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Posts posted by lackingvoltage

  1. My idea for pro perks is this. After you buy a perk you can pay go to the machine again and pay 1500 to upgrade it. Here's the effects:

    Quick Revive: In solo, unlimited Mustang and Sally ammo while in Last Stand. (or whatever other weapon they use) In co-op, longer bleed-out time when in Last Stand.

    Double Tap: No arming time for grenades and other equipment.

    Jugger-Nog: Faster health recharge.

    Speed Cola: Switch weapons faster.

    PHD Flopper: Don't flinch or stop sprinting when hit.

    Stamin-Up: Faster weapon draw after running.

    Deadshot Daiquiri: Faster ADS.

    Mule Kick: 6 lethal grenades and 4 tactical grenades.

    Also, when you upgrade a perk, it's logo on your HUD changes from the pentagon shape to a star shape.

    As you can probably tell, I did my best to make the extra effects helpful but not so helpful that they make the game too easy.

  2. - leads to more speculation whether we're getting a new zombie gang who fight with or along our classic gang.

    This will probably not even link into the storyline at all. It's just a fun game mode by the sounds of it.

    Like I've said before; The story will be told through classic 4 player zombies, like in Black Ops and World at War.

    This and all the other game modes will have nothing to do with the storyline. At most, the only story connection it has will be like Multiplayer, where it's self explanatory why these characters/teams are fighting one another in these locations, due to that CoD's storyline.

    I also believe it'll just be random soldiers we play as, not anyone specific to the story.

    This is exactly what I was thinking. I think the "normal" mode will remain the 4p co-op we've come to know and love, and the vs. gametypes will be more casual, and won't feature the characters, probably generic soldier characters like you said. I dont think there will be 5-8p co-op either, cause that would just be too hectic, and I think they wouldve mentioned that along w/ 4v4 if it was so. Im starting to feel a little better about this 8p Zombies idea. Lets see how it turns out...

  3. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/article ... lack-Ops-2

    Maybe not gameplay, but we might get some new Zombies info at E3. If you read this article, the guy says he got the info from a sneak peak at the BO2 E3 presentation. He talks about how Zombs is bigger, more ambitious, etc. this time around, and also confirms 4v4 co-op. The fact that this info came from a "sneak peak" makes me think that this is just a small sample of what we'll get regarding Zombs at E3. Like I said, I highly doubt we'll be getting gameplay, but at the very least I think we'll be getting some new info and maybe even a cinematic trailer.

  4. I never asked for this.

    Still not too excited though. I really wonder who they were trying to appeal to. \

    Also, the article said "4v4 zombie mode which may hint at two teams fighting each other."

    Ya don't say?

    Yeah, to be frank I feel like they should be keeping the old Zombies formula with 4-player co-op. The vs. gametypes sound like they're not gonna have the traditional Zombies feel of isolation and dependency on your teammates. (see my thread "Fattening up Zombies")

  5. Very interesting if true. Weirdly, not yet mentioned on any other sites, but could just be these guys are ahead of the game here.

    Could work, but I just don't want it turning into a Left For Dead style gamemode, no matter how good L4D is. I just don't see it working too well in CoD, but that's just IMO.

    Nice find though!

    Thanks. I think they're just ahead of the game, cause they mentioned that this info came directly from Mark Lamia via a sneakpeak at BO2's E3 event. Speaking of which, could this mean we'll see some Zombies or get some Zombies info at E3? I sure hope so!

    And I agree with you on the L4D point, I think player-controlled zombies just wouldn't work or feel right in CoD Zombies. However, I'm also skeptical about having 8 human players in a single Zombies game together. We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out...

  6. The waffe has NEVER killed 24 zombies! I dont even know how people think that. Go upgrade it right now on waw and hoard all zombies it will only kill ten.

    Yeah, 24 zombies is the maximum amount that can be on the map at once, at least in WaW, not sure about BO.

    Well since this game is supposed to have a riot shield, I would love to see one that when you bash emits kind of a pulse that acts like the thundergun. It can be less powerful but have unlimited ammo unless you let the zombies get to close a break it.


    Here's my idea for a wonder weapon. It's called the Aging Gun. You fire it at zombies and it releases a wave of energy, which causes the zombies to quickly grow old and wrinkly, hunch over, gradually move slower and get older, and eventually turn to dust and die. Upgraded it would do the same except backwards: it would make the zombies shrink into children, then into babies and start crawling, and eventually turn into zygotes and shrink so tiny until they virtually pop out of existence. The zombies would also become weaker both offensively and defensively as the transformation takes place for both versions of the gun, though the upgraded version would slightly magnify this to make it "better" than the normal version.

  7. This is probably exactly what they had in mind when they were planning the Paris map. If you didn't know, what became Moon was originally going to be the Paris map, as proven at CoDXP when the map's codename was revealed to have been "paris". I hope they follow through with this idea, cause it would make such a great map.

  8. You think theyll have that come back? I think playing co-op will work with how they describe the strike force missions....

    Probably not, sadly. I saw in an interview about Black Ops II a Treyarch rep said that Zombies was their "co-op mode", implying that it's the ONLY co-op mode in the game.

  9. Looks similar to the multiplayer map Hanger 18

    It does indeed look like Hangar 18, and that leads me to believe that if this is a Zombies map then it takes place inside Area 51. If so, then it probably features the cast from after the Moon easter egg. (I think the post-apocalyptic city map hinted at by the poster will have a new cast.) And maybe there will be weapon prototypes there as a way to incorperate the new 2025 weapons. It's farfetched, sure, but hey, this is Zombies - they had teleporters in the WWII era.

  10. I am worried about Zombies in BO2. Zombies was the reason I bought WaW and BO, but I think that they are fattening up Zombies too much now. I mean, 8 players? Team gametypes? The thing that worried me most was when Mark Lamia said that "...more isn't always better. Except with zombies." It just goes to show that Treyarch has adopted the idea that more stuff in Zombies is better, and I think that is what will cause it to go down the shitter. More features does not equal better. They are now focusing on getting as much crap into it as possible, rather than focusing on making it fun and intuitive. Just look at Moon. I think they REALLY got carried away with this map, and not in a good way. Having to worry about the oxygen levels, the necessity of having your whole team together JUST to get Jugg, and much more made this map too overcomplicated to even be much fun, and I think this is the direction Zombies is heading in. Two of my favorite maps are Shang and Five, which happen to be two of the least popular maps (Guess I'm in the minority here, huh?) because of how simple yet fun they are, and I also like that they are difficult and require team cooperation, BUT they don't force you to stay together like Moon does. That's just my two cents, I know many won't agree with me, but what is your opinion on Treyarch's new philosophy of more=better in Zombies?

  11. I just don't like the idea of more than 4 players in a Zombies game. It seems like it would be too chaotic and I also think it will take away from the feelings of isolation and dependancy on your teammates that have made Zombies such an intense game mode. Now it seems like it will just be a big free-for-all. Anyways, I hope this was misinterpreted by reporters, cause I really hate the idea of having an 8-player co-op team in Zombies. Perhaps it's only for one (or several) of the new Zombies gane modes they mentioned. Either way, I hope classic 4-player Zombies will remain a focus of Treyarch's. I'd hate to see Zombies go down the shitter like many survival modes in games have and become more of a shooting gallery mode than a real survival mode.

  12. I remember about half of the intel images on the CoD homepage were still classified, are they gonna continue with it or what, cause I can't find a way to get back to that page.

    Edit: Nevermind, I figured out how to get back to it, go to the BO2 section then click Classified Dashboard.

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