be used in order to kill them, such as a turret like the ones in kino, bullet weapons could kill them in the earlier rounds but at late rounds you will need those mounted weapons to kill them, it also helps to get rid of your extra points.

    Or there could be a certain way to kill them such as throwing an explosive at them then using a turret or a certain weapon to finish them off.


    If traps are going to be included underpower them, people moan about them not being there but i think its far too easy to get a train going, spray bullets into them and lead them into a trap and repeat.

    How about a cage trap? what it does is it traps a group of zombies in there for 30 seconds,then releases them. Useful do do some damage to them safely or grab weapons etc. Also to avoid griefing or trolling whatever you want to call it it wont trap your teammates, they will be able to walk through it, so they cant get trapped. Zombies will still be able to hurt you though if you walk into the trap.


    The ability to close doors after they have been opened, it will cost half the price of what it costs to open it, and can only be done once each round, zombies can still break the door and get in but it will take 3 to 5x as long as breaking a normal barrier, therefore giving you a bit of breathing time and getting rid of those points.


    This one may sound a bit odd but how about a perk which when bought protects your other perks, so when you go down you wont lose your perks except the protect-a-perk one, it would have to cost a lot though so its not overpowered, it still sounds a bit silly to me but putting it out there anyway.

    What do you think? What's good and what's bad? :D

  9. Okay well to me the red and green look like parts to a vehicle maybe a shuttle or something while the yellow and orange look like different stage engines and the pink or the railing looks to me to be something holding it at a dock or something so like others said a rocket or something like it but im kinda leaning more toward the artillery thing my self.

    It could be a giant artillery piece, like the pictures someones put up, but much much bigger, or a giant gun for use in a robot suit, think avatar :lol:

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