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Posts posted by DragonZeta99

  1. Another idea I would love: I wish in Black Ops they had randomized everything. Randomize the perk-a-colas in each map, randomize the super wonder weapons (i.e Thundergun on Call of the Dead or maybe JGB on "Five"), and also randomize the special zombies like maybe one time you'll have George on Kino or space monkeys on Verruckt. It would've built so much variety for the game.

  2. Hello to anyone reading this. I came to this forum seeking help about a weird problem. I can't make any crawlers at all on solo or splitscreen. I can, however, make crawlers while online playing with other players. I don't know if it's a glitch or not, but this happened recently. No explosive weapon (Ray Gun, LAW, China Lake, etc.) or grenades would make ANY of the zombies into crawlers at any round. So if someone has a similar situation like mine, can you help me please?

  3. I like the idea, but it's just the means of getting and using the 2nd tier pack-a-punch is just too much. There should be a different way for using the 2nd tier/3rd tier pack-a-punch machine. Notice how the most expensive thing in the game is only 5,000 points, something the average player can get to. The average player can't get to 20,000 points without having to worry about getting downed and rebuying all the perks. I like that other guy's idea about finding rare earth elements. Like, if you're doing co-op all the players can collect various earth elements and then combine them all at the pack-a-punched machine unlocking the 2nd tier and getting different ones for the third tier.

  4. The majority of my downs are because of lag no doubt. The others are just bad maneuvering. Like trying to squeeze between two groups of zombies and end up getting stuck. And also on Ascension because of the lander. I sometimes train in the spawn area and I forget about the lander sometimes and I just end up in a bad situation.

  5. I got a chrome Afterburner before. And the same thing happened to me with both the L96A1 and the Dragunov. You can't see the scope. I also notice it seems to only happen on solo. I never have this problem in co-op. It's a pain when your trying to kill George with the snipers though.

  6. This does occasionally happen on Call of the Dead. What's happening is George is teleporting to another area of water immediately before going underwater. If you look closely, you can see George teleport and a quick red flash appear before disappearing completely.

    Next time this happens, quickly run to a surrounding body of water to find your perk and Wunderwaffe. If the two bodies of water are close enough, you can still savage your rewards, but it's usually quite hard to get them if they're not close.

    Ah, well thanks. I just couldn't understand what was happening. But, why exactly does this happen? Did Treyarch just put this in to troll us (like how two people can get downed when using the teleporter at the same time on Five, or Gersch Device fails)?

  7. So I was just doing a normal Call of the Dead game on solo and I was aiming for getting all eight perks from killing George. I got five of them and for my sixth one, I tried something different. I tried killing George only with the Ballistic Knife and Sickle. It was working kinda slow, but it was worth it to conserve ammo. Then, I finally killed him. Then, I'm like "Yes! Almost there!" But, when I killed him, he just instantly disappeared not like how he usually just slowly walks off. He didn't drop a perk or anything. Then, I heard Samantha's laugh. What the hell just happened?!

  8. Tough choice, instinctively I'd go for spectre - lack of ammo, shocking sights.

    China lake can be used well as part of some coop strats.

    Ballistic is good just for kiting really, and shooting a zombie in the head with a knife is truly satisfying.

    I like everything else unpaped in some way or the other.

    Thinking whilst posting I dislike the spectre the most...not sure if it's really the worst?

    Think about it this way. The spectre is similar to the MPL except you can buy ammo of the wall for it. Cancel out that option and it would be like saying an MPL is worse than a China Lake. :|

  9. Cancelling out their ability to pack-a-punch, what do you think is the worst weapon out of the box? I would say the Ballistic Knife with the China Lake being a close second. The Ballistic Knife is good for early rounds when your just taking out zombies individually, but when your starting to make trains, this weapon is useless. The low ammo is a pain, the difficulty of killing the zombies takes forever, and even trying to get your knife back is hard too, because they are probably still stuck in the zombie. Now, on to the China Lake. It's good when taking out a max train, but like those gas crawlers, they disorient you, which is a heavy disadvantage for the weapon. And it also counts as a hit mark if you shoot it too close, so this is one of the weapons that actually require a perk to improve your survival.

  10. I think there should be a map that randomizes the location of the off the wall weapons with each round that you pass, making it more of a challenge. Like, say you have the Ak-74u in the spawn location, but in the next round the off wall weapon there is now an Olympia.

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